Truthiness is... ================================ ...knowing that one line can make a difference. ![Truthiness]( This is a simple gem with a simple purpose. I love Ruby. One of the biggest reasons why I love Ruby so much is because of its readability. Unfortunately, I'd been forever typing stuff like this: validates_inclusion_of :loves_long_walks_on_the_beach, :in => [true, false] Is this horrible? Hell no. Do I want to make it better? Hell yes. What I really wanted to type was this: validates_truthiness_of :loves_long_walks_on_the_beach _See 'Aliases' at the bottom if you'd rather have a more unambiguous validation title._ :) Installation -------------------------------- gem install validates_truthiness Usage -------------------------------- You can either use the Rails 2-style to chain multiple columns together: validates_truthiness_of :opting_out_of_newsletters, :consents_to_strip_search Or the Rails 3-style: validates :works_hard_for_the_money, truthiness => true If you'd like a specific message, say "Yes" or "No" instead of "True" or "False", just pass it as a `:message` option: validates :believes_they_may_be_a_cylon, :truthiness => {:message => "must be either a 'Yes' or a fraking 'No'"} Also, don't forget you can `:allow_nil` in case you need the triumvirate of: true, false and nothing. I18n --------------------------------- Due to this being wired up through ActiveModel, internationalization is free, just add the proper keys to your .yml files. No Stone Unturned --------------------------------- Just to make sure this was the ULTIMATE boolean validation gem, although I believe use cases for these are slim to none: **Validating Truth** * `validates_verity_of` * `validates_truth_of` **Validating Falsity** * `validates_falsity_of` * `validates_falsehood_of` Aliases --------------------------------- In case some of you aren't fond of the ambiguity of "truthiness" I've also aliased `validates_truthiness_of` to `validates_booleanship_of` Issues ------ If you have problems, please create a [Github issue]( Credits ------- ![thekompanee]( validates_truthiness is maintained by [The Kompanee, Ltd.]( The names and logos for The Kompanee are trademarks of The Kompanee, Ltd. License ------- validates_truthiness is Copyright © 2011 The Kompanee. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.