{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", "description": "Data Dictionary for REopt Lite Outputs", "type": "object", "properties": { "$ref": "#/definitions/Response" }, "required": [ "Scenario" ], "definitions": { "Response": { "inputs": { "type": "object", "properties": { "Scenario": { "type": "object", "description": "See REopt Input Schema" } } }, "outputs": { "type": "object", "properties": { "Scenario": { "type": "object", "properties": { "run_uuid": { "type": "str", "description": "Unique id", "units": "none" }, "api_version": { "type": "str" }, "status": { "type": "str", "description": "Problem Status", "units": "none" }, "Profile": { "type": "object", "properties": { "pre_setup_scenario_seconds": { "type": "float", "description": "Time spent before setting up scenario", "units": "seconds" }, "setup_scenario_seconds": { "type": "float", "description": "Time spent setting up scenario", "units": "seconds" }, "reopt_seconds": { "type": "float", "description": "Time spent solving scenario", "units": "seconds" }, "reopt_bau_seconds": { "type": "float", "description": "Time spent solving base-case scenario", "units": "seconds" }, "parse_run_outputs_seconds": { "type": "float", "description": "Time spent parsing outputs", "units": "seconds" } } }, "Site": { "type": "object", "properties": { "annual_renewable_electricity_pct": { "type": "float", "description": "Fraction of annual renewable electricity - 0 for none, 1 for all, over 1 for more generated than consumed", "units": "none" }, "LoadProfile": { "type": "object", "properties": { "year_one_electric_load_series_kw": { "type": "list_of_float", "description": "Year one hourly time series of electric load", "units": "kW" }, "critical_load_series_kw": { "type": "list_of_float", "description": "Hourly critical load for outage simulator. Values are either uploaded by user, or determined from typical load (either uploaded or simulated) and critical_load_pct.", "units": "kW" }, "annual_calculated_kwh": { "type": "float", "description": "Annual energy consumption calculated by summing up 8760 load profile", "units": "kWh" }, "resilience_check_flag": { "type": "boolean", "description": "BAU resilience check status for existing system" }, "sustain_hours": { "type": "int", "description": "Number of hours the existing system can sustain with resilience check", "units": "hours" } } }, "Financial": { "type": "object", "properties": { "lcc_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Optimal lifecycle cost", "units": "dollars" }, "lcc_bau_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Business as usual lifecycle cost", "units": "dollars" }, "npv_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Net present value of savings realized by the project", "units": "dollars" }, "net_capital_costs_plus_om_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Capital cost for all technologies plus present value of operations and maintenance over anlaysis period", "units": "$" }, "avoided_outage_costs_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Avoided outage costs are determined using the Value of Lost Load [$/kWh], multiplied by the average critical load in kW (determined using critical_load_pct), the average hours that the critical load is sustained (determined by simulating outages starting at every hour of the year), and a present worth factor that accounts for cost growth with escalation_pct over the analysis_years and discounts the avoided costs to present value using offtaker_discount_pct. Note that the use of a present worth factor presumes that the outage period and the microgrid's ability to meet the critical load is the same each year in the analysis_years.If outage_is_major_event is set to true, then the present worth factor is set to 1, which assumes that only one outage occurs in the analysis_years.", "units": "$" }, "net_capital_costs": { "type": "float", "description": "Capital cost for all technologies.", "units": "$" }, "microgrid_upgrade_cost_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Cost in US dollars to make a distributed energy system islandable from the grid.Determined by multiplying the total capital costs of resultant energy systems from REopt(such as PV and Storage system) with the input valuefor microgrid_upgrade_cost_pct(which defaults to 0.30)." } } }, "PV": { "type": "object", "properties": { "location": { "default": "roof", "type": "string", "description": "Indicates location of PV. Available options are roof and ground." }, "size_kw": { "type": "float", "description": "Optimal PV system size", "units": "kW" }, "average_yearly_energy_produced_kwh": { "type": "float", "description": "Average annual energy produced by the PV system over one year", "units": "kWh" }, "average_yearly_energy_exported_kwh": { "type": "float", "description": "Average annual energy exported by the PV system", "units": "kWh" }, "year_one_energy_produced_kwh": { "type": "float", "description": "Year one energy produced by the PV