module Webby::Helpers
module UrlHelper
# call-seq:
# url_for( name, opts = {} )
# Creates a URL for the given _name_ and _opts_. If _name_ is a string
# then it is used as the URL base. If _name_ is a Resource then it is
# converted to a URL by calling its +url+ method.
# ==== Options
# * :escape -- determines whether the returned URL will be HTML escaped or not (+true+ by default)
# * :anchor -- specifies the anchor name to be appended to the path
# ==== Examples
# <%= url_for('/some/page.html') %>
# # => /some/page
# <%= url_for('/some/page.html', :anchor => 'tidbit') %>
# # => /some/page#tidbit
# <%= url_for(@page) %>
# # => /current/page.html
# <%= url_for(@page, :anchor => 'this&that') %>
# # => /current/page.html#this&that
def url_for( *args )
opts = Hash === args.last ? args.pop : {}
obj = args.first
anchor = opts.delete(:anchor)
escape = opts.has_key?(:escape) ? opts.delete(:escape) : true
url = Webby::Resources::Resource === obj ? obj.url : obj.to_s
url = escape_once(url) if escape
url << "#" << anchor if anchor
return url
# call-seq:
# url_for_page( :key => value, :url => {} )
# Creates a URL for the page identified by the set of :key /
# value pairs. The :url options are passed to the url_for
# method for final URL creation; see the url_for method for
# documentation on those options.
# The Resources::DB#find method is used to locate the page; see the find
# method for the available options.
# ==== Examples
# <%= url_for_page(:title => 'Funny Story', :anchor => 'punchline') %>
# # => /humor/funny_story.html#punchline
def url_for_page( opts = {} )
opts = opts.symbolize_keys
url_opts = opts.delete(:url)
p = @pages.find(opts)
raise ::Webby::Error,
"could not find requested page: #{opts.inspect}" if p.nil?
self.url_for(p, url_opts)
# call-seq:
# link_to( name, url, :attrs => {} )
# Create an HTTP anchor tag with
# url can be a url string, a page, :back, or nothing
# :attrs are used to generate HTML anchor tag attributes
# ==== Examples
# <%= link_to('Google', '', :attrs => {:name => 'google'}) %>
# # => Google
# <%= link_to('A Page', @page, :anchor => 'blah') %>
# # => A Page
def link_to( name, *args )
opts = Hash === args.last ? args.pop : {}
obj = args.first
attrs = opts.delete(:attrs)
url = case obj
when String, Webby::Resources::Resource
self.url_for(obj, opts)
when ::Webby::Paginator::Page
self.url_for(obj.url, opts)
when :back
self.url_for(name, opts)
if attrs
html_opts = attrs.stringify_keys
href = html_opts.has_key? 'href'
attrs = tag_options(html_opts)
href = false
attrs = nil
href_attr = href ? nil : %Q(href="#{url}")
"#{name || h(url)}"
# call-seq:
# link_to_page( name )
# link_to_page( :key => value )
# link_to_page( name, :key => value )
# link_to_page( page )
# Creates a link tag of the given _name_ using a URL created by finding
# the associated page from the key/value pairs. If the key/value pairs are
# omitted, the _name_ is used in conjunction with the default site +find_by+
# attribute. Unless changed by the user, the default +find_by+ attribute
# is the page title.
# Pages are found using key/value pairs. The key is any of the page
# attributes, and the value is what that attribute should be. Any number
# of key/value pairs can be included, but all values must equal the
# corresponding page attributes for a match to be found -- i.e. the
# comparisons are joined by AND operations to determine a match.
# In the absence of any key/value pairs -- just a name was given -- then
# the default site +find_by+ attribute is used, and the name is compared
# against this attribute from the page. The default +find_by+ attribue is
# set in the Rakefile or in the parameter.
# Several options can be passed to the method to determin how URLs are
# created and to specify any HTML attributes on the returned link tag. The
# URL options are given as a hash to the :url key. The HTML
# attributes are given as a hash to the :attrs key.
# See the +url_for+ method for a desciption of the :url options.
# See the +link_to+ method for a description of the :attrs
# options.
# ==== Examples
# <%= link_to_page('Funny Story', :url => {:anchor => 'punchline'}) %>
# # => Funny Story
# <%= link_to_page('Hilarious', :title => 'Funny Story') %>
# # => Hilarious
def link_to_page( *args )
# call-seq:
# link_to_page_unless_current( name )
# link_to_page_unless_current( :key => value )
# link_to_page_unless_current( name, :key => value )
# link_to_page_unless_current( page )
# This function operates in the same fashion as the +link_to_page+ fuction
# with the exception that if the page to be linked to is the current page,
# then only the _name_ is rendered without an HTML anchor tag.
# ==== Examples
# <%= link_to_page_unless_current('Funny Story') %>
# # => Funny Story
# <%= link_to_page_unless_current(@page) %>
# # => This Page
def link_to_page_unless_current( *args )
name, page, link_opts = _find_page(args)
return name if @page == page
self.link_to(name, page, link_opts)
# call-seq:
# _find_page( name, opts = {} )
# _find_page( :key => value, [:key => value, ...], opts = {} )
# _find_page( name, :key => value, [:key => value, ...], opts = {} )
# _find_page( page, opts = {} )
# Returns an array of the [name, page, options].
# ==== Options
# * :url -- hash of options for the +url_for+ method
# * :attrs -- hash of options for the +link_to+ method
def _find_page( args )
raise ArgumentError, 'wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)' if args.empty?
opts = Hash === args.last ? args.pop : {}
name = args.first
link_opts = opts.delete(:url) || {}
link_opts[:attrs] = opts.delete(:attrs)
if Webby::Resources::Resource === name
p, name = name, nil
elsif opts.empty? && name
opts[] = name
p = @pages.find(opts)
p = @pages.find(opts)
raise ::Webby::Error,
"could not find requested page: #{opts.inspect}" if p.nil?
name = p.title || p.filename if name.nil?
return [h(name), p, link_opts]
end # module UrlHelper
end # module Webby::Helpers