# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this # work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF # licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'spec_helpers')) require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'packaging', 'packaging_helper')) describe Project, '#manifest' do it 'should include user name' do ENV['USER'] = 'MysteriousJoe' define('foo').manifest['Build-By'].should eql('MysteriousJoe') end it 'should include JDK version' do define('foo').manifest['Build-Jdk'].should =~ /^1\.\d+\.\w+$/ end it 'should include project comment' do desc 'My Project' define('foo').manifest['Implementation-Title'].should eql('My Project') end it 'should include project name if no comment' do define('foo').manifest['Implementation-Title'].should eql('foo') end it 'should include project version' do define('foo', :version=>'2.1').manifest['Implementation-Version'].should eql('2.1') end it 'should not include project version unless specified' do define('foo').manifest['Implementation-Version'].should be_nil end it 'should inherit from parent project' do define('foo', :version=>'2.1') { define 'bar' } project('foo:bar').manifest['Implementation-Version'].should eql('2.1') end end shared_examples_for 'package with manifest' do before do @long_line = 'No line may be longer than 72 bytes (not characters), in its UTF8-encoded form. If a value would make the initial line longer than this, it should be continued on extra lines (each starting with a single SPACE).' end def package_with_manifest(manifest = nil) packaging = @packaging @project = define('foo', :version=>'1.2') do package packaging package(packaging).with(:manifest=>manifest) unless manifest.nil? end end def inspect_manifest(package = nil) package ||= project('foo').package(@packaging) package.invoke yield Buildr::Packaging::Java::Manifest.from_zip(package) end it 'should include default header when no options specified' do ENV['USER'] = 'MysteriousJoe' package_with_manifest # Nothing for default. inspect_manifest do |manifest| manifest.sections.size.should be(1) manifest.main.should == { 'Manifest-Version' =>'1.0', 'Created-By' =>'Buildr', 'Implementation-Title' =>@project.name, 'Implementation-Version' =>'1.2', 'Build-Jdk' =>ENV_JAVA['java.version'], 'Build-By' =>'MysteriousJoe' } end end it 'should not exist when manifest=false' do package_with_manifest false @project.package(@packaging).invoke Zip::ZipFile.open(@project.package(@packaging).to_s) do |zip| zip.file.exist?('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF').should be_false end end it 'should generate a new manifest for a file that does not have one' do Zip::ZipOutputStream.open 'tmp.zip' do |zip| zip.put_next_entry 'empty.txt' end begin manifest = Buildr::Packaging::Java::Manifest.from_zip('tmp.zip') manifest.each do |key, val| Buildr::Packaging::Java::Manifest::STANDARD_HEADER.should include(key) end ensure rm 'tmp.zip' end end it 'should map manifest from hash' do package_with_manifest 'Foo'=>1, :bar=>'Bar' inspect_manifest do |manifest| manifest.sections.size.should be(1) manifest.main['Manifest-Version'].should eql('1.0') manifest.main['Created-By'].should eql('Buildr') manifest.main['Foo'].should eql('1') manifest.main['bar'].should eql('Bar') end end it 'should close the temporary file used for packaging the MANIFEST.MF file' do package_with_manifest 'Foo'=>1, :bar=>'Bar' package = project('foo').package(@packaging) package.invoke module AccessManifestTMP attr_reader :manifest_tmp end (package.dup.extend(AccessManifestTMP).manifest_tmp.closed?).should be_true end it 'should end hash manifest with EOL' do package_with_manifest 'Foo'=>1, :bar=>'Bar' package = project('foo').package(@packaging) package.invoke Zip::ZipFile.open(package.to_s) { |zip| zip.file.read('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF').should =~ /#{Buildr::Packaging::Java::Manifest::LINE_SEPARATOR}$/ } end it 'should break hash manifest lines longer than 72 characters using continuations' do package_with_manifest 'foo'=>@long_line package = project('foo').package(@packaging) inspect_manifest do |manifest| manifest.main['foo'].should == @long_line end end it 'should map manifest from array' do package_with_manifest [ { :foo=>'first' }, { :bar=>'second' } ] inspect_manifest do |manifest| manifest.sections.size.should be(2) manifest.main['Manifest-Version'].should eql('1.0') manifest.main['foo'].should eql('first') manifest.sections.last['bar'].should eql('second') end end it 'should end array manifest with EOL' do package_with_manifest [ { :foo=>'first' }, { :bar=>'second' } ] package = project('foo').package(@packaging) package.invoke Zip::ZipFile.open(package.to_s) { |zip| zip.file.read('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF')[-1].should == ?