require 'rbbt/rest/common/misc' module RbbtRESTHelpers def input_label(id, name, description = nil, default = nil, options = {}) options ||= {} text = consume_parameter :label, options if text.nil? text = name.to_s text += html_tag('span', " (default: " << default.to_s << ")", :class => 'input_default') unless default.nil? end label_id = id.nil? ? nil : 'label_for__' << id html_tag('label', text, {:id => label_id, :for => id, :title => description}.merge(options)) end def file_or_text_area(id, name, value, tsv = false) text_area_string = tsv ? "or use the text area below (you may use ',' intead of tabs)" : "or use the text area below" html_tag("input", nil, :type => "file", :id => (id.nil? ? nil : id + "__" + "param_file"), :name => name.to_s + "__" + "param_file") + html_tag("span", text_area_string, :class => "file_or_text_area") + html_tag("textarea", value || "" , :name => name, :id => id ) end def form_input(name, type, default = nil, current = nil, description = nil, id = nil, extra = {}) html_options = consume_parameter(:html_options, extra) || {} no_file = extra[:no_file] if extra case type when :multiple choices = consume_parameter(:choices, extra) default = default.collect{|o| o.to_s} if default current = current.collect{|o| o.to_s} if current input_label(id, name, description, Array === default ? default * ", " : nil, extra) + choices.collect do |choice| choice_name = name.to_s + "[#{ choice }]" check_true = (current && current.include?(choice.to_s)) || (default && default.include?(choice.to_s)) check_true = false if check_true.nil? check_false = ! check_true choice_id = id + "[#{ Misc.snake_case(choice) }]" if id false_id = choice_id + '_false' true_id = choice_id + '_true' else false_id = nil true_id = nil end choice_html = html_tag("input", nil, :type => :checkbox, :checked => check_true, :name => choice_name, :value => "true", :id => choice_id) + input_label(choice_id, choice, choice, nil, extra.merge({:class => :inline})) html_tag('span', choice_html, :class => 'choice') end * "\n" when :boolean current = param2boolean(current) unless current.nil? default = param2boolean(default) unless default.nil? check_true = current.nil? ? default : current check_true = false if check_true.nil? check_false = ! check_true if id false_id = id + '__' << 'false' true_id = id + '__' << 'true' else false_id = nil true_id = nil end input_label(id, name, description, default, extra) + html_tag("input", nil, :type => :checkbox, :checked => check_true, :name => name, :value => "true", :id => id) + html_tag("input", nil, :type => :hidden, :name => name.to_s + "_checkbox_false", :value => "false") when :string, :float, :integer, :hidden value = current.nil? ? default : current input_type = case type when :string "text" when :hidden "hidden" else "number" end step = case type when :string nil when :float "any" when :integer 1 end if input_type == 'hidden' html_tag("input", nil, html_options.merge(:type => input_type, :name => name, :value => value, :id => id, :step => step)) else input_label(id, name, description, default, extra) + html_tag("input", nil, html_options.merge(:type => input_type, :name => name, :value => value, :id => id, :step => step)) end when :tsv, :array, :text, :file value = current.nil? ? default : current value = value * "\n" if Array === value if no_file input_label(id, name, description, nil, extra) + html_tag("textarea", value || "" , :name => name, :id => id ) else input_label(id, name, description, nil, extra) + file_or_text_area(id, name, value, type == :tsv) end when :select value = current.nil? ? default : current allow_empty = consume_parameter :allow_empty, extra select_options = consume_parameter :select_options, extra if select_options options = select_options.collect do |option| option, option_name = option if Array === option option_name = option if option_name.nil? html_tag('option', option_name, :value => option, :selected => option.to_s == value.to_s) end else options = [] end options.unshift html_tag('option', 'none', :value => 'none', :selected => value.to_s == 'none') if allow_empty input_label(id, name, description, default, extra) + html_tag('select', options * "\n", html_options.merge(:name => name, :id => id, "attr-selected" => (value ? value.to_s : ""))) else " Unsupported input #{name} #{type} " end end end