require 'tc_helper.rb' class TestStyles < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @styles = end def teardown end def test_valid_document schema = Nokogiri::XML::Schema( doc = Nokogiri::XML(@styles.to_xml_string) errors = [] schema.validate(doc).each do |error| errors.push error puts error.message end assert(errors.size == 0) end def test_add_style_border_hash border_count = @styles.borders.size @styles.add_style :border => {:style => :thin, :color => "FFFF0000"} assert_equal(@styles.borders.size, border_count + 1) assert_equal(@styles.borders.last.prs.last.color.rgb, "FFFF0000") assert_raise(ArgumentError) { @styles.add_style :border => {:color => "FFFF0000"} } assert_equal @styles.borders.last.prs.size, 4 end def test_add_style_border_edges @styles.add_style :border => { :style => :thin, :color => "0000FFFF", :edges => [:top, :bottom] } parts = @styles.borders.last.prs parts.each { |pr| assert_equal(pr.color.rgb, "0000FFFF", "Style is applied to #{} properly") } assert(( { |pr| }.sort && ['bottom', 'top']).size == 2, "specify two edges, and you get two border prs") end def test_do_not_alter_options_in_add_style #This should test all options, but for now - just the bits that we know caused some pain options = { :border => { :style => :thin, :color =>"FF000000" } } @styles.add_style options assert_equal options[:border][:style], :thin, 'thin style is stil in option' assert_equal options[:border][:color], "FF000000", 'color is stil in option' end def test_parse_num_fmt f_code = {:format_code => "YYYY/MM"} num_fmt = {:num_fmt => 5} assert_equal(@styles.parse_num_fmt_options, nil, 'noop if neither :format_code or :num_fmt exist') max ={ |nf| nf.numFmtId }.max @styles.parse_num_fmt_options(f_code) assert_equal(@styles.numFmts.last.numFmtId, max + 1, "new numfmts gets next available id") assert(@styles.parse_num_fmt_options(num_fmt).is_a?(Integer), "Should return the provided num_fmt if not dxf") assert(@styles.parse_num_fmt_options(num_fmt.merge({:type => :dxf})).is_a?(Axlsx::NumFmt), "Makes a new NumFmt if dxf") end def test_parse_border_options_hash_required_keys assert_raise(ArgumentError, "Require color key") { @styles.parse_border_options(:border => { :style => :thin }) } assert_raise(ArgumentError, "Require style key") { @styles.parse_border_options(:border => { :color => "FF0d0d0d" }) } assert_nothing_raised { @styles.parse_border_options(:border => { :style => :thin, :color => "FF000000"} ) } end def test_parse_border_basic_options b_opts = {:border => { :diagonalUp => 1, :edges => [:left, :right], :color => "FFDADADA", :style => :thick } } b = @styles.parse_border_options b_opts assert(b.is_a? Integer) assert_equal(@styles.parse_border_options(b_opts.merge({:type => :dxf})).class,Axlsx::Border) assert(@styles.borders.last.diagonalUp == 1, "border options are passed in to the initializer") end def test_parse_border_options_edges b_opts = {:border => { :diagonalUp => 1, :edges => [:left, :right], :color => "FFDADADA", :style => :thick } } @styles.parse_border_options b_opts b = @styles.borders.last left = { |bpr| == :left }[0] right = { |bpr| == :right }[0] top = { |bpr| == :top }[0] bottom = { |bpr| == :bottom }[0] assert_equal(top, nil, "unspecified top edge should not be created") assert_equal(bottom, nil, "unspecified bottom edge should not be created") assert(left.is_a?(Axlsx::BorderPr), "specified left edge is set") assert(right.is_a?