\n } end it 'should break array manifest lines longer than 72 characters using continuations' do package_with_manifest ['foo'=>@long_line] package = project('foo').package(@packaging) inspect_manifest do |manifest| manifest.main['foo'].should == @long_line end end it 'should put Name: at beginning of section' do package_with_manifest [ {}, { 'Name'=>'first', :Foo=>'first', :bar=>'second' } ] package = project('foo').package(@packaging) package.invoke inspect_manifest do |manifest| manifest.sections[1]["Name"].should == "first" end end it 'should create manifest from proc' do package_with_manifest lambda { 'Meta: data' } inspect_manifest do |manifest| manifest.sections.size.should be(1) manifest.main['Manifest-Version'].should eql('1.0') manifest.main['Meta'].should eql('data') end end it 'should create manifest from file' do write 'MANIFEST.MF', 'Meta: data' package_with_manifest 'MANIFEST.MF' inspect_manifest do |manifest| manifest.sections.size.should be(1) manifest.main['Meta'].should eql('data') end end it 'should give 644 permissions to the manifest' do package_with_manifest [ {}, { 'Name'=>'first', :Foo=>'first', :bar=>'second' } ] package ||= project('foo').package(@packaging) package.invoke Zip::ZipFile.open(package.to_s) do |zip| permissions = format("%o", zip.file.stat('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF').mode) permissions.should match /644$/ end end it 'should not add manifest version twice' do write 'MANIFEST.MF', 'Manifest-Version: 1.9' package_with_manifest 'MANIFEST.MF' package ||= project('foo').package(@packaging) package.invoke Zip::ZipFile.open(package.to_s) do |zip| zip.read('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF').scan(/(Manifest-Version)/m).size.should == 1 end end it 'should give precedence to version specified in manifest file' do write 'MANIFEST.MF', 'Manifest-Version: 1.9' package_with_manifest 'MANIFEST.MF' inspect_manifest do |manifest| manifest.main['Manifest-Version'].should == '1.9' end end it 'should create manifest from task' do file 'MANIFEST.MF' do |task| write task.to_s, 'Meta: data' end package_with_manifest 'MANIFEST.MF' inspect_manifest do |manifest| manifest.sections.size.should be(1) manifest.main['Manifest-Version'].should eql('1.0') manifest.main['Meta'].should eql('data') end end it 'should respond to with() and accept manifest' do write 'DISCLAIMER' mkpath 'target/classes' packaging = @packaging define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(packaging).with :manifest=>{'Foo'=>'data'} } inspect_manifest { |manifest| manifest.main['Foo'].should eql('data') } end it 'should include META-INF directory' do packaging = @packaging package = define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(packaging) }.packages.first package.invoke Zip::ZipFile.open(package.to_s) do |zip| zip.entries.map(&:to_s).should include('META-INF/') end end it 'should inherit manifest from parent project' do packaging = @packaging package = nil define('foo', :version => '1.0') do manifest['Foo'] = '1' package(packaging) define('bar', :version => '1.0') do manifest['bar'] = 'Bar' package(:jar) package = packages.first end end inspect_manifest(package) do |manifest| manifest.sections.size.should be(1) manifest.main['Manifest-Version'].should eql('1.0') manifest.main['Created-By'].should eql('Buildr') manifest.main['Foo'].should eql('1') manifest.main['bar'].should eql('Bar') end end it 'should not modify manifest of parent project' do packaging = @packaging define('foo', :version => '1.0') do manifest['Foo'] = '1' package(packaging) define('bar', :version => '1.0') do manifest['bar'] = 'Bar' package(:jar) end define('baz', :version => '1.0') do manifest['baz'] = 'Baz' package(:jar) end end inspect_manifest(project('foo').packages.first) do |manifest| manifest.sections.size.should be(1) manifest.main['Manifest-Version'].should eql('1.0') manifest.main['Created-By'].should eql('Buildr') manifest.main['Foo'].should eql('1') manifest.main['bar'].should be_nil manifest.main['baz'].should be_nil end inspect_manifest(project('foo:bar').packages.first) do |manifest| manifest.sections.size.should be(1) manifest.main['Manifest-Version'].should eql('1.0') manifest.main['Created-By'].should eql('Buildr') manifest.main['Foo'].should eql('1') manifest.main['bar'].should eql('Bar') manifest.main['baz'].should be_nil end inspect_manifest(project('foo:baz').packages.first) do |manifest| manifest.sections.size.should be(1) manifest.main['Manifest-Version'].should eql('1.0') manifest.main['Created-By'].should eql('Buildr') manifest.main['Foo'].should eql('1') manifest.main['baz'].should eql('Baz') manifest.main['bar'].should be_nil end end end describe Project, '#meta_inf' do it 'should by an array' do define('foo').meta_inf.should be_kind_of(Array) end it 'should include LICENSE file if found' do write 'LICENSE' define('foo').meta_inf.first.should point_to_path('LICENSE') end it 'should be empty unless LICENSE exists' do define('foo').meta_inf.should be_empty end it 'should inherit from parent project' do write 'LICENSE' define('foo') { define 'bar' } project('foo:bar').meta_inf.first.should point_to_path('LICENSE') end it 'should expect LICENSE file parent project' do write 'bar/LICENSE' define('foo') { define 'bar' } project('foo:bar').meta_inf.should be_empty end end shared_examples_for 'package with meta_inf' do def package_with_meta_inf(meta_inf = nil) packaging = @packaging @project = Buildr.define('foo', :version=>'1.2') do package packaging package(packaging).with(:meta_inf=>meta_inf) if meta_inf end end def inspect_meta_inf package = project('foo').package(@packaging) package.invoke assumed = Array(@meta_inf_ignore) Zip::ZipFile.open(package.to_s) do |zip| entries = zip.entries.map(&:name).select { |f| File.dirname(f) == 'META-INF' }.map { |f| File.basename(f) } assumed.each { |f| entries.should include(f) } yield entries - assumed if block_given? end end it 'should default to LICENSE file' do write 'LICENSE' package_with_meta_inf inspect_meta_inf { |files| files.should eql(['LICENSE']) } end it 'should be empty if no LICENSE file' do package_with_meta_inf inspect_meta_inf { |files| files.should be_empty } end it 'should include file specified by :meta_inf option' do write 'README' package_with_meta_inf 'README' inspect_meta_inf { |files| files.should eql(['README']) } end it 'should include files specified by :meta_inf option' do files = ['README', 'DISCLAIMER'].each { |file| write file } package_with_meta_inf files inspect_meta_inf { |files| files.should eql(files) } end it 'should include file task specified by :meta_inf option' do file('README') { |task| write task.to_s } package_with_meta_inf file('README') inspect_meta_inf { |files| files.should eql(['README']) } end it 'should include file tasks specified by :meta_inf option' do files = ['README', 'DISCLAIMER'].each { |file| file(file) { |task| write task.to_s } } package_with_meta_inf files.map { |f| file(f) } inspect_meta_inf { |files| files.should eql(files) } end it 'should complain if cannot find file' do package_with_meta_inf 'README' lambda { inspect_meta_inf }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /README/) end it 'should complain if cannot build task' do file('README') { fail 'Failed' } package_with_meta_inf 'README' lambda { inspect_meta_inf }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /Failed/) end it 'should respond to with() and accept manifest and meta_inf' do write 'DISCLAIMER' mkpath 'target/classes' packaging = @packaging define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(packaging).with :meta_inf=>'DISCLAIMER' } inspect_meta_inf { |files| files.should eql(['DISCLAIMER']) } end end describe Packaging, 'jar' do it_should_behave_like 'packaging' before { @packaging = :jar } it_should_behave_like 'package with manifest' it_should_behave_like 'package with meta_inf' before { @meta_inf_ignore = 'MANIFEST.MF' } it 'should place the manifest as the first entry of the file' do write 'src/main/java/Test.java', 'class Test {}' define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:jar) } project('foo').package(:jar).invoke Zip::ZipFile.open(project('foo').package(:jar).to_s) do |jar| entries_to_s = jar.entries.map(&:to_s).delete_if {|entry| entry[-1,1] == "/"} # Sometimes META-INF/ is counted as first entry, which is fair game. (entries_to_s.first == 'META-INF/MANIFEST.MF' || entries_to_s[1] == 'META-INF/MANIFEST.MF').should be_true end end it 'should use files from compile directory if nothing included' do write 'src/main/java/Test.java', 'class Test {}' define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:jar) } project('foo').package(:jar).invoke Zip::ZipFile.open(project('foo').package(:jar).to_s) do |jar| jar.entries.map(&:to_s).sort.should include('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF', 'Test.class') end end it 'should use files from resources directory if nothing included' do write 'src/main/resources/test/important.properties' define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:jar) } project('foo').package(:jar).invoke Zip::ZipFile.open(project('foo').package(:jar).to_s) do |jar| jar.entries.map(&:to_s).sort.should include('test/important.properties') end end it 'should include class directories' do write 'src/main/java/code/Test.java', 'package code ; class Test {}' define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:jar) } project('foo').package(:jar).invoke Zip::ZipFile.open(project('foo').package(:jar).to_s) do |jar| jar.entries.map(&:to_s).sort.should include('code/') end end it 'should include resource files starting with dot' do write 'src/main/resources/test/.config' define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:jar) } project('foo').package(:jar).invoke Zip::ZipFile.open(project('foo').package(:jar).to_s) do |jar| jar.entries.map(&:to_s).sort.should include('test/.config') end end it 'should include empty resource directories' do mkpath 'src/main/resources/empty' define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:jar) } project('foo').package(:jar).invoke Zip::ZipFile.open(project('foo').package(:jar).to_s) do |jar| jar.entries.map(&:to_s).sort.should include('empty/') end end it 'should raise error when calling with() with nil value' do lambda { define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:jar).with(nil) } }.should raise_error end it 'should exclude resources when ordered to do so' do write 'src/main/resources/foo.xml', '' foo = define('foo', :version => '1.0') { package(:jar).exclude('foo.xml')} foo.package(:jar).invoke Zip::ZipFile.open(foo.package(:jar).to_s) do |jar| jar.entries.map(&:to_s).sort.should_not include('foo.xml') end end end describe Packaging, 'war' do it_should_behave_like 'packaging' before { @packaging = :war } it_should_behave_like 'package with manifest' it_should_behave_like 'package with meta_inf' before { @meta_inf_ignore = 'MANIFEST.MF' } def make_jars artifact('group:id:jar:1.0') { |t| write t.to_s } artifact('group:id:jar:2.0') { |t| write t.to_s } end def inspect_war project('foo').package(:war).invoke Zip::ZipFile.open(project('foo').package(:war).to_s) do |war| yield war.entries.map(&:to_s).sort end end it 'should use files from webapp directory if nothing included' do write 'src/main/webapp/test.html' define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:war) } inspect_war { |files| files.should include('test.html') } end it 'should accept files from :classes option' do write 'src/main/java/Test.java', 'class Test {}' write 'classes/test' define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:war).with(:classes=>'classes') } inspect_war { |files| files.should include('WEB-INF/classes/test') } end it 'should use files from compile directory if nothing included' do write 'src/main/java/Test.java', 'class Test {}' define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:war) } inspect_war { |files| files.should include('WEB-INF/classes/Test.class') } end it 'should ignore compile directory if no source files to compile' do define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:war) } inspect_war { |files| files.should_not include('target/classes') } end it 'should include only specified classes directories' do write 'src/main/java' define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:war).with :classes=>_('additional') } project('foo').package(:war).classes.should_not include(project('foo').file('target/classes')) project('foo').package(:war).classes.should include(project('foo').file('additional')) end it 'should use files from resources directory if nothing included' do write 'src/main/resources/test/important.properties' define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:war) } inspect_war { |files| files.should include('WEB-INF/classes/test/important.properties') } end it 'should include empty resource directories' do mkpath 'src/main/resources/empty' define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:war) } inspect_war { |files| files.should include('WEB-INF/classes/empty/') } end it 'should accept file from :libs option' do write 'lib/foo.jar' define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:war).libs << 'lib/foo.jar' } inspect_war { |files| files.should include('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF', 'WEB-INF/lib/foo.jar') } end it 'should accept artifacts from :libs option' do make_jars define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:war).with(:libs=>'group:id:jar:1.0') } inspect_war { |files| files.should include('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF', 'WEB-INF/lib/id-1.0.jar') } end it 'should accept artifacts from :libs option' do make_jars define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:war).with(:libs=>['group:id:jar:1.0', 'group:id:jar:2.0']) } inspect_war { |files| files.should include('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF', 'WEB-INF/lib/id-1.0.jar', 'WEB-INF/lib/id-2.0.jar') } end it 'should use artifacts from compile classpath if no libs specified' do make_jars define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { compile.with 'group:id:jar:1.0', 'group:id:jar:2.0' ; package(:war) } inspect_war { |files| files.should include('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF', 'WEB-INF/lib/id-1.0.jar', 'WEB-INF/lib/id-2.0.jar') } end it 'should use artifacts from compile classpath if no libs specified, leaving the user specify which to exclude as files' do make_jars define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { compile.with 'group:id:jar:1.0', 'group:id:jar:2.0' ; package(:war).path('WEB-INF/lib').exclude('id-2.0.jar') } inspect_war { |files| files.should include('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF', 'WEB-INF/lib/id-1.0.jar') } end it 'should use artifacts from compile classpath if no libs specified, leaving the user specify which to exclude as files with glob expressions' do make_jars define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { compile.with 'group:id:jar:1.0', 'group:id:jar:2.0' ; package(:war).path('WEB-INF/lib').exclude('**/id-2.0.jar') } inspect_war { |files| files.should include('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF', 'WEB-INF/lib/id-1.0.jar') } end it 'should exclude files regardless of the path where they are included, using wildcards' do make_jars define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { compile.with 'group:id:jar:1.0', 'group:id:jar:2.0' ; package(:war).exclude('**/id-2.0.jar') } inspect_war { |files| files.should include('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF', 'WEB-INF/lib/id-1.0.jar') } end it 'should exclude files regardless of the path where they are included, specifying target path entirely' do make_jars define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { compile.with 'group:id:jar:1.0', 'group:id:jar:2.0' ; package(:war).exclude('WEB-INF/lib/id-2.0.jar') } inspect_war { |files| files.should include('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF', 'WEB-INF/lib/id-1.0.jar') } end it 'should exclude files regardless of the path where they are included for war files' do write 'src/main/java/com/example/included/Test.java', 'package com.example.included; class Test {}' write 'src/main/java/com/example/excluded/Test.java', 'package com.example.excluded; class Test {}' define('foo', :version=>'1.0') do package(:war).enhance do |war| war.exclude('WEB-INF/classes/com/example/excluded/**.class') end