system", "units": "kWh" }, "year_one_power_production_series_kw": { "type": "list_of_float", "description": "Year one PV power production time series", "units": "kW" }, "year_one_to_battery_series_kw": { "type": "list_of_float", "description": "Year one hourly time series of PV charging", "units": "kW" }, "year_one_to_load_series_kw": { "type": "list_of_float", "description": "Year one hourly time series of PV serving load", "units": "kW" }, "year_one_to_grid_series_kw": { "type": "list_of_float", "description": "Year one hourly time series of PV exporting to grid", "units": "kW" }, "existing_pv_om_cost_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Lifetime O & M costfor existing PV system.", "units": "$" }, "station_latitude": { "type": "float", "description": "The latitude of the station usedfor weather resource data", "units": "degrees" }, "station_longitude": { "type": "float", "description": "The longitude of the station usedfor weather resource data", "units": "degrees" }, "station_distance_km": { "type": "float", "description": "The distance from the weather resource station from the input site", "units": "km" } } }, "Wind": { "type": "object", "properties": { "size_kw": { "type": "float", "description": "Recommended wind system size", "units": "kW" }, "average_yearly_energy_produced_kwh": { "type": "float", "description": "Average energy produced by the wind system over one year", "units": "kWh" }, "average_yearly_energy_exported_kwh": { "type": "float", "description": "Average annual energy exported by the wind system", "units": "kWh" }, "year_one_energy_produced_kwh": { "type": "float", "description": "Wind energy produced in year one", "units": "kWh" }, "year_one_power_production_series_kw": { "type": "list_of_float", "description": "Hourly wind resource", "units": "kW" }, "year_one_to_battery_series_kw": { "type": "list_of_float", "description": "Year one wind to battery time series", "units": "kW" }, "year_one_to_load_series_kw": { "type": "list_of_float", "description": "Year one wind to load time series", "units": "kW" }, "year_one_to_grid_series_kw": { "type": "list_of_float", "description": "Year one wind to grid time series", "units": "kW" } } }, "Storage": { "type": "object", "properties": { "size_kw": { "type": "float", "description": "Optimal battery power capacity", "units": "kW" }, "size_kwh": { "type": "float", "description": "Optimal battery energy capacity", "units": "kWh" }, "year_one_to_load_series_kw": { "type": "list_of_float", "description": "Year one hourly time series of battery serving load", "units": "kW" }, "year_one_to_grid_series_kw": { "type": "list_of_float", "description": "Year one hourly time series of battery exporting to grid", "units": "kW" }, "year_one_soc_series_pct": { "type": "list_of_float", "description": "Year one hourly time series of battery state of charge", "units": " %" } } }, "ElectricTariff": { "type": "object", "properties": { "year_one_energy_cost_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Optimal year one utility energy cost", "units": "$" }, "year_one_demand_cost_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Optimal year one utility demand cost", "units": "$" }, "year_one_fixed_cost_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Optimal year one utility fixed cost", "units": "$" }, "year_one_min_charge_adder_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Optimal year one utility minimum charge adder", "units": "$" }, "year_one_energy_cost_bau_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Business as usual year one utility energy cost", "units": "$" }, "year_one_demand_cost_bau_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Business as usual year one utility demand cost", "units": "$" }, "year_one_fixed_cost_bau_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Business as usual year one utility fixed cost", "units": "$" }, "year_one_min_charge_adder_bau_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Business as usual year one utility minimum charge adder", "units": "$" }, "total_energy_cost_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Total utility energy cost over the lifecycle,after - tax", "units": "$" }, "total_demand_cost_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Optimal total lifecycle utility demand cost over the analysis period,after - tax", "units": "$" }, "total_fixed_cost_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Total utility fixed cost over the lifecycle,after - tax", "units": "$" }, "total_min_charge_adder_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Total utility minimum charge adder", "units": "$" }, "total_energy_cost_bau_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Business as usual total utility energy cost over the lifecycle,after - tax", "units": "$" }, "total_demand_cost_bau_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Business as usual total lifecycle utility demand cost over the analysis period,after - tax", "units": "$" }, "total_fixed_cost_bau_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Business