#!/usr/local/ruby-current/bin/ruby # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2017 eGlobalTech, Inc., all rights reserved # # Licensed under the BSD-3 license (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License in the root of the project or at # # http://egt-labs.com/mu/LICENSE.html # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'optimist' require 'simple-password-gen' require 'socket' require 'open-uri' require 'colorize' require 'timeout' require 'etc' require 'aws-sdk-core' require 'json' require 'pp' require 'readline' require 'fileutils' require 'erb' require 'tmpdir' $IN_GEM = false gemwhich = %x{gem which mu 2>&1}.chomp gemwhich = nil if $?.exitstatus != 0 mypath = File.realpath(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))) if !mypath.match(/^\/opt\/mu/) if Gem.paths and Gem.paths.home and (mypath.match(/^#{Gem.paths.home}/) or gemwhich.match(/^#{Gem.paths.home}/)) $IN_GEM = true elsif $?.exitstatus == 0 and gemwhich and !gemwhich.empty? $LOAD_PATH.each { |path| if path.match(/\/cloud-mu-[^\/]+\/modules/) or path.match(/#{Regexp.quote(gemwhich)}/) $IN_GEM = true end } end end $possible_addresses = [] $impossible_addresses = ['', 'localhost'] begin sys_name = Socket.gethostname official, aliases = Socket.gethostbyname(sys_name) $possible_addresses << sys_name $possible_addresses << official $possible_addresses.concat(aliases) rescue SocketError # don't let them use the default hostname if it doesn't resolve $impossible_addresses << sys_name end Socket.getifaddrs.each { |iface| if iface.addr and iface.addr.ipv4? $possible_addresses << iface.addr.ip_address begin addrinfo = Socket.gethostbyaddr(iface.addr.ip_address) $possible_addresses << addrinfo.first if !addrinfo.first.nil? rescue SocketError # usually no name to look up; that's ok end end } $possible_addresses.uniq! $possible_addresses.reject! { |i| i.match(/^(0\.0\.0\.0$|169\.254\.|127\.0\.)/)} GIT_PATTERN = /(((git|ssh|http(s)?)|(git@[\w\.]+))(:(\/\/)?))?([\w\.@\:\/\-~]+)(\.git)?(\/)?/ # Top-level keys in $MU_CFG for which we'll provide interactive, menu-driven # configuration. $CONFIGURABLES = { "public_address" => { "title" => "Public Address", "desc" => "IP address or hostname", "required" => true, "pattern" => /^(#{$impossible_addresses.map { |a| Regexp.quote(a) }.join("|") })$/, "negate_pattern" => true, "changes" => ["389ds", "chef-server", "chefrun", "chefcerts"] }, "mu_admin_email" => { "title" => "Admin Email", "desc" => "Administative contact email", "pattern" => /\A([\w+\-].?)+@[a-z\d\-]+(\.[a-z]+)*\.[a-z]+\z/i, "required" => true, "changes" => ["mu-user", "chefrun"] }, "mu_admin_name" => { "title" => "Admin Name", "desc" => "Administative contact's full name", "default" => "Mu Administrator", "changes" => ["mu-user", "chefrun"] }, "hostname" => { "title" => "Local Hostname", "pattern" => /^[a-z0-9\-_]+$/i, "required" => true, "rootonly" => true, "desc" => "The local system's value for HOSTNAME", "changes" => ["chefrun", "hostname"] }, "disable_mommacat" => { "title" => "Disable Momma Cat", "default" => false, "desc" => "Disable the Momma Cat grooming daemon. Nodes which require asynchronous Ansible/Chef bootstraps will not function. This option is only honored in gem-based installations.", "boolean" => true }, "adopt_scrub_mu_isms" => { "title" => "Disable Momma Cat", "default" => false, "desc" => "Ordinarily, Mu will automatically name, tag and generate auxiliary resources in a standard Mu-ish fashion that allows for deployment of multiple clones of a given stack. Toggling this flag will change the default behavior of mu-adopt, when it creates stack descriptors from found resources, to enable or disable this behavior (see also mu-adopt's --scrub option).", "boolean" => true }, "mommacat_port" => { "title" => "Momma Cat Listen Port", "pattern" => /^[0-9]+$/i, "default" => 2260, "required" => $IN_GEM, "desc" => "Listen port for the Momma Cat grooming daemon", "changes" => ["chefrun"] }, "banner" => { "title" => "Banner", "desc" => "Login banner, displayed in various locations", "changes" => ["chefrun"] }, "mu_repository" => { "title" => "Mu Tools Repository", "desc" => "Source repository for Mu tools", "pattern" => GIT_PATTERN, "callback" => :cloneGitRepo, "changes" => ["chefartifacts", "chefrun"], "default" => "git://github.com/cloudamatic/mu.git" }, "repos" => { "title" => "Additional Repositories", "desc" => "Optional platform repositories, as a Git URL or Github repo name (ex: eGT-Labs/fema_platform.git)", "pattern" => GIT_PATTERN, "callback" => :cloneGitRepo, "changes" => ["chefartifacts", "chefrun"], "array" => true, "default" => ['https://github.com/cloudamatic/mu_demo_platform'] }, "master_runlist_extras" => { "title" => "Mu Master Runlist Extras", "desc" => "Optional extra Chef roles or recipes to invoke when running chef-client on this Master (ex: recipe[mycookbook::mumaster])", "array" => true, "rootonly" => true, "changes" => ["chefrun"] }, "allow_invade_foreign_vpcs" => { "title" => "Invade Foreign VPCs?", "desc" => "If set to true, Mu will be allowed to modify routing and peering behavior of VPCs which it did not create, but for which it has permissions.", "boolean" => true }, "ansible_dir" => { "title" => "Ansible directory", "desc" => "Intended for use with minimal installs which use Ansible as a groomer and which do not store Ansible artifacts in a dedicated git repository. This allows simply pointing to a local directory.", "required" => false }, "aws" => { "title" => "Amazon Web Services", "named_subentries" => true, "subtree" => { "account_number" => { "title" => "Default Target Account", "desc" => "Default target account for resources managed using these credentials. This is an AWS account number, e.g. 918972669773. If not specified, we will use the account number which owns these API keys.", "pattern" => /^\d+$/ }, "region" => { "title" => "Default Region", "desc" => "Default Amazon Web Services region in which these credentials should operate" }, "credentials" => { "title" => "Credentials Vault:Item", "desc" => "A secure Chef vault and item from which to retrieve an AWS access key and secret. The vault item should have 'access_key' and 'access_secret' elements." }, "credentials_file" => { "title" => "Credentials File", "desc" => "An INI-formatted