end inspect_war do |files| files.should include('WEB-INF/classes/com/example/included/Test.class') files.should_not include('WEB-INF/classes/com/example/excluded/Test.class') end end it 'should include only specified libraries' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do compile.with 'group:id:jar:1.0' package(:war).with :libs=>'additional:id:jar:1.0' end project('foo').package(:war).libs.should_not include(artifact('group:id:jar:1.0')) project('foo').package(:war).libs.should include(artifact('additional:id:jar:1.0')) end end describe Packaging, 'aar' do it_should_behave_like 'packaging' before { @packaging = :aar } it_should_behave_like 'package with manifest' it_should_behave_like 'package with meta_inf' before do write 'src/main/axis2/services.xml' @meta_inf_ignore = ['MANIFEST.MF', 'services.xml'] end def make_jars artifact('group:id:jar:1.0') { |t| write t.to_s } artifact('group:id:jar:2.0') { |t| write t.to_s } end def inspect_aar project('foo').package(:aar).invoke Zip::ZipFile.open(project('foo').package(:aar).to_s) do |aar| yield aar.entries.map(&:to_s).sort end end it 'should automatically include services.xml and any *.wsdl files under src/main/axis2' do write 'src/main/axis2/my-service.wsdl' define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:aar) } inspect_aar { |files| files.should include('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF', 'META-INF/services.xml', 'META-INF/my-service.wsdl') } end it 'should accept files from :include option' do write 'test' define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:aar).include 'test' } inspect_aar { |files| files.should include('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF', 'test') } end it 'should use files from compile directory if nothing included' do write 'src/main/java/Test.java', 'class Test {}' define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:aar) } inspect_aar { |files| files.should include('Test.class') } end it 'should use files from resources directory if nothing included' do write 'src/main/resources/test/important.properties' define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:aar) } inspect_aar { |files| files.should include('test/important.properties') } end it 'should include empty resource directories' do mkpath 'src/main/resources/empty' define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:aar) } inspect_aar { |files| files.should include('empty/') } end it 'should accept file from :libs option' do make_jars define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:aar).with :libs=>'group:id:jar:1.0' } inspect_aar { |files| files.should include('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF', 'lib/id-1.0.jar') } end it 'should accept file from :libs option' do make_jars define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:aar).with :libs=>['group:id:jar:1.0', 'group:id:jar:2.0'] } inspect_aar { |files| files.should include('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF', 'lib/id-1.0.jar', 'lib/id-2.0.jar') } end it 'should NOT use artifacts from compile classpath if no libs specified' do make_jars define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { compile.with 'group:id:jar:1.0', 'group:id:jar:2.0' ; package(:aar) } inspect_aar { |files| files.should include('META-INF/MANIFEST.MF') } end it 'should return all libraries from libs attribute' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do compile.with 'group:id:jar:1.0' package(:aar).with :libs=>'additional:id:jar:1.0' end project('foo').package(:aar).libs.should_not include(artifact('group:id:jar:1.0')) project('foo').package(:aar).libs.should include(artifact('additional:id:jar:1.0')) end end describe Packaging, 'ear' do it_should_behave_like 'packaging' before { @packaging = :ear } it_should_behave_like 'package with manifest' it_should_behave_like 'package with meta_inf' before { @meta_inf_ignore = ['MANIFEST.MF', 'application.xml'] } def inspect_ear project('foo').package(:ear).invoke Zip::ZipFile.open(project('foo').package(:ear).to_s) do |ear| yield ear.entries.map(&:to_s).sort end end def inspect_application_xml project('foo').package(:ear).invoke Zip::ZipFile.open(project('foo').package(:ear).to_s) do |ear| yield REXML::Document.new(ear.read('META-INF/application.xml')).root end end def inspect_classpath(package) project('foo').package(:ear).invoke Zip::ZipFile.open(project('foo').package(:ear).to_s) do |ear| File.open('tmp.zip', 'wb') do |tmp| tmp.write ear.file.read(package) end manifest = Buildr::Packaging::Java::Manifest.from_zip('tmp.zip') yield manifest.main['Class-Path'].split(' ') end end it 'should set display name from project id' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear).display_name.should eql('foo') define 'bar' do package(:ear).display_name.should eql('foo-bar') end end end it 'should set display name in application.xml' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear) end inspect_application_xml { |xml| xml.get_text('/application/display-name').should == 'foo' } end it 'should accept different display name' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear).display_name = 'bar' end inspect_application_xml { |xml| xml.get_text('/application/display-name').should == 'bar' } end it 'should set