as usual total utility fixed cost over the lifecycle,after - tax", "units": "$" }, "total_export_benefit_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Totalexport benefit cost over the lifecycle,after - tax", "units": "$" }, "total_min_charge_adder_bau_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Business as usual total utility minimum charge adder", "units": "$" }, "year_one_bill_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Optimal year one total utility bill", "units": "$" }, "year_one_bill_bau_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Business as usual year one total utility bill", "units": "$" }, "year_one_export_benefit_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Optimal year one value of exported energy", "units": "$" }, "year_one_energy_cost_series_us_dollars_per_kwh": { "type": "list_of_float", "description": "Year one hourly energy costs", "units": "$ / kWh" }, "year_one_demand_cost_series_us_dollars_per_kw": { "type": "list_of_float", "description": "Year one hourly demand costs", "units": "$ / kW" }, "year_one_to_load_series_kw": { "type": "list_of_float", "description": "Year one grid to load time series", "units": "kW" }, "year_one_to_battery_series_kw": { "type": "list_of_float", "description": "Year one hourly time series of power from grid to battery", "units": "kW" }, "year_one_energy_supplied_kwh": { "type": "float", "description": "Year one hourly time series of power from grid to load", "units": "kWh" }, "year_one_energy_supplied_kwh_bau": { "type": "float", "description": "Year one hourly time series of power from grid to load in bau scenario", "units": "kWh" } } }, "Generator": { "type": "object", "properties": { "size_kw": { "type": "float", "description": "Optimal diesel generator system size", "units": "kW" }, "fuel_used_gal": { "type": "float", "description": "Generator fuel used to meet critical load during grid outage.", "units": "US gallons" }, "fuel_used_gal_bau": { "type": "float", "description": "Generator fuel used to meet critical load during grid outage in baucase.", "units": "US gallons" }, "average_yearly_energy_produced_kwh": { "type": "float", "description": "Average annual energy produced by the diesel generator over one year", "units": "kWh" }, "average_yearly_energy_exported_kwh": { "type": "float", "description": "Average annual energy exported by the diesel generator", "units": "kWh" }, "year_one_energy_produced_kwh": { "type": "float", "description": "Year one energy produced by the diesel generator", "units": "kWh" }, "year_one_power_production_series_kw": { "type": "list_of_float", "description": "Year one diesel generator power production time series", "units": "kW" }, "year_one_to_battery_series_kw": { "type": "list_of_float", "description": "Year one hourly time series of diesel generator charging", "units": "kW" }, "year_one_to_load_series_kw": { "type": "list_of_float", "description": "Year one generator to load time series.", "units": "kW" }, "year_one_to_grid_series_kw": { "type": "list_of_float", "description": "Year one hourly time series of diesel generator exporting to grid", "units": "kW" }, "existing_gen_total_fixed_om_cost_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Lifetime fixed O & M costfor existing diesel generator system in baucase.", "units": "$" }, "existing_gen_total_variable_om_cost_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Lifetime variable(based on kwh produced) O & M costfor existing diesel generator system.", "units": "$" }, "existing_gen_year_one_variable_om_cost_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Year one variable(based on kwh produced) O & M costfor existing diesel generator system.", "units": "$" }, "total_variable_om_cost_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Total lifecycle variable(based on kwh produced) O & M costfor existing + newly recommended diesel generator system", "units": "$" }, "year_one_variable_om_cost_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Year one variable(based on kwh produced) O & M costfor existing + newly recommended diesel generator system", "units": "$" }, "total_fuel_cost_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Total lifecycle fuel costfor existing + newly recommended diesel generator system", "units": "$" }, "year_one_fuel_cost_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Year one fuel costfor existing + newly recommended diesel generator system", "units": "$" }, "existing_gen_total_fuel_cost_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Total lifecycle fuel costfor existing diesel generator system", "units": "$" }, "existing_gen_year_one_fuel_cost_us_dollars": { "type": "float", "description": "Year one fuel costfor existing diesel generator system", "units": "$" } } } } } } } } }, "messages": { "type": "object", "properties": { "warnings": { "type": "list_of_string", "description": "Warnings generated by simulation" }, "error": { "type": "str", "description": "Error generated by simulation" } } } } } }