AWS credentials file, of the type used by the AWS command-line tools. This is less secure than using 'credentials' to store these in a Chef vault. See: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-configure-files.html" }, "access_key" => { "title" => "Access Key", "desc" => "Credentials used for accessing the AWS API (looks like: AKIAINWLOOAA24PBRBZA)", "pattern" => /^[a-z0-9]+$/i }, "access_secret" => { "title" => "Access Secret", "desc" => "Credentials used for accessing the AWS API (looks like: +Z16iRP9QAq7EcjHINyEMs3oR7A76QpfaSgCBogp)." }, "log_bucket_name" => { "title" => "Log and Secret Bucket Name", "desc" => "S3 bucket into which we'll synchronize deploy secrets, and if we're hosted in AWS, collected system logs", "required" => true, "changes" => ["chefrun"] }, "default" => { "title" => "Is Default", "default" => false, "desc" => "If set to true, Mu will default to these AWS credentials when targeting AWS resources", "boolean" => true } } }, "google" => { "title" => "Google Cloud Platform", "named_subentries" => true, "subtree" => { "project" => { "title" => "Default Project", "required" => true, "desc" => "Default Google Cloud Platform project in which we operate and deploy. Generate a service account at: https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/serviceaccounts/project, making sure the account has sufficient privileges to manage cloud resources. Download the private key as JSON, and import that key to the vault specified here. Import example: knife vault create secrets google -J my-google-service-account.json" }, "credentials" => { "title" => "Credentials Vault:Item", "desc" => "A secure Chef vault and item from which to retrieve the JSON-formatted Service Account credentials for our GCP account, in the format vault:itemname (e.g. 'secrets:google'). Generate a service account at: https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/serviceaccounts/project, making sure the account has sufficient privileges to manage cloud resources. Download the private key as JSON, and import that key to the vault specified here. Import example: knife vault create secrets google -J my-google-service-account.json " }, "credentials_file" => { "title" => "Credentials File", "desc" => "JSON-formatted Service Account credentials for our GCP account, stored in plain text in a file. Generate a service account at: https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/serviceaccounts/project, making sure the account has sufficient privileges to manage cloud resources. Download the private key as JSON and point this argument to the file. This is less secure than using 'credentials' to store in a vault." }, "credentials_encoded" => { "title" => "Base64-Encoded Credentials", "desc" => "JSON-formatted Service Account credentials for our GCP account, b64-encoded and dropped directly into mu.yaml. Generate a service account at: https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/serviceaccounts/project, making sure the account has sufficient privileges to manage cloud resources. Download the private key as JSON and point this argument to the file. This is less secure than using 'credentials' to store in a vault." }, "region" => { "title" => "Default Region", "desc" => "Default Google Cloud Platform region in which we operate and deploy", "default" => "us-east4" }, "log_bucket_name" => { "title" => "Log and Secret Bucket Name", "desc" => "Cloud Storage bucket into which we'll synchronize deploy secrets, and if we're hosted in GCP, collected system logs", "required" => true, "changes" => ["chefrun"] }, "masequerade_as" => { "title" => "GSuite Masquerade User", "required" => false, "desc" => "For Google Cloud projects which are attached to a GSuite domain. GCP service accounts cannot view or manage GSuite resources (groups, users, etc) directly, but must instead masquerade as a GSuite user which has delegated authority to the service account. See also: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2ServiceAccount#delegatingauthority" }, "customer_id" => { "title" => "GSuite Customer ID", "required" => false, "desc" => "For Google Cloud projects which are attached to a GSuite domain. Some API calls (groups, users, etc) require this identifier. From admin.google.com, choose Security, the Single Sign On, and look for the Entity ID field. The value after idpid= in the URL there should be the customer ID." }, "ignore_habitats" => { "title" => "Ignore These Projects", "desc" => "Optional list of projects to ignore, for credentials which have visibility into multiple projects", "array" => true }, "restrict_to_habitats" => { "title" => "Operate On Only These Projects", "desc" => "Optional list of projects to which we'll restrict all of our activities.", "array" => true }, "default" => { "title" => "Is Default Account", "default" => false, "desc" => "If set to true, Mu will use this set of GCP credentials when targeting the Google Cloud without a specific account having been requested", "boolean" => true } } }, "azure" => { "title" => "Microsoft Azure Cloud Computing Platform & Services", "named_subentries" => true, "subtree" => { "directory_id" => { "title" => "Directory ID", "desc" => "AKA Tenant ID; the default Microsoft Azure Directory project in which we operate and deploy, from https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_AAD_IAM/ActiveDirectoryMenuBlade/RegisteredAppsPreview" }, "client_id" => { "title" => "Client ID", "desc" => "App client id used to authenticate to our subscription. From https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_AAD_IAM/ActiveDirectoryMenuBlade/RegisteredAppsPreview" }, "client_secret" => { "title" => "Client Secret", "desc" => "App client secret used to authenticate to our subscription. From https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_AAD_IAM/ActiveDirectoryMenuBlade/RegisteredAppsPreview under the 'Certificates & secrets' tab, 'Client secrets.' This can only be retrieved upon initial secret creation." }, "subscription" => { "title" => "Default Subscription", "desc" => "Default Microsoft Azure Subscription we will use to deploy, from https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Billing/SubscriptionsBlade" }, # "credentials" => { # "title" => "Credentials Vault:Item", # "desc" => "A secure Chef vault and item from which to retrieve the JSON-formatted Service Account credentials for our Azure account, in the format vault:itemname (e.g. 