require 'open3' module Bookmaker module Parser autoload :HTML , "bookmaker/parser/html" autoload :PDF , "bookmaker/parser/pdf" autoload :Epub , "bookmaker/parser/epub" autoload :Mobi , "bookmaker/parser/mobi" # autoload :Txt , "bookmaker/parser/txt" class Base # The e-book directory. # attr_accessor :root_dir # Where the text files are stored. # attr_accessor :source def self.parse(root_dir) new(root_dir).parse end def initialize(root_dir) @root_dir = @source = root_dir.join("text") end # Return directory's basename. # def name File.basename(root_dir) end # Return the configuration file. # def config Bookmaker.config(root_dir) end def entries return @entries unless @entries.nil? files = Dir["text/**/*.md"] @entries = {} files.each do |f| k = File.dirname(f) k.gsub!('text/','') @entries[k] = [] if @entries[k].nil? @entries[k] << f end return @entries end def render_template(file, locals = {}){ binding } end def read_content(file) content = begin if content =~ /\A(---\s*\n.*?\n?)^(---\s*$\n?)/m content = "\n#{$'}\n" data = YAML.load($1) end return [content, data] rescue => e puts "Error reading file #{File.join(base, name)}: #{e.message}" rescue SyntaxError => e puts "YAML Exception reading #{File.join(base, name)}: #{e.message}" end end def spawn_command(cmd) begin stdout_and_stderr, status = Open3.capture2e(*cmd) rescue Errno::ENOENT => e puts e.message else puts stdout_and_stderr unless status.success? status.success? end end end end end