require 'active_record' class PgCsv # opts: # :sql => "select u.*, p.* from users u, projects p where p.user_id = order by email limit 100" # :connection => AR.connection # :delimiter => ["\t", ",", ] # :header => boolean, use pg header for fields? # :logger => logger # :columns => manual array of column names, ignore :header option # :temp_file => boolean, generating throught temp file, final file appears by mv # :temp_dir => path, ex: /tmp # :type => :plain - return full string # => :gzip - save file to gzip # => :stream - save to stream # => :file - just save to file * default def initialize(opts = {}) @options = opts end # do export :to - filename or stream def export(to, opts = {}) @local_options = opts with_temp_file(to, o(:temp_file), o(:temp_dir)) do |_to| export_to(_to) end end protected def with_temp_file(to, use_temp_file, tmp_dir) if use_temp_file check_to_str(to) require 'fileutils' require 'tempfile' tempfile ="pg_csv", tmp_dir || '/tmp') yield(tempfile.path), to) info "<=== moving export to #{to}" else yield(to) end end def export_to(to) exporter = method(:export_to_stream).to_proc start = info "===> start generate export #{to}, type: #{type}" result = nil case type when :file check_to_str(to), 'w', &exporter) when :gzip check_to_str(to), &exporter) when :stream exporter[to] when :plain require 'stringio' sio = exporter[sio] result = sio.string end info "<=== finished write #{to} in #{ - start}" result end def check_to_str(to) raise "to should be an string" unless to.is_a?(String) end def export_to_stream(stream) write_csv(stream) stream.flush end def write_csv(stream) count = 0 load_data do |row| count += 1 stream.write prepare_row(row) end info "<= done exporting (#{count}) records." count end def load_data info "#{query}" conn = connection.raw_connection info "=> query" q = conn.exec(query) info "<= query" info "=> write data" yield(columns_str) if columns_str while row = conn.get_copy_data() yield row end info "<= write data" q.clear end def query <<-SQL COPY ( #{o(:sql)} ) TO STDOUT WITH CSV DELIMITER '#{delimiter}' #{use_pg_header? ? 'HEADER' : ''} SQL end def prepare_row(row) row end def info(message) if logger end # ==== options/defaults ============= def o(key) @local_options[key] || @options[key] end def connection o(:connection) || (defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) ? ActiveRecord::Base.connection : nil) end def logger o(:logger) end def type o(:type) || :file end def use_pg_header? o(:header) && !o(:columns) end def columns_str if o(:columns) col = o(:columns) if col.is_a?(Array) col.join(delimiter) + "\n" else col + "\n" end end end def delimiter o(:delimiter) || ',' end end