'secrets:google'). Generate a service account at: https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/serviceaccounts/project, making sure the account has sufficient privileges to manage cloud resources. Download the private key as JSON, and import that key to the vault specified here. Import example: knife vault create secrets google -J my-google-service-account.json " # }, "credentials_file" => { "title" => "Credentials File", "desc" => "JSON file which contains a hash of directory_id, client_id, client_secret, and subscription values. If found, these will be override values entered directly in mu-configure." }, "region" => { "title" => "Default Region", "desc" => "Default Microsoft Azure region in which we operate and deploy", "default" => "eastus" }, # "log_bucket_name" => { # "title" => "Log and Secret Bucket Name", # "desc" => "Cloud Storage bucket into which we'll synchronize deploy secrets, and if we're hosted in Azure, collected system logs", # "changes" => ["chefrun"] # }, "default" => { "title" => "Is Default Account", "default" => false, "desc" => "If set to true, Mu will use this set of Azure credentials when targeting Azure without a specific account having been requested", "boolean" => true } } } } def cloneHash(hash) new = {} hash.each_pair { |k,v| if v.is_a?(Hash) new[k] = cloneHash(v) elsif !v.nil? new[k] = v.dup end } new end # Load values from our existing configuration into the $CONFIGURABLES hash def importCurrentValues require File.realpath(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)+"/mu-load-config.rb")) $CONFIGURABLES.each_key { |key| next if !$MU_CFG.has_key?(key) if $CONFIGURABLES[key].has_key?("subtree") # It's a sub-tree. I'm too lazy to write a recursive thing for this, just # cover the simple case that we actually care about for now. if $CONFIGURABLES[key]["named_subentries"] $CONFIGURABLES[key]['subtree']["#title"] = $CONFIGURABLES[key]['title'] $MU_CFG[key].each_pair { |nameentry, subtree| $CONFIGURABLES[key]['subtree']["#entries"] ||= {} $CONFIGURABLES[key]['subtree']["#entries"][nameentry] = cloneHash($CONFIGURABLES[key]['subtree']) $CONFIGURABLES[key]['subtree']["#entries"][nameentry].delete("#entries") $CONFIGURABLES[key]["subtree"]["#entries"][nameentry]["name"] = { "title" => "Name", "desc" => "A name/alias for this account.", "required" => true, "value" => nameentry } $CONFIGURABLES[key]["subtree"].keys.each { |subkey| next if !subtree.has_key?(subkey) $CONFIGURABLES[key]["subtree"]["#entries"][nameentry][subkey]["value"] = subtree[subkey] } } else $CONFIGURABLES[key]["subtree"].keys.each { |subkey| next if !$MU_CFG[key].has_key?(subkey) $CONFIGURABLES[key]["subtree"][subkey]["value"] = $MU_CFG[key][subkey] } end else $CONFIGURABLES[key]["value"] = $MU_CFG[key] end } end if !$NOOP AMROOT = Process.uid == 0 HOMEDIR = Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).dir $opts = Optimist::options do banner <<-EOS EOS required = [] opt :noninteractive, "Skip menu-based configuration prompts. If there is no existing configuration, the following flags are required: #{required.map{|x|"--"+x}.join(", ")}", :require => false, :default => false, :type => :boolean $CONFIGURABLES.each_pair { |key, data| next if !AMROOT and data['rootonly'] if data.has_key?("subtree") data["subtree"].each_pair { |subkey, subdata| next if !AMROOT and subdata['rootonly'] subdata['cli-opt'] = (key+"-"+subkey).gsub(/_/, "-") opt subdata['cli-opt'].to_sym, subdata["desc"], :require => false, :type => (subdata["boolean"] ? :boolean : :string) required << subdata['cli-opt'] if subdata['required'] } elsif data["array"] data['cli-opt'] = key.gsub(/_/, "-") opt data['cli-opt'].to_sym, data["desc"], :require => false, :type => (data["boolean"] ? :booleans : :strings) required << data['cli-opt'] if data['required'] else data['cli-opt'] = key.gsub(/_/, "-") opt data['cli-opt'].to_sym, data["desc"], :require => false, :type => (data["boolean"] ? :boolean : :string) required << data['cli-opt'] if data['required'] end } opt :force, "Run all rebuild actions, whether or not our configuration is changed.", :require => false, :default => false, :type => :boolean if AMROOT opt :ssh_keys, "One or more paths to SSH private keys, which we can try to use for SSH-based Git clone operations", :require => false, :type => :strings end if ENV.has_key?("MU_INSTALLDIR") MU_BASE = ENV["MU_INSTALLDIR"] else MU_BASE = "/opt/mu" end def cfgPath home = Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).dir username = Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).name if Process.uid == 0 if ENV.include?('MU_INSTALLDIR') ENV['MU_INSTALLDIR']+"/etc/mu.yaml" elsif Dir.exist?("/opt/mu") "/opt/mu/etc/mu.yaml" else "#{home}/.mu.yaml" end else "#{home}/.mu.yaml" end end $INITIALIZE = (!File.size?(cfgPath) or $opts[:force]) $HAVE_GLOBAL_CONFIG = File.size?("#{MU_BASE}/etc/mu.yaml") if !AMROOT and !$HAVE_GLOBAL_CONFIG and !$IN_GEM and Dir.exist?("/opt/mu/lib") puts "Global configuration has not been initialized or is missing. Must run as root to correct." exit 1 end if !$HAVE_GLOBAL_CONFIG and $opts[:noninteractive] and (!$opts[:"public-address"] or !$opts[:"mu-admin-email"]) if $IN_GEM importCurrentValues # maybe we're in local-only mode end if !$MU_CFG or !$MU_CFG['mu_admin_email'] or !$MU_CFG['mu_admin_name'] puts "Specify --public-address and --mu-admin-email on new non-interactive configs" exit 1 end end $IN_AWS = false begin Timeout.timeout(2) do instance_id = open("").read $IN_AWS = true if !instance_id.nil? and instance_id.size > 0 end rescue OpenURI::HTTPError, Timeout::Error, SocketError, Errno::ENETUNREACH end $IN_GOOGLE = false begin Timeout.timeout(2) do instance_id = open( "http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1/instance/name", "Metadata-Flavor" => "Google" ).read $IN_GOOGLE = true if !instance_id.nil? and instance_id.size > 0 end rescue OpenURI::HTTPError, Timeout::Error, SocketError, Errno::ENETUNREACH end $IN_AZURE = false begin Timeout.timeout(2) do instance = open("","Metadata"=>"true").read $IN_AZURE = true if !instance.nil? and instance.size > 0 end rescue OpenURI::HTTPError, Timeout::Error, SocketError, Errno::ENETUNREACH, Errno::EHOSTUNREACH end KNIFE_TEMPLATE = "log_level :info log_location STDOUT node_name '<%= chefuser %>' client_key '<%= MU_BASE %>/var/users/<%= user %>/<%= chefuser %>.user.key' validation_client_name 'mu-validator' validation_key '<%= MU_BASE %>/var/orgs/<%= user %>/<%= chefuser %>.org.key' chef_server_url 'https://<%= MU.mu_public_addr %>:7443/organizations/<%= chefuser %>' chef_server_root 'https://<%= MU.mu_public_addr %>:7443/organizations/<%= chefuser %>' syntax_check_cache_path '<%= HOMEDIR %>/.chef/syntax_check_cache' cookbook_path [ '<%= HOMEDIR %>/.chef/cookbooks', '<%= HOMEDIR %>/.chef/site_cookbooks' ] <% if $MU_CFG.has_key?