describe '', -> u = up.util describe 'JavaScript functions', -> describe 'unobtrusive behavior', -> describe '[up-hungry]', -> it "replaces the element when it is found in a response, even when the element wasn't targeted", asyncSpec (next) -> affix('.hungry[up-hungry]').text('old hungry') affix('.target').text('old target') up.replace('.target', '/path') next => @respondWith """
new target
new between
new hungry
""" next => expect('.target').toHaveText('new target') expect('.hungry').toHaveText('new hungry') it "does not impede replacements when the element is not part of a response", asyncSpec (next) -> affix('.hungry[up-hungry]').text('old hungry') affix('.target').text('old target') promise = up.replace('.target', '/path') next => @respondWith """
new target
""" next => expect('.target').toHaveText('new target') expect('.hungry').toHaveText('old hungry') promiseState(promise).then (result) -> expect(result.state).toEqual('fulfilled') it 'still reveals the element that was originally targeted', asyncSpec (next) -> affix('.hungry[up-hungry]').text('old hungry') affix('.target').text('old target') revealStub = up.layout.knife.mock('reveal') up.replace('.target', '/path', reveal: true) next => @respondWith """
new target
""" next => expect(revealStub).toHaveBeenCalled() revealArg = revealStub.calls.mostRecent().args[0] expect(revealArg).not.toBeMatchedBy('.hungry') expect(revealArg).toBeMatchedBy('.target') it 'does not change the X-Up-Target header for the request', asyncSpec (next) -> affix('.hungry[up-hungry]').text('old hungry') affix('.target').text('old target') affix('.fail-target').text('old fail target') up.replace('.target', '/path', failTarget: '.fail-target') next => expect(@lastRequest().requestHeaders['X-Up-Target']).toEqual('.target') expect(@lastRequest().requestHeaders['X-Up-Fail-Target']).toEqual('.fail-target') it 'does replace the element when the server responds with an error (e.g. for error flashes)', asyncSpec (next) -> affix('.hungry[up-hungry]').text('old hungry') affix('.target').text('old target') affix('.fail-target').text('old fail target') up.replace('.target', '/path', failTarget: '.fail-target') next => @respondWith status: 500 responseText: """
new target
new fail target
new between
new hungry
""" it 'does not update [up-hungry] elements with { hungry: false } option', asyncSpec (next) -> affix('.hungry[up-hungry]').text('old hungry') affix('.target').text('old target') up.replace('.target', '/path', hungry: false) next => @respondWith responseText: """
new target
new hungry
""" next => expect('.target').toHaveText('new target') expect('.hungry').toHaveText('old hungry') it 'does not auto-close a non-sticky modal if a link within the modal changes both modal content and an [up-hungry] below', asyncSpec (next) -> up.modal.config.openDuration = 0 up.modal.config.closeDuration = 0 affix('.outside').text('old outside').attr('up-hungry', true) closeEventHandler = jasmine.createSpy('close event handler') up.on('up:modal:close', closeEventHandler) up.modal.extract '.inside', """
old inside
""" next => expect(up.modal.isOpen()).toBe(true) up.extract '.inside-text', """
new outside
new inside
""", origin: $('.inside-link') next => expect(closeEventHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect($('.inside-text')).toHaveText('new inside') expect($('.outside')).toHaveText('new outside') it 'does not auto-close a non-sticky popup if a link within the modal replaces an [up-hungry] below', asyncSpec (next) -> up.popup.config.openDuration = 0 up.popup.config.closeDuration = 0 affix('.outside').text('old outside').attr('up-hungry', true) $popupAnchor = affix('').text('link') closeEventHandler = jasmine.createSpy('close event handler') up.on('up:popup:close', closeEventHandler) up.popup.attach $popupAnchor, target: '.inside' html: """
old inside
""" next => expect(up.popup.isOpen()).toBe(true) up.extract '.inside-text', """
new outside
new inside
""", origin: $('.inside-link') next => expect(closeEventHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect($('.inside-text')).toHaveText('new inside') expect($('.outside')).toHaveText('new outside')