require 'azure-signature' module Azure module Armrest # Class for managing storage accounts. class StorageAccountService < ResourceGroupBasedService # Creates and returns a new StorageAccountService (SAS) instance. # def initialize(configuration, options = {}) super(configuration, 'storageAccounts', 'Microsoft.Storage', options) end # Same as other resource based get methods, but also sets the proxy on the model object. # def get(name, resource_group = configuration.resource_group) super.tap { |model| model.configuration = configuration } end # Same as other resource based list methods, but also sets the proxy on each model object. # def list(resource_group = configuration.resource_group) super.each { |model| model.configuration = configuration } end # Same as other resource based list_all methods, but also sets the proxy on each model object. # def list_all(filter = {}) super(filter).each { |model| model.configuration = configuration } end # Creates a new storage account, or updates an existing account with the # specified parameters. # # Note that the name of the storage account within the specified # must be 3-24 alphanumeric lowercase characters. This name must be # unique across all subscriptions. # # The options available are as follows: # # - :validating # Optional. Set to 'nameAvailability' to indicate that the account # name must be checked for global availability. # # - :properties # - :accountType # The type of storage account, e.g. "Standard_GRS". # # - :location # Required: One of the Azure geo regions, e.g. 'West US'. # # - :tags # A hash of tags to describe the resource. You may have a maximum of # 10 tags, and each key has a max size of 128 characters, and each # value has a max size of 256 characters. These are optional. # # Example: # # sas = Azure::Armrest::StorageAccountService(config) # # options = { # :location => "Central US", # :tags => {:redhat => true}, # :sku => {:name => "Standard_LRS"}, # :kind => "Storage" # } # # sas.create("your_storage_account", "your_resource_group", options) # def create(account_name, rgroup = configuration.resource_group, options) validating = options.delete(:validating) validate_account_name(account_name) acct = super(account_name, rgroup, options) do |url| url << "&validating=" << validating if validating end acct.configuration = configuration acct end # Returns the primary and secondary access keys for the given storage # account. This method will return a hash with 'key1' and 'key2' as its # keys. # # If you want a list of StorageAccountKey objects, then use the # list_account_key_objects method instead. # def list_account_keys(account_name, group = configuration.resource_group) validate_resource_group(group) url = build_url(group, account_name, 'listKeys') response = rest_post(url) hash = JSON.parse(response.body) parse_account_keys_from_hash(hash) end alias list_storage_account_keys list_account_keys # Returns a list of StorageAccountKey objects consisting of information # the primary and secondary keys. This method requires an api-version # string of 2016-01-01 or later, or an error is raised. # # If you want a plain hash, use the list_account_keys method instead. # def list_account_key_objects(account_name, group = configuration.resource_group, skip_accessors_definition = false) validate_resource_group(group) unless recent_api_version? raise ArgumentError, "unsupported api-version string '#{api_version}'" end url = build_url(group, account_name, 'listKeys') response = rest_post(url) JSON.parse(response.body)['keys'].map { |hash|, skip_accessors_definition) } end alias list_storage_account_key_objects list_account_key_objects # Regenerates the primary or secondary access keys for the given storage # account. The +key_name+ may be either 'key1' or 'key2'. If no key name # is provided, then it defaults to 'key1'. # def regenerate_account_keys(account_name, group = configuration.resource_group, key_name = 'key1') validate_resource_group(group) options = {'keyName' => key_name} url = build_url(group, account_name, 'regenerateKey') response = rest_post(url, options.to_json) hash = JSON.parse(response.body) parse_account_keys_from_hash(hash) end alias regenerate_storage_account_keys regenerate_account_keys # Same as regenerate_account_keys, but returns an array of # StorageAccountKey objects instead. # # This method requires an api-version string of 2016-01-01 or later # or an ArgumentError is raised. # def regenerate_account_key_objects(account_name, group = configuration.resource_group, key_name = 'key1') validate_resource_group(group) unless recent_api_version? raise ArgumentError, "unsupported api-version string '#{api_version}'" end options = {'keyName' => key_name} url = build_url(group, account_name, 'regenerateKey') response = rest_post(url, options.to_json) JSON.parse(response.body)['keys'].map { |hash| } end alias regenerate_storage_account_key_objects regenerate_account_key_objects # Returns a list of PrivateImage objects that are available for # provisioning for all storage accounts in the current subscription. # # You may optionally reduce the set of storage accounts that will # be scanned by providing a filter, where the keys are StorageAccount # properties. # # Example: # # sas.list_all_private_images(:location => 'eastus', resource_group => 'some_group') # # Note that for string values the comparison is caseless. # def list_all_private_images(filter = {}) storage_accounts = list_all(filter.merge(:skip_accessors_definition => true)) get_private_images(storage_accounts) end # Returns a list of PrivateImage objects that are available for # provisioning for all storage accounts in the provided resource group. # # The custom keys :uri and :operating_system have been added to the # resulting PrivateImage objects for convenience. # # Example: # # sas.list_private_images(your_resource_group) # def list_private_images(group = configuration.resource_group) storage_accounts = list(group, true) get_private_images(storage_accounts) end # Return the storage account for the virtual machine model +vm+. # def get_from_vm(vm) uri = Addressable::URI.parse( # The uri looks like name ='.').first # storage name, e.g. 