('ssl') and $MU_CFG['ssl'].has_key?('chain') %> ssl_ca_path '<%= File.dirname($MU_CFG['ssl']['chain']) %>' ssl_ca_file '<%= File.basename($MU_CFG['ssl']['chain']) %>' <% end %> knife[:vault_mode] = 'client' knife[:vault_admins] = ['<%= chefuser %>']" CLIENT_TEMPLATE = "chef_server_url 'https://<%= MU.mu_public_addr %>:7443/organizations/<%= user %>' validation_client_name 'mu-validator' log_location STDOUT node_name 'MU-MASTER' verify_api_cert false ssl_verify_mode :verify_none " PIVOTAL_TEMPLATE = "node_name 'pivotal' chef_server_url 'https://<%= MU.mu_public_addr %>:7443' chef_server_root 'https://<%= MU.mu_public_addr %>:7443' no_proxy '<%= MU.mu_public_addr %>' client_key '/etc/opscode/pivotal.pem' ssl_verify_mode :verify_none " $CHANGES = [] $MENU_MAP = {} def assignMenuEntries(tree = $CONFIGURABLES, map = $MENU_MAP) count = 1 tree.each_pair { |key, data| next if !data.is_a?(Hash) next if !AMROOT and data['rootonly'] if data.has_key?("subtree") letters = ("a".."z").to_a lettercount = 0 if data['named_subentries'] # Generate a stub entry for adding a new item map[count.to_s] = cloneHash(data["subtree"]) map[count.to_s].each_pair { |k, v| v.delete("value") } # use defaults map[count.to_s]["name"] = { "title" => "Name", "desc" => "A name/alias for this account.", "required" => true } map[count.to_s]["#addnew"] = true map[count.to_s]["#title"] = data['title'] map[count.to_s]["#key"] = key # Now the menu entries for the existing ones if data['subtree']['#entries'] data['subtree']['#entries'].each_pair { |nameentry, subdata| next if data['readonly'] next if !subdata.is_a?(Hash) subdata["#menu"] = count.to_s+letters[lettercount] subdata["#title"] = nameentry subdata["#key"] = key subdata["#entries"] = cloneHash(data["subtree"]["#entries"]) subdata["is_submenu"] = true map[count.to_s+letters[lettercount]] = tree[key]["subtree"]['#entries'][nameentry] map[count.to_s+letters[lettercount]]['#entries'] ||= cloneHash(data["subtree"]["#entries"]) lettercount = lettercount + 1 } end else data["subtree"].each_pair { |subkey, subdata| next if !AMROOT and subdata['rootonly'] tree[key]["subtree"][subkey]["#menu"] = count.to_s+letters[lettercount] tree[key]["subtree"][subkey]["#key"] = subkey map[count.to_s+letters[lettercount]] = tree[key]["subtree"][subkey] lettercount = lettercount + 1 } end end tree[key]["#menu"] = count.to_s tree[key]["#key"] = key map[count.to_s] ||= tree[key] count = count + 1 } map#.freeze end def trySSHKeyWithGit(repo, keypath = nil) cfgbackup = nil deletekey = false repo.match(/^([^@]+?)@([^:]+?):/) ssh_user = Regexp.last_match(1) ssh_host = Regexp.last_match(2) if keypath.nil? response = nil puts "Would you like to provide a private ssh key for #{repo} and try again?" begin response = Readline.readline("Y/N> ".bold, false) end while !response and !response.match(/^(y|n)$/i) if response == "y" or response == "Y" Dir.mkdir("#{HOMEDIR}/.ssh", 0700) if !Dir.exist?("#{HOMEDIR}/.ssh") keynamestr = repo.gsub(/[^a-z0-9\-]/i, "-") + Process.pid.to_s keypath = "#{HOMEDIR}/.ssh/#{keynamestr}" puts "Paste a complete SSH private key for #{ssh_user.bold}@#{ssh_host.bold} below, then ^D" system("cat > #{keypath}") File.chmod(0600, keypath) puts "Key saved to "+keypath.bold deletekey = true else return false end end if File.exist?("#{HOMEDIR}/.ssh/config") FileUtils.cp("#{HOMEDIR}/.ssh/config", "#{HOMEDIR}/.ssh/config.bak.#{Process.pid.to_s}") cfgbackup = "#{HOMEDIR}/.ssh/config.bak.#{Process.pid.to_s}" end File.open("#{HOMEDIR}/.ssh/config", "a", 0600){ |f| f.puts "Host "+ssh_host f.puts " User "+ssh_user f.puts " IdentityFile "+keypath f.puts " StrictHostKeyChecking no" } puts "/usr/bin/git clone #{repo}" output = %x{/usr/bin/git clone #{repo} 2>&1} if $?.exitstatus == 0 puts "Successfully cloned #{repo}".green.on_black return true else puts output.red.on_black if cfgbackup puts "Restoring #{HOMEDIR}/.ssh/config" File.rename(cfgbackup, "#{HOMEDIR}/.ssh/config") end if deletekey puts "Removing #{keypath}" File.unlink(keypath) end end return false end def cloneGitRepo(repo) puts "Testing ability to check out Git repository #{repo.bold}" fullrepo = repo if !repo.match(/@|:\/\//) # we try ssh first fullrepo = "git@github.com:"+repo puts "Doesn't look like a full URL, trying SSH to #{fullrepo}" end cwd = Dir.pwd Dir.mktmpdir("mu-git-test-") { |dir| Dir.chdir(dir) puts "/usr/bin/git clone #{fullrepo}" output = %x{/usr/bin/git clone #{fullrepo} 2>&1} if $?.exitstatus == 0 puts "Successfully cloned #{fullrepo}".green.on_black Dir.chdir(cwd) return fullrepo elsif $?.exitstatus != 0 and output.match(/permission denied/i) puts "" puts output.red.on_black if $opts[:"ssh-keys-given"] $opts[:"ssh-keys"].each { |keypath| if trySSHKeyWithGit(fullrepo, keypath) Dir.chdir(cwd) return fullrepo end } end if !