description in application.xml to project comment if not specified' do desc "MyDescription" define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear) end inspect_application_xml { |xml| xml.get_text('/application/description').should == 'MyDescription' } end it 'should not set description in application.xml if not specified and no project comment' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear) end inspect_application_xml { |xml| xml.get_text('/application/description').should be_nil } end it 'should set description in application.xml if specified' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear).description = "MyDescription" end inspect_application_xml { |xml| xml.get_text('/application/description').should == 'MyDescription' } end it 'should add security-roles to application.xml if given' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear).security_roles << {:id=>'sr1', :description=>'System Administrator', :name=>'systemadministrator'} end inspect_application_xml do |xml| xml.get_text("/application/security-role[@id='sr1']/description").to_s.should eql('System Administrator') xml.get_text("/application/security-role[@id='sr1']/role-name").to_s.should eql('systemadministrator') end end it 'should map WARs to /war directory' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear) << package(:war) end inspect_ear { |files| files.should include('war/foo-1.0.war') } end it 'should map EJBs to /ejb directory' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear).add :ejb=>package(:jar) end inspect_ear { |files| files.should include('ejb/foo-1.0.jar') } end it 'should not modify original artifact for its components' do define 'one', :version => '1.0' do write 'src/main/resources/one.txt', '1' package(:jar) end define 'two', :version => '1.0' do write 'src/main/resources/two.txt', '2' package(:jar) end define 'foo', :version => '1.0' do package(:ear).add project(:one).package(:jar) package(:ear).add :ejb => project(:two).package(:jar) end inspect_ear { |files| files.should include('lib/one-1.0.jar', 'ejb/two-1.0.jar') } Buildr::Packaging::Java::Manifest.from_zip(project('one').package(:jar)).main['Class-Path'].should be_nil Buildr::Packaging::Java::Manifest.from_zip(project('two').package(:jar)).main['Class-Path'].should be_nil inspect_classpath 'ejb/two-1.0.jar' do |classpath| classpath.should include('../lib/one-1.0.jar') end end it 'should map JARs to /lib directory' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear) << package(:jar) end inspect_ear { |files| files.should include('lib/foo-1.0.jar') } end it 'should accept component type with :type option' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear).add package(:jar), :type=>:ejb end inspect_ear { |files| files.should include('ejb/foo-1.0.jar') } end it 'should accept component and its type as type=>artifact' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear).add :ejb=>package(:jar) end inspect_ear { |files| files.should include('ejb/foo-1.0.jar') } end it 'should map typed JARs to /jar directory' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear).add :jar=>package(:jar) end inspect_ear { |files| files.should include('jar/foo-1.0.jar') } end it 'should add multiple components at a time using the type=>component style' do define 'bar', :version => '1.5' do package(:war) # must be added as a webapp package(:jar) # must be added as a shared lib package(:zip) # this one should be excluded end define 'baz', :version => '1.5' do package(:jar, :id => 'one') package(:jar, :id => 'two') end define 'foo', :version => '1.0' do package(:ear).add :lib => project('baz'), :war => project('bar').package(:war), :ejb => project('bar').package(:jar) end inspect_ear do |files| files.should include(*%w{ lib/one-1.5.jar lib/two-1.5.jar war/bar-1.5.war ejb/bar-1.5.jar }) files.should_not satisfy { files.any? { |f| f =~ /\.zip$/ } } end end it 'should add all EAR supported packages when given a project argument' do define 'bar', :version => '1.5' do package(:war) # must be added as a webapp package(:jar) # must be added as a shared lib package(:zip) # this one should be excluded end define 'baz', :version => '1.5' do package(:war) package(:jar) end define 'foo', :version => '1.0' do package(:ear).add projects(:bar, :baz) end inspect_ear do |files| files.should include('war/bar-1.5.war', 'lib/bar-1.5.jar', 'lib/baz-1.5.jar', 'war/baz-1.5.war') files.should_not satisfy { files.any? { |f| f =~ /\.zip$/ } } end end it 'should complain about unknown component type' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do lambda { package(:ear).add package(:zip) }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /ear component/i) end end it 'should allow unknown component types with explicit type' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear).add :lib=>package(:zip) end inspect_ear { |files| files.should include('lib/foo-1.0.zip') } end it 'should accept alternative directory name' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear).add package(:jar), :path=>'trash' end inspect_ear { |files| files.should include('trash/foo-1.0.jar') } end it 'should accept customization of directory map' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear).dirs[:jar] = 'jarred' package(:ear).add :jar=>package(:jar) end inspect_ear { |files| files.should include('jarred/foo-1.0.jar') } end it 'should accept customization of directory map with nil paths in application.xml' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear).dirs[:war] = nil package(:ear).add :war=>package(:war) package(:ear).add package(:jar) end inspect_ear { |files| files.should include('foo-1.0.war') } inspect_application_xml do |xml| xml.get_text("/application/module[@id='foo']/web/web-uri").to_s.should eql('foo-1.0.war') end end it 'should accept customization of directory map with nil paths in the classpath' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear).dirs[:lib] = nil package(:ear).add :war=>package(:war) package(:ear) << package(:jar) end inspect_classpath 'war/foo-1.0.war' do |classpath| classpath.should include('../foo-1.0.jar') end end it 'should list WAR components in application.xml' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear) << package(:war) << package(:war, :id=>'bar') end inspect_application_xml do |xml| xml.get_elements("/application/module[@id='foo'][web]").should_not be_empty xml.get_elements("/application/module[@id='bar'][web]").should_not be_empty end end it 'should specify web-uri for WAR components in application.xml' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear) << package(:war) package(:ear).add package(:war, :id=>'bar'), :path=>'ws' end inspect_application_xml do |xml| xml.get_text("/application/module[@id='foo']/web/web-uri").to_s.should eql('war/foo-1.0.war') xml.get_text("/application/module[@id='bar']/web/web-uri").to_s.should eql('ws/bar-1.0.war') end end it 'should specify context-root for WAR components in application.xml' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear) << package(:war) package(:ear).add package(:war, :id=>'bar') end inspect_application_xml do |xml| xml.get_text("/application/module[@id='foo']/web/context-root").to_s.should eql('/foo') xml.get_text("/application/module[@id='bar']/web/context-root").to_s.should eql('/bar') end end it 'should accept context-root for WAR components in application.xml' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear).add package(:war), :context_root=>'rooted' end inspect_application_xml do |xml| xml.get_text("/application/module[@id='foo']/web/context-root").to_s.should eql('/rooted') end end it 'should allow disabling the context root' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear).add package(:war), :context_root=>false end inspect_application_xml do |xml| xml.get_elements("/application/module[@id='foo']/web/context-root").should be_empty end end it 'should list EJB components in application.xml' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear).add :ejb=>package(:jar) package(:ear).add :ejb=>package(:jar, :id=>'bar') end inspect_application_xml do |xml| xml.get_text("/application/module[@id='foo']/ejb").to_s.should eql('ejb/foo-1.0.jar') xml.get_text("/application/module[@id='bar']/ejb").to_s.should eql('ejb/bar-1.0.jar') end end it 'should list JAR components in application.xml' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear) << { :jar=>package(:jar) } << { :jar=>package(:jar, :id=>'bar') } end inspect_application_xml do |xml| jars = xml.get_elements('/application/jar').map(&:texts).map(&:join) jars.should include('jar/foo-1.0.jar', 'jar/bar-1.0.jar') end end it 'should update WAR component classpath to include libraries' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear) << package(:jar, :id=>'lib1') << package(:jar, :id=>'lib2') package(:ear).add package(:war) end inspect_classpath 'war/foo-1.0.war' do |classpath| classpath.should include('../lib/lib1-1.0.jar', '../lib/lib2-1.0.jar') end end it 'should update WAR component classpath but skip internal libraries' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear) << package(:jar, :id=>'lib1') << package(:jar, :id=>'lib2') package(:war).with(:libs=>package(:jar, :id=>'lib1')) package(:ear).add package(:war) end inspect_classpath 'war/foo-1.0.war' do |classpath| classpath.should_not include('../lib/lib1-1.0.jar') classpath.should include('../lib/lib2-1.0.jar') end end it 'should update EJB component classpath to include libraries' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear) << package(:jar, :id=>'lib1') << package(:jar, :id=>'lib2') package(:ear).add :ejb=>package(:jar, :id=>'foo') end inspect_classpath 'ejb/foo-1.0.jar' do |classpath| classpath.should include('../lib/lib1-1.0.jar', '../lib/lib2-1.0.jar') end end it 'should update JAR component classpath to include libraries' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:ear) << package(:jar, :id=>'lib1') << package(:jar, :id=>'lib2') package(:ear).add :jar=>package(:jar, :id=>'foo') end inspect_classpath 'jar/foo-1.0.jar' do |classpath| classpath.should include('../lib/lib1-1.0.jar', '../lib/lib2-1.0.jar') end end it 'should deal with very long classpaths' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do 20.times { |i| package(:ear) << package(:jar, :id=>"lib#{i}") } package(:ear).add :jar=>package(:jar, :id=>'foo') end inspect_classpath 'jar/foo-1.0.jar' do |classpath| classpath.should include('../lib/lib1-1.0.jar', '../lib/lib2-1.0.jar') end end it 'should generate relative classpaths for top level EJB' do define 'foo', :version => '1.0' do package(:ear).add package(:jar, :id => 'one'), :path => '.' package(:ear).add package(:jar, :id => 'two'), :path => 'dos' package(:ear).add package(:jar, :id => 'three'), :path => 'tres' package(:ear).add :ejb => package(:jar, :id => 'ejb1'), :path => '.' end inspect_classpath 'ejb1-1.0.jar' do |classpath| classpath.should include(*%w{ one-1.0.jar dos/two-1.0.jar tres/three-1.0.jar }) end end it 'should generate relative classpaths for second level EJB' do define 'foo', :version => '1.0' do package(:ear).add package(:jar, :id => 'one'), :path => '.' package(:ear).add package(:jar, :id => 'two'), :path => 'dos' package(:ear).add package(:jar, :id => 'three'), :path => 'tres' package(:ear).add :ejb => package(:jar, :id => 'ejb2'), :path => 'dos' end inspect_classpath 'dos/ejb2-1.0.jar' do |classpath| classpath.should include(*%w{ ../one-1.0.jar two-1.0.jar ../tres/three-1.0.jar }) end end it 'should generate relative classpaths for nested EJB' do define 'foo', :version => '1.0' do package(:ear).add package(:jar, :id => 'one'), :path => '.' package(:ear).add package(:jar, :id => 'two'), :path => 'dos' package(:ear).add package(:jar, :id => 'three'), :path => 'dos/tres' package(:ear).add package(:jar, :id => 'four'), :path => 'dos/cuatro' package(:ear).add :ejb => package(:jar, :id => 'ejb4'), :path => 'dos/cuatro' end inspect_classpath 'dos/cuatro/ejb4-1.0.jar' do |classpath| classpath.should include(*%w{ ../../one-1.0.jar ../two-1.0.jar ../tres/three-1.0.jar four-1.0.jar }) end end end describe Packaging, 'sources' do it_should_behave_like 'packaging' before { @packaging, @package_type = :sources, :jar } it 'should create package of type :jar and classifier \'sources\'' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:sources).type.should eql(:jar) package(:sources).classifier.should eql('sources') package(:sources).name.should match(/foo-1.0-sources.jar$/) end end it 'should contain source and resource files' do write 'src/main/java/Source.java' write 'src/main/resources/foo.properties', 'foo=bar' define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:sources) } project('foo').task('package').invoke project('foo').packages.first.should contain('Source.java') project('foo').packages.first.should contain('foo.properties') end it 'should create sources jar if resources exists (but not sources)' do write 'src/main/resources/foo.properties', 'foo=bar' define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:sources) } project('foo').package(:sources).invoke project('foo').packages.first.should contain('foo.properties') end it 'should be a ZipTask' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:sources).should be_kind_of(ZipTask) end end end describe Packaging, 'javadoc' do it_should_behave_like 'packaging' before { @packaging, @package_type = :javadoc, :zip } it 'should create package of type :zip and classifier \'javadoc\'' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:javadoc).type.should eql(:zip) package(:javadoc).classifier.should eql('javadoc') package(:javadoc).name.pathmap('%f').should eql('foo-1.0-javadoc.zip') end end it 'should contain Javadocs' do write 'src/main/java/Source.java', 'public class Source {}' define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:javadoc) } project('foo').task('package').invoke project('foo').packages.first.should contain('Source.html', 'index.html') end it 'should use project description in window title' do write 'src/main/java/Source.java', 'public class Source {}' desc 'My Project' define('foo', :version=>'1.0') { package(:javadoc) } project('foo').task('package').invoke project('foo').packages.first.entry('index.html').should contain('My Project') end it 'should be a ZipTask' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do package(:javadoc).should be_kind_of(ZipTask) end end end shared_examples_for 'package_with_' do def prepare(options = {}) packager = "package_with_#{@packaging}" write 'src/main/java/Source.java' write 'baz/src/main/java/Source.java' define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do send packager, options define 'bar' ; define 'baz' end end def applied_to projects.select { |project| project.packages.first }.map(&:name) end it 'should create package of the right packaging with classifier' do prepare ext = "zip" ext = "jar" if @packaging == :sources project('foo').packages.first.to_s.should =~ /foo-1.0-#{@packaging}.#{ext}/ end it 'should create package for projects that have source files' do prepare applied_to.should include('foo', 'foo:baz') end it 'should not create package for projects that have no source files' do prepare applied_to.should_not include('foo:bar') end it 'should limit to projects specified by :only' do prepare :only=>'baz' applied_to.should eql(['foo:baz']) end it 'should limit to projects specified by :only array' do prepare :only=>['baz'] applied_to.should eql(['foo:baz']) end it 'should ignore project specified by :except' do prepare :except=>'baz' applied_to.should eql(['foo']) end it 'should ignore projects specified by :except array' do prepare :except=>['baz'] applied_to.should eql(['foo']) end end describe 'package_with_sources' do it_should_behave_like 'package_with_' before { @packaging = :sources } end describe 'package_with_javadoc' do it_should_behave_like 'package_with_' before { @packaging = :javadoc } end