@contributors Feature: Edit Article Contributors As a person with edit permissions In order to manage the contributor entries (names) in a MODS document I want to see and edit the contributors associated with an article Scenario: Viewing contributors in edit mode Given I am logged in as "archivist1@example.com" And I am on the edit document page for hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1 Then the "First Name" field should contain "GIVEN NAMES" And the "Last Name" field should contain "FAMILY NAME" # And I should see "Author" within "select[rel=person_0_role_text]" # And the "role" field for "the 1st person" entry should contain "Author" And the "Institution" field should contain "FACULTY, UNIVERSITY" # And I should see a delete contributor button for "the 1st person entry in hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1" # first person entry is not deletable # Then the "First Name" field for "person_1" should contain "Henrietta" # And the "Last Name" field for "person_1" should contain "Lacks" # And the "Role" field for "person_1" should contain "Contributor" # And the "Institution" field for "person_1" should contain "Baltimore" Then I should see "Henrietta" And I should see "Lacks" # And I should see "Contributor" within "select[rel=person_1_role_text]" # Author roles are implicit And I should see "Baltimore" And I should see a delete contributor button for "the 2nd person entry in hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1" Then I should see "NSF" And I should see "Funder" within "select[rel=organization_0_role_text]" And I should see a delete contributor button for "the 1st organization entry in hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1" Then I should see "some conference" And I should see "Host" within "select[rel=conference_0_role_text]" And I should see a delete contributor button for "the 1st conference entry in hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1" @local Scenario: Viewing contributors in edit mode Given I am logged in as "archivist1@example.com" And I am on the edit document page for libra-oa:1 Then the "First Name" field should contain "Mary" And the "Last Name" field should contain "Gibson" And the "Institution" field should contain "University of Virginia" Scenario: Viewing contributors in browse mode Given I am logged in as "archivist1@example.com" And I am on the show document page for hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1 Then I should see "GIVEN NAMES" within "#contributors_list" And I should see "FAMILY NAME" within "#contributors_list" # And I should see "Creator" within "#contributor_role" # Authors role is implicit # And the "role" field for "the 1st person" entry should contain "Author" And I should see "FACULTY, UNIVERSITY" within "#contributors_list" And I should not see a delete contributor button for "the 1st person entry in hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1" # Then the "First Name" field for "person_1" should contain "Henrietta" # And the "Last Name" field for "person_1" should contain "Lacks" # And the "Role" field for "person_1" should contain "Contributor" # And the "Institution" field for "person_1" should contain "Baltimore" Then I should see "Henrietta" And I should see "Lacks" # And I should see "Contributor" within "#person_1 #contributor_role" # Authors role is implicit And I should see "Baltimore" And I should not see a delete contributor button for "the 2nd person entry in hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1" Then I should see "NSF" And I should see "Funder" within "#organization_0" And I should not see a delete contributor button for "the 1st organization entry in hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1" Then I should see "some conference" And I should see "Host" within "#conference_0" And I should not see a delete contributor button for "the 1st conference entry in hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1" @local Scenario: Viewing contributors in browse mode Given I am logged in as "archivist1@example.com" And I am on the show document page for libra-oa:1 Then I should see "Mary Gibson" within "#contributors_list" And I should see "Author" within ".contributor_role" And I should see "University of Virginia" within "#contributors_list" And I should not see a delete contributor button for "the 1st person entry in libra-oa:1"