$opts[:noninteractive] if trySSHKeyWithGit(fullrepo) Dir.chdir(cwd) return fullrepo end end end if !repo.match(/@|:\/\//) fullrepo = "git://github.com/"+repo puts "" puts "No luck there, trying #{fullrepo}".bold puts "/usr/bin/git clone #{fullrepo}" output = %x{/usr/bin/git clone #{fullrepo} 2>&1} if $?.exitstatus == 0 puts "Successfully cloned #{fullrepo}".green.on_black Dir.chdir(cwd) return fullrepo else puts output.red.on_black fullrepo = "https://github.com/"+repo puts "Final attempt, trying #{fullrepo}" puts "/usr/bin/git clone #{fullrepo}" output = %x{/usr/bin/git clone #{fullrepo} 2>&1} if $?.exitstatus == 0 puts "Successfully cloned #{fullrepo}".green.on_black Dir.chdir(cwd) return fullrepo else puts output.red.on_black end end else puts "No other methods I can think to try, giving up on #{repo.bold}".red.on_black end } Dir.chdir(cwd) nil end # Rustle up some sensible default values, if this is our first time def setDefaults ips = [] if $IN_AWS ["public-ipv4", "local-ipv4"].each { |addr| begin Timeout.timeout(2) do ip = open("{addr}").read ips << ip if !ip.nil? and ip.size > 0 end rescue OpenURI::HTTPError, Timeout::Error, SocketError # these are ok to ignore end } elsif $IN_GOOGLE base_url = "http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1" begin Timeout.timeout(2) do # TODO iterate across multiple interfaces/access-configs ip = open("#{base_url}/instance/network-interfaces/0/ip", "Metadata-Flavor" => "Google").read ips << ip if !ip.nil? and ip.size > 0 ip = open("#{base_url}/instance/network-interfaces/0/access-configs/0/external-ip", "Metadata-Flavor" => "Google").read ips << ip if !ip.nil? and ip.size > 0 end rescue OpenURI::HTTPError, Timeout::Error, SocketError => e # This is fairly normal, just handle it gracefully end end $CONFIGURABLES["allow_invade_foreign_vpcs"]["default"] = false $CONFIGURABLES["public_address"]["default"] = $possible_addresses.first $CONFIGURABLES["hostname"]["default"] = Socket.gethostname $CONFIGURABLES["banner"]["default"] = "Mu Master at #{$CONFIGURABLES["public_address"]["default"]}" if $IN_AWS # XXX move this crap to a callback hook for puttering around in the AWS submenu aws = JSON.parse(open("").read) iam = nil begin iam = open("").read rescue OpenURI::HTTPError, SocketError end # $CONFIGURABLES["aws"]["subtree"]["account_number"]["default"] = aws["accountId"] $CONFIGURABLES["aws"]["subtree"]["region"]["default"] = aws["region"] if iam and iam.size > 0 # XXX can we think of a good way to test our permission set? $CONFIGURABLES["aws"]["subtree"]["access_key"]["desc"] = $CONFIGURABLES["aws"]["subtree"]["access_key"]["desc"] + ". Not necessary if IAM Profile #{iam.bold} has sufficient API access." $CONFIGURABLES["aws"]["subtree"]["access_secret"]["desc"] = $CONFIGURABLES["aws"]["subtree"]["access_key"]["desc"] + ". Not necessary if IAM Profile #{iam.bold} has sufficient API access." end end $CONFIGURABLES["aws"]["subtree"]["log_bucket_name"]["default"] = $CONFIGURABLES["hostname"]["default"] $CONFIGURABLES["google"]["subtree"]["log_bucket_name"]["default"] = $CONFIGURABLES["hostname"]["default"] end def runValueCallback(desc, val) if desc['array'] if desc["callback"] newval = [] val.each { |v| v = send(desc["callback"].to_sym, v) newval << v if !v.nil? } val = newval end elsif desc["callback"] val = send(desc["callback"].to_sym, val) end val end def importCLIValues $CONFIGURABLES.each_pair { |key, data| next if !AMROOT and data['rootonly'] if data.has_key?("subtree") if !data['named_subentries'] data["subtree"].each_pair { |subkey, subdata| next if !AMROOT and subdata['rootonly'] if $opts[(subdata['cli-opt'].+"_given").to_sym] newval = runValueCallback(subdata, $opts[subdata['cli-opt'].to_sym]) subdata["value"] = newval if !newval.nil? $CHANGES.concat(subdata['changes']) if subdata['changes'] end } # Honor CLI adds for named trees (credentials, etc) if there are no # entries in them yet. elsif data["#entries"].nil? or data["#entries"].empty? newvals = false data["subtree"].each_pair { |subkey, subdata| next if !AMROOT and subdata['rootonly'] next if !subdata['cli-opt'] if $opts[(subdata['cli-opt']+"_given").to_sym] newval = runValueCallback(subdata, $opts[subdata['cli-opt'].to_sym]) if !newval.nil? subdata["value"] = newval newvals = true end end } if newvals newtree = data["subtree"].dup newtree['default']['value'] = true if newtree['default'] data['subtree']['#entries'] = { "default" => newtree } end end else if $opts[(data['cli-opt']+"_given").to_sym] newval = runValueCallback(data, $opts[data['cli-opt'].to_sym]) data["value"] = newval if !newval.nil? $CHANGES.concat(data['changes']) if data['changes'] end end } end def printVal(data) valid = true valid = validate(data["value"], data, false) if data["value"] value = if data["value"] and data["value"] != "" data["value"] elsif data["default"] and data["default"] != "" data["default"] end if data['readonly'] and value print " - "+value.to_s.cyan.on_black elsif !valid print " "+data["value"].to_s.red.on_black print " (consider default of #{data["default"].to_s.bold})" if data["default"] elsif !data["value"].nil? print " - "+data["value"].to_s.green.on_black elsif data["required"] print " - "+"REQUIRED".red.on_black elsif !data["default"].nil? print " - "+data["default"].to_s.yellow.on_black+" (DEFAULT)" end end # Converts the current $CONFIGURABLES object to a Hash suitable for merging # with $MU_CFG. def setConfigTree(tree = $CONFIGURABLES) cfg = $MU_CFG.nil? ? {} : $MU_CFG.dup tree.each_pair { |key, data| next if !AMROOT and data['rootonly'] if data.has_key?("subtree") if data["named_subentries"] if data["subtree"]["#entries"] data["subtree"]["#entries"].each_pair { |name, block| next if !block.is_a?(Hash) block.each_pair { |subkey, subdata| next if subkey.match(/^#/) or !subdata.is_a?(Hash) cfg[key] ||= {} cfg[key][name] ||= {} cfg[key][name][subkey] = subdata['value'] if subdata['value'] } } end else data["subtree"].each_pair { |subkey, subdata| if !subdata["value"].nil? cfg[key] ||= {} cfg[key][subkey] = subdata["value"] elsif !subdata["default"].nil? and !$HAVE_GLOBAL_CONFIG or ($MU_CFG and (!$MU_CFG[key] or !$MU_CFG[key][subkey])) cfg[key] ||= {} cfg[key][subkey] = subdata["default"] end } end elsif !data["value"].nil? cfg[key] = data["value"] elsif !data["default"].nil? and !$HAVE_GLOBAL_CONFIG or ($MU_CFG and !$MU_CFG[key]) cfg[key] = data["default"] end } cfg end def displayCurrentOpts(tree = $CONFIGURABLES) count = 1 optlist = [] tree.each_pair { |key, data| next if !data.is_a?(Hash) next if !AMROOT and data['rootonly'] if data["title"].nil? or data["#menu"].nil? next end print data["#menu"].bold+") "+data["title"] if data.has_key?("subtree") puts "" if data["named_subentries"] if data['subtree']['#entries'] data['subtree']['#entries'].each_pair { |nameentry, subdata| next if nameentry.match(/^#/) puts " "+subdata["#menu"].bold+". "+nameentry.green.on_black } end else data["subtree"].each_pair { |subkey, subdata| next if !AMROOT and subdata['rootonly'] print " "+subdata["#menu"].bold+". "+subdata["title"] printVal(subdata) puts "" } end else printVal(data) puts "" end count = count + 1 } optlist end ############################################################################### trap("INT"){ puts "" ; exit } importCurrentValues if !