#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'optparse' require 'csv-import-analyzer' # Default options for the executable options = {:input => nil, :metadata_output => nil, :processed_input => nil, :unique => 5, :chunk => 200, :database => [:mysql], :quote_convert => true, :replace_nulls => true, :check_bounds => true} # Parse the options using optparse # prases the input given through command line and set to the respective option # E.g. CsvImportAnalyzer -i "test.csv" # ==> options[:input] = "test.csv" parser = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: CsvImportAnalyzer [options]" opts.on('-i', '--input filename', 'Input file name') do |input| options[:input] = input # todo: be able to handle files not in the current directory end opts.on('-m', '--output-structure filename', 'Output the metadata of file') do |metadata_output| options[:metadata_output] = metadata_output end opts.on('-o', '--output-cleaned filename', 'Output the cleaned csv file name, defaults to current driectory proccessed_(filename).csv ') do |processed_input| options[:processed_input] = processed_input end opts.on('-u', '--unique unique', 'No of Unique values you need, default: 10') do |unique| options[:unique] = unique end opts.on('-c', '--chunk size', 'Chunk size for predecting datatypes, default: 200') do |chunk| options[:chunk] = chunk end # opts.on('-s', '--skip lines', 'skip the number of lines at the top, default: 0') do |skip| # options[:skip] = skip # end opts.on('-d', '--database type', 'MySQL or Postgres, Options: M or P, default: nil(print nothing)') do |database_type| if database_type.nil? options[:database] = nil end end opts.on('-q', '--quotes conversion', 'Convert single quotes to double quotes, options: true or false, default: true') do |quote_convert| options[:quote_convert] = quote_convert end opts.on('-r', '--replace nulls', 'replace empty, Null\'s, \N, NAN with NULL, options: true or false, default: true') do |replace_nulls| options[:replace_nulls] = replace_nulls end opts.on('-h', '--help', 'Displays Help') do puts opts exit end end parser.parse! # Input validations # Make sure a filename is given to the executable filename = nil if options[:input] == nil print " Requires a valid input file name! \n" puts parser exit end puts CsvImportAnalyzer.process(options[:input], options)