require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe "Barometer" do before(:each) do @config_hash = { 1 => [:wunderground] } @yahoo_key = YAHOO_KEY end describe "and class methods" do it "defines selection" do Barometer::Base.respond_to?("config").should be_true Barometer::Base.config.should == { 1 => [:wunderground] } Barometer::Base.config = { 1 => [:yahoo] } Barometer::Base.config.should == { 1 => [:yahoo] } Barometer.config = @config_hash end it "returns a Weather Service driver" do Barometer.source(:wunderground).should == Barometer::WeatherService::Wunderground end it "sets the Placemaker Yahoo! app ID" do Barometer.respond_to?("yahoo_placemaker_app_id").should be_true Barometer.yahoo_placemaker_app_id = nil Barometer.yahoo_placemaker_app_id.should be_nil Barometer.yahoo_placemaker_app_id = @yahoo_key Barometer.yahoo_placemaker_app_id.should == @yahoo_key end it "forces the geocoding of queries" do Barometer.respond_to?("force_geocode").should be_true Barometer.force_geocode.should be_false Barometer.force_geocode = true Barometer.force_geocode.should be_true end it "forces the geocoding of queries" do Barometer.respond_to?("force_geocode!").should be_true Barometer.force_geocode = false Barometer.force_geocode.should be_false Barometer.force_geocode! Barometer.force_geocode.should be_true end it "set the global service timeout" do Barometer.respond_to?("timeout").should be_true Barometer.timeout.should == 15 Barometer.timeout = 5 Barometer.timeout.should == 5 end end describe "when initialized" do before(:each) do @barometer_direct = @barometer = end it "responds to query" do @barometer_direct.respond_to?("query").should be_true @barometer.respond_to?("query").should be_true end it "sets the query" do query = "query" barometer = barometer.query.is_a?(Barometer::Query) barometer.query.q.should == query barometer = barometer.query.is_a?(Barometer::Query) barometer.query.q.should == query end it "responds to weather" do be_true be_true end it "responds to success" do @barometer.success.should be_false @barometer_direct.success.should be_false @barometer_direct.success?.should be_false @barometer_direct.success = true @barometer_direct.success?.should be_true end end describe "when measuring" do before(:each) do query_term = "Calgary,AB" @barometer = @time = end it "responds to measure" do @barometer.respond_to?("measure").should be_true end it "returns a Barometer::Weather object" do @barometer.measure.is_a?(Barometer::Weather).should be_true end it "raises OutOfSources if no services successful" do Barometer::Base.config = { 1 => [] } lambda { @barometer.measure }.should raise_error(Barometer::OutOfSources) end it "sets the weight" do Barometer::Base.config = { 1 => {:wunderground => {:weight => 2}} } @barometer.measure == 2 end end end