$INITIALIZE or $HAVE_GLOBAL_CONFIG or $IN_GEM importCLIValues setDefaults assignMenuEntries # populates $MENU_MAP def ask(desc) puts "" puts (desc['required'] ? "REQUIRED".red.on_black : "OPTIONAL".yellow.on_black)+" - "+desc["desc"] puts "Enter one or more values, separated by commas".yellow.on_black if desc['array'] puts "Enter 0 or false, 1 or true".yellow.on_black if desc['boolean'] prompt = desc["title"].bold + "> " current = desc['value'] || desc['default'] if current current = current.join(", ") if desc['array'] and current.is_a?(Array) Readline.pre_input_hook = -> do Readline.insert_text current.to_s Readline.redisplay Readline.pre_input_hook = nil end end val = Readline.readline(prompt, false) if desc['array'] and !val.nil? val = val.strip.split(/\s*,\s*/) end if desc['boolean'] val = false if ["0", "false", "FALSE"].include?(val) val = true if ["1", "true", "TRUE"].include?(val) end val = runValueCallback(desc, val) val = current if val.nil? and desc['value'] val end def validate(newval, reqs, addnewline = true, in_use: []) ok = true def validate_individual_value(newval, reqs, addnewline, in_use: []) ok = true if reqs['boolean'] and newval != true and newval != false and newval != nil puts "\nInvalid value '#{newval.bold}' for #{reqs['title'].bold} (must be true or false)".light_red.on_black puts "\n\n" if addnewline ok = false elsif in_use and in_use.size > 0 and in_use.include?(newval) puts "\n##{reqs['title'].bold} #{newval} not available".light_red.on_black puts "\n\n" if addnewline ok = false elsif reqs['pattern'] if newval.nil? puts "\nSupplied value for #{reqs['title'].bold} did not pass validation".light_red.on_black puts "\n\n" if addnewline ok = false elsif reqs['negate_pattern'] if newval.to_s.match(reqs['pattern']) puts "\nInvalid value '#{newval.bold}' for #{reqs['title'].bold} (must NOT match #{reqs['pattern']})".light_red.on_black puts "\n\n" if addnewline ok = false end elsif !newval.to_s.match(reqs['pattern']) puts "\nInvalid value '#{newval.bold}' #{reqs['title'].bold} (must match #{reqs['pattern']})".light_red.on_black puts "\n\n" if addnewline ok = false end end ok end if reqs['array'] if !newval.is_a?(Array) puts "\nInvalid value '#{newval.bold}' for #{reqs['title'].bold} (should be an array)".light_red.on_black puts "\n\n" if addnewline ok = false else newval.each { |v| ok = false if !validate_individual_value(v, reqs, addnewline, in_use: in_use) } end else ok = false if !validate_individual_value(newval, reqs, addnewline, in_use: in_use) end ok end answer = nil changed = false def entireConfigValid? ok = true $CONFIGURABLES.each_pair { |key, data| next if !AMROOT and data['rootonly'] if data.has_key?("subtree") data["subtree"].each_pair { |subkey, subdata| next if !AMROOT and subdata['rootonly'] next if !data["value"] ok = false if !validate(data["value"], data, false) } else next if !data["value"] ok = false if !validate(data["value"], data, false) end } ok end def generateMiniMenu(srctree) map = {} tree = cloneHash(srctree) return [tree, map] end def menu(tree = $CONFIGURABLES, map = $MENU_MAP, submenu_name = nil, in_use_names = []) begin optlist = displayCurrentOpts(tree) begin if submenu_name print "Enter an option to change, "+"O".bold+" to save #{submenu_name.bold}, or "+"q".bold+" to return.\n> " else print "Enter an option to change, "+"O".bold+" to save this config, or "+"^D".bold+" to quit.\n> " end answer = gets if answer.nil? puts "" exit 0 end answer.strip! rescue EOFError puts "" exit 0 end if map.has_key?(answer) and map[answer]["#addnew"] minimap = {} assignMenuEntries(map[answer], minimap) newtree, newmap = menu( map[answer], minimap, map[answer]['#title']+" (NEW)", if map[answer]['#entries'] map[answer]['#entries'].keys.reject { |k| k.match(/^#/) } end ) if newtree newname = newtree["name"]["value"] newtree.delete("#addnew") parentname = map[answer]['#key'] tree[parentname]['subtree'] ||= {} tree[parentname]['subtree']['#entries'] ||= {} # if we're in cloud land and just added a 2nd entry, set the original # one to 'default' if tree[parentname]['subtree']['#entries'].size == 1 end tree[parentname]['subtree']['#entries'][newname] = cloneHash(newtree) map = {} # rebuild the menu map to include new entries assignMenuEntries(tree, map) end # exit # map[answer] = newtree if newtree elsif map.has_key?(answer) and map[answer]["is_submenu"] minimap = {} parentname = map[answer]['#key'] entryname = map[answer]['#title'] puts PP.pp(map[answer], '').yellow puts PP.pp(tree[parentname]['subtree']['#entries'][entryname], '').red assignMenuEntries(tree[parentname]['subtree']['#entries'][entryname], minimap) newtree, newmap = menu( map[answer], minimap, map[answer]["#title"], (map[answer]['#entries'].keys - [map[answer]['#title']]) ) map[answer] = newtree if newtree elsif map.has_key?(answer) and !map[answer].has_key?("subtree") newval = ask(map[answer]) if !validate(newval, map[answer], in_use: in_use_names) sleep 1 next end map[answer]['value'] = newval == "" ? nil : newval tree[map[answer]['#key']]['value'] = newval $CHANGES.concat(map[answer]['changes']) if map[answer].include?("changes") if map[answer]['title'] == "Local Hostname" # $CONFIGURABLES["aws"]["subtree"]["log_bucket_name"]["default"] = newval # $CONFIGURABLES["google"]["subtree"]["log_bucket_name"]["default"] = newval elsif map[answer]['title'] == "Public Address" $CONFIGURABLES["banner"]["default"] = "Mu Master at #{newval}" end changed = true puts "" elsif ["q", "Q"].include?(answer) return nil elsif !["", "0", "O", "o"].include?(answer) puts "\nInvalid option '#{answer.bold}'".light_red.on_black+"\n\n" sleep 1 else answer = nil if !entireConfigValid? end end while answer != "0" and answer != "O" and answer != "o" return [tree, map] end if !$opts[:noninteractive] $CONFIGURABLES, $MENU_MAP = menu $MU_CFG = setConfigTree else $MU_CFG = setConfigTree if !entireConfigValid? puts "Configuration had validation errors, exiting.