(Axlsx::BorderPr), "specified right edge is set") assert_equal(,, "edge parts have the same style") assert_equal(, :thick, "the style is THICK") assert_equal(right.color.rgb,left.color.rgb, "edge parts are colors are the same") assert_equal(right.color.rgb,"FFDADADA", "edge color rgb is correct") end def test_parse_border_options_noop assert_equal(@styles.parse_border_options({}), nil, "noop if the border key is not in options") end def test_parse_border_options_integer_xf assert_equal(@styles.parse_border_options(:border => 1), 1) assert_raise(ArgumentError, "unknown border index") {@styles.parse_border_options(:border => 100) } end def test_parse_border_options_integer_dxf b_opts = { :border => { :edges => [:left, :right], :color => "FFFFFFFF", :style=> :thick } } b = @styles.parse_border_options(b_opts) b2 = @styles.parse_border_options(:border => b, :type => :dxf) assert(b2.is_a?(Axlsx::Border), "Cloned existing border object") end def test_parse_alignment_options assert_equal(@styles.parse_alignment_options {}, nil, "noop if :alignment is not set") assert(@styles.parse_alignment_options(:alignment => {}).is_a?(Axlsx::CellAlignment)) end def test_parse_font_using_defaults original = @styles.fonts.first @styles.add_style :b => 1, :sz => 99 created = @styles.fonts.last original_attributes = original.instance_values assert_equal(1, created.b) assert_equal(99, copied = original_attributes.reject{ |key, value| %w(b sz).include? key } copied.each do |key, value| assert_equal(created.instance_values[key], value) end end def test_parse_font_options options = { :fg_color => "FF050505", :sz => 20, :b => 1, :i => 1, :u => :single, :strike => 1, :outline => 1, :shadow => 1, :charset => 9, :family => 1, :font_name => "woot font" } assert_equal(@styles.parse_font_options {}, nil, "noop if no font keys are set") assert(@styles.parse_font_options(:b=>1).is_a?(Integer), "return index of font if not :dxf type") assert_equal(@styles.parse_font_options(:b=>1, :type => :dxf).class, Axlsx::Font, "return font object if :dxf type") f = @styles.parse_font_options(options.merge(:type => :dxf)) color = options.delete(:fg_color) options[:name] = options.delete(:font_name) options.each do |key, value| assert_equal(f.send(key), value, "assert that #{key} was parsed") end assert_equal(f.color.rgb, color) end def test_parse_fill_options assert_equal(@styles.parse_fill_options {}, nil, "noop if no fill keys are set") assert(@styles.parse_fill_options(:bg_color => "DE").is_a?(Integer), "return index of fill if not :dxf type") assert_equal(@styles.parse_fill_options(:bg_color => "DE", :type => :dxf).class, Axlsx::Fill, "return fill object if :dxf type") f = @styles.parse_fill_options(:bg_color => "DE", :type => :dxf) assert(f.fill_type.bgColor.rgb == "FFDEDEDE") end def test_parse_protection_options assert_equal(@styles.parse_protection_options {}, nil, "noop if no protection keys are set") assert_equal(@styles.parse_protection_options(:hidden => 1).class, Axlsx::CellProtection, "creates a new cell protection object") end def test_add_style fill_count = @styles.fills.size font_count = @styles.fonts.size xf_count = @styles.cellXfs.size @styles.add_style :bg_color=>"FF000000", :fg_color=>"FFFFFFFF", :sz=>13, :num_fmt=>Axlsx::NUM_FMT_PERCENT, :alignment=>{:horizontal=>:left}, :border=>Axlsx::STYLE_THIN_BORDER, :hidden=>true, :locked=>true assert_equal(@styles.fills.size, fill_count+1) assert_equal(@styles.fonts.size, font_count+1) assert_equal(@styles.cellXfs.size, xf_count+1) xf = @styles.cellXfs.last assert_equal(xf.fillId, (@styles.fills.size-1), "points to the last created fill") assert_equal(@styles.fills.last.fill_type.fgColor.rgb, "FF000000", "fill created with color") assert_equal(xf.fontId, (@styles.fonts.size-1), "points to the last created font") assert_equal(, 13, "font sz applied") assert_equal(@styles.fonts.last.color.rgb, "FFFFFFFF", "font color applied") assert_equal(xf.borderId, Axlsx::STYLE_THIN_BORDER, "border id is set") assert_equal(xf.numFmtId, Axlsx::NUM_FMT_PERCENT, "number format id is set") assert(xf.alignment.is_a?