# encoding: utf-8 module SportDb ## todo: "old" classic reader - rename to FileReader ?? why? why not? class Reader < ReaderBase attr_reader :include_path def initialize( include_path, opts={}) @include_path = include_path end def create_fixture_reader( name ) path = "#{@include_path}/#{name}.txt" logger.info "parsing data (setup) '#{name}' (#{path})..." FixtureReader.from_file( path ) end def create_club_squad_reader( name, more_attribs={} ) real_name = name_to_real_name( name ) path = "#{@include_path}/#{real_name}.txt" logger.info "parsing data (club squad) '#{name}' (#{path})..." ClubSquadReader.from_file( path, more_attribs ) end def create_national_team_squad_reader( name, more_attribs={} ) real_name = name_to_real_name( name ) path = "#{@include_path}/#{real_name}.txt" logger.info "parsing data (national team squad) '#{name}' (#{path})..." NationalTeamSquadReader.from_file( path, more_attribs ) end def create_season_reader( name ) real_name = name_to_real_name( name ) path = "#{@include_path}/#{real_name}.txt" logger.info "parsing data (season) '#{name}' (#{path})..." SeasonReader.from_file( path ) end def create_assoc_reader( name ) real_name = name_to_real_name( name ) path = "#{@include_path}/#{real_name}.txt" logger.info "parsing data (assoc) '#{name}' (#{path})..." AssocReader.from_file( path ) end def create_ground_reader( name, more_attribs={} ) real_name = name_to_real_name( name ) path = "#{@include_path}/#{real_name}.txt" logger.info "parsing data (ground) '#{name}' (#{path})..." GroundReader.from_file( path, more_attribs ) end def create_league_reader( name, more_attribs={} ) real_name = name_to_real_name( name ) path = "#{@include_path}/#{real_name}.txt" logger.info "parsing data (league) '#{name}' (#{path})..." LeagueReader.from_file( path, more_attribs ) end def create_team_reader( name, more_attribs={} ) real_name = name_to_real_name( name ) path = "#{@include_path}/#{real_name}.txt" logger.info "parsing data (team) '#{name}' (#{path})..." TeamReader.from_file( path, more_attribs ) end def create_event_reader( name, more_attribs={} ) real_name = name_to_real_name( name ) path = "#{@include_path}/#{real_name}.yml" logger.info "parsing data (event) '#{name}' (#{path})..." EventReader.from_file( path, more_attribs ) end def create_event_table_reader( name, more_attribs={} ) real_name = name_to_real_name( name ) path = "#{@include_path}/#{real_name}.txt" logger.info "parsing data (event table) '#{name}' (#{path})..." EventTableReader.from_file( path, more_attribs ) end def create_game_reader( name, more_attribs={} ) real_name = name_to_real_name( name ) ## NOTE: pass in .yml as path (that is, event config!!!!) path = "#{@include_path}/#{real_name}.yml" logger.info "parsing data (fixture) '#{name}' (#{path})..." GameReader.from_file( path, more_attribs ) end def create_person_reader( name, more_attribs={} ) ## fix-fix-fix: change to new format e.g. from_file, from_zip etc!!! ## reader = PersonDb::PersonReader.new( include_path ) # reader.read( name, country_id: country.id ) end private def name_to_real_name( name ) # map name to real_name path # name might include !/ for virtual path (gets cut off) # e.g. at-austria!/w-wien/beers becomse w-wien/beers pos = name.index( '!/') if pos.nil? name # not found; real path is the same as name else # cut off everything until !/ e.g. # at-austria!/w-wien/beers becomes # w-wien/beers name[ (pos+2)..-1 ] end end # method name_to_real_name end # class Reader end # module SportDb