# # Author: Waldemar Hummer (hummer@dsg.tuwien.ac.at) # require 'toaster/chef/chef_node_inspector' # $old_node and $new_node must be set before calling this script! class ::Chef class Node def attributes_proxy=(attrs) @attributes_proxy = attrs end def method_missing(sym, *args, &block) @attributes_proxy.send(sym, *args, &block) end end class Resource def method_missing(method_symbol, *args, &block) # code copied from chef/resource.rb if enclosing_provider && enclosing_provider.respond_to?(method_symbol) enclosing_provider.send(method_symbol, *args, &block) else $new_node.send(method_symbol, *args, &block) end end def resources(*args) begin super rescue Object nil end end def notifies(action, resource_spec, timing=:delayed) begin super rescue Object nil end end end module Mixin module ParamsValidate def validate(opts, map) begin super rescue Object nil end end end end module DSL module Recipe $old_mm = ::Chef::DSL::Recipe.instance_method(:method_missing) def attributes_proxy=(attrs) @attributes_proxy = attrs end def respond_to?(sym, included_privates = false) true end def respond_to_missing?(sym, included_privates = false) true end def instance_eval(string, filename=nil, lineno=nil, &block) begin super rescue Object => ex puts "WARN: cannot run instance_eval on recipe: #{ex} - #{ex.backtrace.join("\n")}" puts "WARN: eval string was: #{string}" end end def method_missing(method_symbol, *args, &block) begin # code copied from chef/dsl/recipe.rb # If we have a definition that matches, we want to use that instead. This should # let you do some really crazy over-riding of "native" types, if you really want # to. if has_resource_definition?(method_symbol) evaluate_resource_definition(method_symbol, *args, &block) elsif have_resource_class_for?(method_symbol) # Otherwise, we're rocking the regular resource call route. declare_resource(method_symbol, args[0] && !args[0].empty? ? args[0] : "__some_name__", caller[0], &block) else begin super rescue NoMethodError raise NoMethodError, "No resource or method named `#{method_symbol}' for #{describe_self_for_error}" rescue NameError raise NameError, "No resource, method, or local variable named `#{method_symbol}' for #{describe_self_for_error}" end end if caller.size > 250 puts $old_mm.object_id puts "--" puts ::Chef::DSL::Recipe.instance_method(:method_missing).object_id puts "-------" return nil end rescue Object => ex proxy = @attributes_proxy ? @attributes_proxy : $new_node proxy.send(method_symbol, *args, &block) end end end end end