= Picky Client == Usage 1. Define a client instance, and save it (as an example) in a constant: <tt>FullSearch = Picky::Client::Full.new :host => 'some_host', :port => 1234, :path => '/path/to/search'</tt> 2. Use it in your controllers to search: <tt>result = FullSearch.search :query => 'some query', :offset => 123 # This gets you a hash</tt> 3. Then, to make access easier (if needed): <tt>result.extend Picky::Convenience</tt> 4. This gets you the following methods on result: * <tt>empty?</tt> * <tt>ids(limit=20)</tt> * <tt>clear_ids</tt> * <tt>allocations</tt> * <tt>allocations_size</tt> * <tt>total</tt>