(Axlsx::CellAlignment), "alignment was created") assert_equal(xf.alignment.horizontal, :left, "horizontal alignment applied") assert_equal(, true, "hidden protection set") assert_equal(, true, "cell locking set") assert_raise(ArgumentError, "should reject invalid borderId") { @styles.add_style :border => 2 } assert_equal(xf.applyProtection, true, "protection applied") assert_equal(xf.applyBorder, true, "border applied") assert_equal(xf.applyNumberFormat,true, "number format applied") assert_equal(xf.applyAlignment, true, "alignment applied") end def test_basic_add_style_dxf border_count = @styles.borders.size @styles.add_style :border => {:style => :thin, :color => "FFFF0000"}, :type => :dxf assert_equal(@styles.borders.size, border_count, "styles borders not affected") assert_equal(@styles.dxfs.last.border.prs.last.color.rgb, "FFFF0000") assert_raise(ArgumentError) { @styles.add_style :border => {:color => "FFFF0000"}, :type => :dxf } assert_equal @styles.borders.last.prs.size, 4 end def test_add_style_dxf fill_count = @styles.fills.size font_count = @styles.fonts.size dxf_count = @styles.dxfs.size style = @styles.add_style :bg_color=>"FF000000", :fg_color=>"FFFFFFFF", :sz=>13, :alignment=>{:horizontal=>:left}, :border=>{:style => :thin, :color => "FFFF0000"}, :hidden=>true, :locked=>true, :type => :dxf assert_equal(@styles.dxfs.size, dxf_count+1) assert_equal(0, style, "returns the zero-based dxfId") dxf = @styles.dxfs.last assert_equal(@styles.dxfs.last.fill.fill_type.bgColor.rgb, "FF000000", "fill created with color") assert_equal(font_count, (@styles.fonts.size), "font not created under styles") assert_equal(fill_count, (@styles.fills.size), "fill not created under styles") assert(dxf.border.is_a?(Axlsx::Border), "border is set") assert_equal(nil, dxf.numFmt, "number format is not set") assert(dxf.alignment.is_a?(Axlsx::CellAlignment), "alignment was created") assert_equal(dxf.alignment.horizontal, :left, "horizontal alignment applied") assert_equal(, true, "hidden protection set") assert_equal(, true, "cell locking set") assert_raise(ArgumentError, "should reject invalid borderId") { @styles.add_style :border => 3 } end def test_multiple_dxf # add a second style style = @styles.add_style :bg_color=>"00000000", :fg_color=>"FFFFFFFF", :sz=>13, :alignment=>{:horizontal=>:left}, :border=>{:style => :thin, :color => "FFFF0000"}, :hidden=>true, :locked=>true, :type => :dxf assert_equal(0, style, "returns the first dxfId") style = @styles.add_style :bg_color=>"FF000000", :fg_color=>"FFFFFFFF", :sz=>13, :alignment=>{:horizontal=>:left}, :border=>{:style => :thin, :color => "FFFF0000"}, :hidden=>true, :locked=>true, :type => :dxf assert_equal(1, style, "returns the second dxfId") end def test_valid_document_with_font_options font_options = { :fg_color => "FF050505", :sz => 20, :b => 1, :i => 1, :u => :single, :strike => 1, :outline => 1, :shadow => 1, :charset => 9, :family => 1, :font_name => "woot font" } @styles.add_style font_options schema = Nokogiri::XML::Schema( doc = Nokogiri::XML(@styles.to_xml_string) errors = [] schema.validate(doc).each do |error| errors.push error puts error.message end assert(errors.size == 0) end end