\nRe-invoke #{$0} to correct." exit 1 end end if AMROOT newcfg = cloneHash($MU_CFG) require File.realpath(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)+"/mu-load-config.rb")) newcfg['multiuser'] = true saveMuConfig(newcfg) $MU_CFG = loadMuConfig($MU_SET_DEFAULTS) end def set389DSCreds require 'mu' credlist = { "bind_creds" => { "user" => "CN=mu_bind_creds,#{$MU_CFG["ldap"]['user_ou']}" }, "join_creds" => { "user" => "CN=mu_join_creds,#{$MU_CFG["ldap"]['user_ou']}" }, "cfg_directory_adm" => { "user" => "admin" }, "root_dn_user" => { "user" => "CN=root_dn_user" } } credlist.each_pair { |creds, cfg| begin data = nil if $MU_CFG["ldap"].has_key?(creds) data = MU::Groomer::Chef.getSecret( vault: $MU_CFG["ldap"][creds]["vault"], item: $MU_CFG["ldap"][creds]["item"] ) MU::Groomer::Chef.grantSecretAccess("MU-MASTER", $MU_CFG["ldap"][creds]["vault"], $MU_CFG["ldap"][creds]["item"]) else data = MU::Groomer::Chef.getSecret(vault: "mu_ldap", item: creds) MU::Groomer::Chef.grantSecretAccess("MU-MASTER", "mu_ldap", creds) end rescue MU::Groomer::MuNoSuchSecret user = cfg["user"] pw = Password.pronounceable(14..16) if $MU_CFG["ldap"].has_key?(creds) data = { $MU_CFG["ldap"][creds]["username_field"] => user, $MU_CFG["ldap"][creds]["password_field"] => pw } MU::Groomer::Chef.saveSecret( vault: $MU_CFG["ldap"][creds]["vault"], item: $MU_CFG["ldap"][creds]["item"], data: data, permissions: "name:MU-MASTER" ) else MU::Groomer::Chef.saveSecret( vault: "mu_ldap", item: creds, data: { "username" => user, "password" => pw }, permissions: "name:MU-MASTER" ) end end } end if AMROOT and !$IN_GEM cur_chef_version = `/bin/rpm -q chef`.sub(/^chef-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+-\d+)\..*/, '\1').chomp pref_chef_version = File.read("#{MU_BASE}/var/mu-chef-client-version").chomp if (cur_chef_version != pref_chef_version and cur_chef_version.sub(/\-\d+$/, "") != pref_chef_version) or cur_chef_version.match(/is not installed/) puts "Updating MU-MASTER's Chef Client to '#{pref_chef_version}' from '#{cur_chef_version}'" chef_installer = open("https://omnitruck.chef.io/install.sh").read File.open("#{HOMEDIR}/chef-install.sh", File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::RDWR, 0644){ |f| f.puts chef_installer } system("/bin/rm -rf /opt/chef ; sh #{HOMEDIR}/chef-install.sh -v #{pref_chef_version}"); # This will go fix gems, permissions, etc system("/opt/chef/bin/chef-apply #{MU_BASE}/lib/cookbooks/mu-master/recipes/init.rb"); end end if $INITIALIZE if AMROOT and !$IN_GEM %x{/sbin/service iptables stop} # Chef run will set up correct rules later end $MU_SET_DEFAULTS = setConfigTree require File.realpath(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)+"/mu-load-config.rb")) saveMuConfig($MU_SET_DEFAULTS) else if AMROOT $NEW_CFG = $MU_CFG.merge(setConfigTree) else $NEW_CFG = setConfigTree end saveMuConfig($NEW_CFG) $MU_CFG = $MU_CFG.merge(setConfigTree) require File.realpath(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)+"/mu-load-config.rb")) end begin require 'mu' rescue MU::MuError => e puts "Correct the above error before proceeding. To retry, run:\n\n#{$0.bold} #{ARGV.join(" ").bold}" exit 1 rescue LoadError system("cd #{MU_BASE}/lib/modules && umask 0022 && /usr/local/ruby-current/bin/bundle install") require 'mu' end if $IN_GEM if $INITIALIZE $MU_CFG = MU.detectCloudProviders end require 'mu/master/ssl' MU::Master::SSL.bootstrap puts $MU_CFG.to_yaml saveMuConfig($MU_CFG) MU::MommaCat.restart exit end if AMROOT and ($INITIALIZE or $CHANGES.include?("hostname")) system("/bin/hostname #{$MU_CFG['hostname']}") end # Do some more basic-but-Chef-dependent configuration *before* we meddle with # the Chef Server configuration, which depends on some of this (SSL certs and # local firewall ports). if AMROOT and ($INITIALIZE or $CHANGES.include?("chefartifacts")) MU.log "Purging and re-uploading all Chef artifacts", MU::NOTICE %x{/sbin/service iptables stop} if $INITIALIZE output = %x{MU_INSTALLDIR=#{MU_BASE} MU_LIBDIR=#{MU_BASE}/lib MU_DATADIR=#{MU_BASE}/var #{MU_BASE}/lib/bin/mu-upload-chef-artifacts} if $?.exitstatus != 0 puts output MU.log "mu-upload-chef-artifacts failed, can't proceed", MU::ERR %x{/sbin/service iptables start} if !$INITIALIZE exit 1 end %x{/sbin/service iptables start} if !$INITIALIZE end if $INITIALIZE and AMROOT MU.log "Force open key firewall holes", MU::NOTICE system("chef-client -o 'recipe[mu-master::firewall-holes]'") end if AMROOT MU.log "Checking internal SSL signing authority and certificates", MU::NOTICE if !system("chef-client -o 'recipe[mu-master::ssl-certs]'") and $INITIALIZE MU.log "Got bad exit code trying to run recipe[mu-master::ssl-certs]', aborting", MU::ERR exit 1 end end def updateChefRbs user = AMROOT ? "mu" : Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).name chefuser = user.gsub(/\./, "") templates = { HOMEDIR+"/.chef/knife.rb" => KNIFE_TEMPLATE } Dir.mkdir(HOMEDIR+"/.chef") if !Dir.exist?(HOMEDIR+"/.chef") if AMROOT templates["/etc/chef/client.rb"] = CLIENT_TEMPLATE templates["/etc/opscode/pivotal.rb"] = PIVOTAL_TEMPLATE end templates.each_pair { |file, template| erb = ERB.new(template) processed = erb.result(binding) tmpfile = file+".tmp."+Process.pid.to_s File.open(tmpfile, File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::RDWR, 0644){ |f| f.puts processed } if !File.size?(file) or File.read(tmpfile) != File.read(file) File.rename(tmpfile, file) MU.log "Updated #{file}", MU::NOTICE $CHANGES << "chefcerts" else File.unlink(tmpfile) end } end if AMROOT erb = ERB.new(File.read("#{MU_BASE}/lib/cookbooks/mu-master/templates/default/chef-server.rb.erb")) updated_server_cfg = erb.result(binding) cfgpath = "/etc/opscode/chef-server.rb" tmpfile = "/etc/opscode/chef-server.rb.#{Process.pid}" File.open(tmpfile, File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::RDWR, 0644){ |f| f.puts updated_server_cfg } if !File.size?(cfgpath) or File.read(tmpfile) != File.read(cfgpath) File.rename(tmpfile, cfgpath) # Opscode can't seem to get things right with their postgres socket Dir.mkdir("/var/run/postgresql", 0755) if !Dir.exist?("/var/run/postgresql") if File.exist?("/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432") and !File.exist?("/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432") File.symlink("/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432", "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432") elsif !File.exist?("/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432") and File.exist?