require 'plist' module Fastlane module Actions module SharedValues DSYM_ZIP_PATH = :DSYM_ZIP_PATH end class DsymZipAction < Action def archive = params[:archive_path] params[:dsym_path] ||= File.join("#{File.basename(archive, '.*')}") dsym_folder_path = File.expand_path(File.join(archive, 'dSYMs')) zipped_dsym_path = File.expand_path(params[:dsym_path]) Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::DSYM_ZIP_PATH] = zipped_dsym_path if params[:all] "#{dsym_folder_path}" && zip -r "#{zipped_dsym_path}" "#{dsym_folder_path}"/*.dSYM)) else plist = Plist.parse_xml(File.join(archive, 'Info.plist')) app_name = Helper.test? ? '' : File.basename(plist['ApplicationProperties']['ApplicationPath']) dsym_name = "#{app_name}.dSYM" "#{dsym_folder_path}" && zip -r "#{zipped_dsym_path}" "#{dsym_name}")) end end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.is_supported?(platform) [:ios, :mac].include? platform end def self.description 'Creates a zipped dSYM in the project root from the .xcarchive' end def self.details "You can manually specify the path to the xcarchive (not needed if you use `xcodebuild`/`xcarchive` to build your archive)" end def self.available_options [ :archive_path, description: 'Path to your xcarchive file. Optional if you use the `xcodebuild` action', default_value: Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::XCODEBUILD_ARCHIVE], optional: true, env_name: 'DSYM_ZIP_XCARCHIVE_PATH', verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Couldn't find xcarchive file at path '#{value}'") if !Helper.test? && !File.exist?(value) end), :dsym_path, description: 'Path for generated dsym. Optional, default is your apps root directory', optional: true, env_name: 'DSYM_ZIP_DSYM_PATH'), :all, description: 'Whether or not all dSYM files are to be included. Optional, default is false in which only your app dSYM is included', default_value: false, optional: true, is_string: false, env_name: 'DSYM_ZIP_ALL') ] end def self.output [ ['DSYM_ZIP_PATH', 'The named of the zipped dSYM'] ] end def 'lmirosevic' end def self.example_code [ 'dsym_zip', 'dsym_zip( archive_path: "MyApp.xcarchive" )' ] end def self.category :misc end end end end