module ArJdbc module MSSQL module LockHelpers module SqlServerAddLock # Microsoft SQL Server uses its own syntax for SELECT .. FOR UPDATE: # SELECT .. FROM table1 WITH(ROWLOCK,UPDLOCK), table2 WITH(ROWLOCK,UPDLOCK) WHERE .. # # This does in-place modification of the passed-in string. def add_lock!(sql, options) if options[:lock] and sql =~ /\A\s*SELECT/mi # Check for and extract the :limit/:offset sub-query if sql =~ /\A(\s*SELECT t\.\* FROM \()(.*)(\) AS t WHERE t._row_num BETWEEN \d+ AND \d+\s*)\Z/m prefix, subselect, suffix = [$1, $2, $3] add_lock!(subselect, options) return sql.replace(prefix + subselect + suffix) end unless sql =~ /\A(\s*SELECT\s.*?)(\sFROM\s)(.*?)(\sWHERE\s.*|)\Z/mi # If you get this error, this driver probably needs to be fixed. raise NotImplementedError, "Don't know how to add_lock! to SQL statement: #{sql.inspect}" end select_clause, from_word, from_tables, where_clause = [$1, $2, $3, $4] with_clause = options[:lock].is_a?(String) ? " #{options[:lock]} " : " WITH(ROWLOCK,UPDLOCK) " # Split the FROM clause into its constituent tables, and add the with clause after each one. new_from_tables = [] s = until s.eos? prev_pos = s.pos if s.scan_until(/,|(INNER\s+JOIN|CROSS\s+JOIN|(LEFT|RIGHT|FULL)(\s+OUTER)?\s+JOIN)\s+/mi) join_operand = s.pre_match[prev_pos..-1] join_operator = s.matched else join_operand = join_operator = "" s.terminate end # At this point, we have something like: # join_operand == "appointments " # join_operator == "INNER JOIN " # or: # join_operand == "appointment_details AS d1 ON appointments.[id] = d1.[appointment_id]" # join_operator == "" if join_operand =~ /\A(.*)(\s+ON\s+.*)\Z/mi table_spec, on_clause = [$1, $2] else table_spec = join_operand on_clause = "" end # Add the "WITH(ROWLOCK,UPDLOCK)" option to the table specification table_spec << with_clause unless table_spec =~ /\A\(\s*SELECT\s+/mi # HACK - this parser isn't so great join_operand = table_spec + on_clause # So now we have something like: # join_operand == "appointments WITH(ROWLOCK,UPDLOCK) " # join_operator == "INNER JOIN " # or: # join_operand == "appointment_details AS d1 WITH(ROWLOCK,UPDLOCK) ON appointments.[id] = d1.[appointment_id]" # join_operator == "" new_from_tables << join_operand new_from_tables << join_operator end sql.replace([select_clause, from_word, new_from_tables, where_clause].flatten.join) end sql end end end end end