#encoding: utf-8 module WeatherFetcher class Provider::OnetPl < HtmlBased def self.provider_name "Onet.pl" end def process(string) @weathers += _process_details(string) @weathers += _process_daily(string) end # Process response body and rip out weather data, details def _process_details(body_raw) body_tmp = body_raw.downcase # if body_tmp =~ /szczeg..owa(.*)Prognoza/ # body = $1 # else # return [] # end body = body_tmp temperatures = body.scan(/([^<]*)<\/b>/) pressures = body.scan(/\>(\d*)\s*hpa\s*\\s*([0-9.]*)\s*mm\s*([0-9.]*)\s*mmteraz <\/span>(\d*)-(\d*)<\/span>/) # time soon time_soon = body.scan(/wkr.tce <\/span>(\d*)-(\d*)<\/span>/) unix_time_today = Time.mktime( Time.now.year, Time.now.month, Time.now.day, 0, 0, 0, 0) unix_time_now_from = unix_time_today + 3600 * time_now[0][0].to_i unix_time_now_to = unix_time_today + 3600 * time_now[0][1].to_i if time_now[0][1].to_i < time_now[0][0].to_i # next day unix_time_now_to += 24 * 3600 end unix_time_soon_from = unix_time_today + 3600 * time_soon[0][0].to_i unix_time_soon_to = unix_time_today + 3600 * time_soon[0][1].to_i if time_soon[0][1].to_i < time_soon[0][0].to_i # next day unix_time_soon_to += 24 * 3600 end if time_now[0][0].to_i > time_soon[0][0].to_i # time soon is whole new day unix_time_soon_from += 24 * 3600 unix_time_soon_to += 24 * 3600 end data = [ { :time_created => Time.now, :time_from => unix_time_now_from, :time_to => unix_time_now_to, :temperature => temperatures[0][0].to_f, :pressure => pressures[0][0].to_f, :wind_kmh => winds[0][0].to_f, :wind => winds[0][0].to_f / 3.6, :snow => snows[0][0].to_f, :rain => rains[0][0].to_f, :provider => self.class.provider_name }, { :time_created => Time.now, :time_from => unix_time_soon_from, :time_to => unix_time_soon_to, :temperature => temperatures[1][0].to_f, :pressure => pressures[1][0].to_f, :wind_kmh => winds[1][0].to_f, :wind => winds[1][0].to_f / 3.6, :snow => snows[1][0].to_f, :rain => rains[1][0].to_f, :provider => self.class.provider_name } ] return data end # Process response body and rip out weather data, daily def _process_daily(body_raw) body_tmp = body_raw.downcase body = body_tmp #times = time_now = body.scan(/([0-9.]+)<\/span>/) times = body.scan(/(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2})\.(\d{4})<\/span>/) times = times.collect { |t| t_from = Time.mktime( t[2].to_i, t[1].to_i, t[0].to_i, 0, 0, 0, 0) { :time_from => t_from, :time_to => t_from + 24*3600 } } #puts times.size #puts times.inspect temperatures = body.scan(/([-.0-9]+)<\/span>\s*]*>([-.0-9]+)<\/span>/) temperatures = temperatures.collect { |t| { :temperature_night => t[1].to_f, :temperature_day => t[0].to_f, :temperature => (t[0].to_f + t[1].to_f)/2.0 } } #puts temperatures.size #puts temperatures.inspect #exit! #pressures = body.scan(/>(\d+)\s*hpa([0-9.]*)\s*mm\s*([0-9.]*)\s*mm Time.now, :time_from => times[i][:time_from], :time_to => times[i][:time_to], :temperature => temperatures[i][:temperature], :pressure => pressures[i], :wind_kmh => winds[i] * 3.6, :wind => winds[i], :snow => snows[i], :rain => rains[i], :provider => self.class.provider_name } data << h end return data end end end