("/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432") File.symlink("/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432", "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432") end MU.log "Chef Server config was modified, reconfiguring...", MU::NOTICE # XXX Some undocumented port Chef needs only on startup is being blocked by # iptables. Something rabbitmq-related. Dopey workaround. %x{/sbin/service iptables stop} system("/opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl reconfigure") system("/opt/opscode/bin/chef-server-ctl restart") %x{/sbin/service iptables start} if !$INITIALIZE updateChefRbs $CHANGES << "chefcerts" else File.unlink(tmpfile) updateChefRbs end else updateChefRbs end if $IN_AWS and AMROOT system("#{MU_BASE}/lib/bin/mu-aws-setup --dns --sg --logs --ephemeral") # XXX --ip? Do we really care? end if $IN_GOOGLE and AMROOT system("#{MU_BASE}/lib/bin/mu-gcp-setup --sg --logs") end if $IN_AZURE and AMROOT system("#{MU_BASE}/lib/bin/mu-azure-setup --sg") end if $INITIALIZE or $CHANGES.include?("chefcerts") system("rm -f #{HOMEDIR}/.chef/trusted_certs/* ; knife ssl fetch -c #{HOMEDIR}/.chef/knife.rb") if AMROOT system("rm -f /etc/chef/trusted_certs/* ; knife ssl fetch -c /etc/chef/client.rb") end end # knife ssl fetch isn't bright enough to nab our intermediate certs, which # ironically becomes a problem when we use one from the real world. Jam it # into knife and chef-client's faces thusly: if $MU_CFG['ssl'] and $MU_CFG['ssl']['chain'] and File.size?($MU_CFG['ssl']['chain']) cert = File.basename($MU_CFG['ssl']['chain']) FileUtils.cp($MU_CFG['ssl']['chain'], HOMEDIR+"/.chef/trusted_certs/#{cert}") File.chmod(0600, HOMEDIR+"/.chef/trusted_certs/#{cert}") if AMROOT File.chmod(0644, $MU_CFG['ssl']['chain']) FileUtils.cp($MU_CFG['ssl']['chain'], "/etc/chef/trusted_certs/#{cert}") end end if $MU_CFG['repos'] and $MU_CFG['repos'].size > 0 $MU_CFG['repos'].each { |repo| repo.match(/\/([^\/]+?)(\.git)?$/) shortname = Regexp.last_match(1) repodir = MU.dataDir + "/" + shortname if !Dir.exist?(repodir) MU.log "Cloning #{repo} into #{repodir}", MU::NOTICE Dir.chdir(MU.dataDir) system("/usr/bin/git clone #{repo}") $CHANGES << "chefartifacts" end } end if !AMROOT exit end begin MU::Groomer::Chef.getSecret(vault: "secrets", item: "consul") rescue MU::Groomer::MuNoSuchSecret data = { "private_key" => File.read("#{MU_BASE}/var/ssl/consul.key"), "certificate" => File.read("#{MU_BASE}/var/ssl/consul.crt"), "ca_certificate" => File.read("#{MU_BASE}/var/ssl/Mu_CA.pem") } MU::Groomer::Chef.saveSecret( vault: "secrets", item: "consul", data: data, permissions: "name:MU-MASTER" ) end if $INITIALIZE or $CHANGES.include?("vault") MU.log "Setting up Hashicorp Vault", MU::NOTICE system("chef-client -o 'recipe[mu-master::vault]'") end if $MU_CFG['ldap']['type'] == "389 Directory Services" begin MU::Master::LDAP.listUsers rescue Exception => e # XXX lazy exception handling is lazy $CHANGES << "389ds" end if $INITIALIZE or $CHANGES.include?("389ds") File.unlink("/root/389ds.tmp/389-directory-setup.inf") if File.exist?("/root/389ds.tmp/389-directory-setup.inf") MU.log "Configuring 389 Directory Services", MU::NOTICE set389DSCreds system("chef-client -o 'recipe[mu-master::389ds]'") exit 1 if $? != 0 MU::Master::LDAP.initLocalLDAP system("chef-client -o 'recipe[mu-master::sssd]'") exit 1 if $? != 0 end end # Figure out if our run list is dumb MU.log "Verifying MU-MASTER's Chef run list", MU::NOTICE MU::Groomer::Chef.loadChefLib chef_node = ::Chef::Node.load("MU-MASTER") run_list = ["role[mu-master]"] run_list.concat($MU_CFG['master_runlist_extras']) if $MU_CFG['master_runlist_extras'].is_a?(Array) set_runlist = false run_list.each { |rl| set_runlist = true if !chef_node.run_list?(rl) } if set_runlist MU.log "Updating MU-MASTER run_list", MU::NOTICE, details: run_list chef_node.run_list(run_list) chef_node.save $CHANGES << "chefrun" else MU.log "Chef run list looks correct", MU::NOTICE, details: run_list end # TODO here are some things we don't do yet but should # accommodate running as a non-root user if $INITIALIZE MU::Config.emitSchemaAsRuby MU.log "Generating YARD documentation in /var/www/html/docs (see http://#{$MU_CFG['public_address']}/docs/frames.html)" File.umask(0022) system("cd #{MU.myRoot} && umask 0022 && env -i PATH=#{ENV['PATH']} HOME=#{HOMEDIR} /usr/local/ruby-current/bin/yard doc modules -m markdown -o /var/www/html/docs && chcon -R -h -t httpd_sys_script_exec_t /var/www/html/") end MU.log "Running chef-client on MU-MASTER", MU::NOTICE system("chef-client -o '#{run_list.join(",")}'") if !File.exist?("#{MU_BASE}/var/users/mu/email") or !File.exist?("#{MU_BASE}/var/users/mu/realname") MU.log "Finalizing the 'mu' Chef/LDAP account", MU::NOTICE MU.setLogging(MU::Logger::SILENT) MU::Master.manageUser( "mu", name: $MU_CFG['mu_admin_name'], email: $MU_CFG['mu_admin_email'], admin: true, password: MU.generateWindowsPassword # we'll just overwrite this and do it with mu-user-manage below, which can do smart things with Scratchpad ) MU.setLogging(MU::Logger::NORMAL) sleep 3 # avoid LDAP lag for mu-user-manage end output = %x{/opt/chef/bin/knife vault show scratchpad 2>&1} if $?.exitstatus != 0 or output.match(/is not a chef-vault/) MU::Groomer::Chef.saveSecret( vault: "scratchpad", item: "placeholder", data: { "secret" => "DO NOT DELETE", "timestamp" => "9999999999" }, permissions: "name:MU-MASTER" ) end MU.log "Regenerating documentation in /var/www/html/docs" %x{#{MU_BASE}/lib/bin/mu-gen-docs} if $INITIALIZE MU.log "Setting initial password for admin user 'mu', for logging into Nagios and other built-in services.", MU::NOTICE puts %x{#{MU_BASE}/lib/bin/mu-user-manage -g mu -n "#{$MU_CFG['mu_admin_name']}"} MU.log "If Scratchpad web interface is not accessible, try the following:", MU::NOTICE puts "#{MU_BASE}/lib/bin/mu-user-manage -g --no-scratchpad mu".bold end if !ENV['PATH'].match(/(^|:)#{Regexp.quote(MU_BASE)}\/bin(:|$)/) MU.log "I added some entries to your $PATH, run this to import them:", MU::NOTICE puts "source #{HOMEDIR}/.bashrc".bold end end if $IN_GEM ansible_exec_path = MU::Groomer::Ansible.ansibleExecDir if !ansible_exec_path or ansible_exec_path.empty? puts "No Ansible executables found. Will not be able to groom servers!".red end end