'foo123' # Look for the storage account in the VM's resource group first. If # it's not found, look through all the storage accounts. begin acct = get(name, vm.resource_group) rescue Azure::Armrest::NotFoundException => err acct = list_all(:name => name).first raise err unless acct end acct.configuration = configuration acct end # Get information for the underlying VHD file based on the properties # of the virtual machine model +vm+. # def get_os_disk(vm) uri = Addressable::URI.parse( # The uri looks like disk = File.basename(uri.to_s) # disk name, e.g. 'something123.vhd' path = File.dirname(uri.path)[1..-1] # container, e.g. 'vhds' acct = get_from_vm(vm) keys = list_account_keys(, acct.resource_group) key = keys['key1'] || keys['key2'] acct.blob_properties(path, disk, key) end def accounts_by_name @accounts_by_name ||= list_all.each_with_object({}) { |sa, sah| sah[] = sa } end def parse_uri(uri) uri = Addressable::URI.parse(uri) host_components ='.') rh = { :scheme => uri.scheme, :account_name => host_components[0], :service_name => host_components[1], :resource_path => uri.path } # TODO: support other service types. return rh unless rh[:service_name] == "blob" blob_components = uri.path.split('/', 3) if blob_components[2] rh[:container] = blob_components[1] rh[:blob] = blob_components[2] else rh[:container] = '$root' rh[:blob] = blob_components[1] end return rh unless uri.query && uri.query.start_with?("snapshot=") rh[:snapshot] = uri.query.split('=', 2)[1] rh end private # Given a list of StorageAccount objects, returns all private images # within those accounts. # def get_private_images(storage_accounts) results = [] mutex = Parallel.each(storage_accounts, :in_threads => configuration.max_threads) do |storage_account| begin key = get_account_key(storage_account, true) rescue Azure::Armrest::ApiException next # Most likely due to incomplete or failed provisioning. else storage_account.access_key = key end init_opts = { :skip_accessors_definition => true } storage_account.containers(storage_account.access_key, init_opts).each do |container| next if container.name_from_hash =~ /^bootdiagnostics/i storage_account.blobs(container.name_from_hash, storage_account.access_key, init_opts).each do |blob| next unless File.extname(blob.name_from_hash).casecmp('.vhd').zero? next unless blob.lease_state_from_hash.casecmp('available').zero? # In rare cases the endpoint will be unreachable. Warn and move on. begin blob_properties = storage_account.blob_properties( blob[:container], blob.name_from_hash, storage_account.access_key, :skip_accessors_definition => true ) rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Azure::Armrest::TimeoutException => err msg = "Unable to collect blob properties for #{}/#{blob.container}: #{err}" log('warn', msg) next end next unless blob_properties[:x_ms_meta_microsoftazurecompute_osstate] next unless blob_properties[:x_ms_meta_microsoftazurecompute_osstate].casecmp('generalized').zero? mutex.synchronize do results << blob_to_private_image_object(storage_account, blob, blob_properties) end end end end results end # Converts a StorageAccount::Blob object into a StorageAccount::PrivateImage # object, which is a mix of Blob and StorageAccount properties. # def blob_to_private_image_object(storage_account, blob, blob_properties) hash = blob.to_h.merge( :storage_account => storage_account.to_h, :blob_properties => blob_properties.to_h, :operating_system => blob_properties[:x_ms_meta_microsoftazurecompute_ostype], :uri => File.join( storage_account.blob_endpoint_from_hash, blob[:container], blob.name_from_hash ) ) { |image| image.resource_group = storage_account.resource_group } end # Get the key for the given +storage_acct+ using the appropriate method # depending on the api-version. # def get_account_key(storage_acct, skip_accessors_definition = false) if recent_api_version? list_account_key_objects(storage_acct.name_from_hash, storage_acct.resource_group, skip_accessors_definition).first.key else list_account_keys(storage_acct.name_from_hash, storage_acct.resource_group).fetch('key1') end end # Check to see if the api-version string is 2016-01-01 or later. def recent_api_version? Time.parse(api_version).utc >= Time.parse('2016-01-01').utc end # As of api-version 2016-01-01, the format returned for listing and # regenerating hash keys has changed. # def parse_account_keys_from_hash(hash) if recent_api_version? key1 = hash['keys'].find { |h| h['keyName'] == 'key1' }['value'] key2 = hash['keys'].find { |h| h['keyName'] == 'key2' }['value'] hash = {'key1' => key1, 'key2' => key2} end hash end def validate_account_name(name) if name.size < 3 || name.size > 24 || name[/\W+/] raise ArgumentError, "name must be 3-24 alpha-numeric characters only" end end end end end