# CodeOwnership This gem helps engineering teams declare ownership of code. This gem works best in large, usually monolithic code bases where many teams work together. Check out [`lib/code_ownership.rb`](https://github.com/rubyatscale/code_ownership/blob/main/lib/code_ownership.rb) to see the public API. Check out [`code_ownership_spec.rb`](https://github.com/rubyatscale/code_ownership/blob/main/spec/lib/code_ownership_spec.rb) to see examples of how code ownership is used. There is also a [companion VSCode Extension]([url](https://github.com/rubyatscale/code-ownership-vscode)) for this gem. Just search `Gusto.code-ownership-vscode` in the VSCode Extension Marketplace. ## Usage: Declaring Ownership There are three ways to declare code ownership using this gem. ### Package-Based Ownership Package based ownership integrates [`packwerk`](https://github.com/Shopify/packwerk) and has ownership defined per package. To define that all files within a package are owned by one team, configure your `package.yml` like this: ```yml enforce_dependency: true enforce_privacy: true metadata: owner: Team ``` ### Glob-Based Ownership In your team's configured YML (see [`code_teams`](https://github.com/rubyatscale/code_teams)), you can set `owned_globs` to be a glob of files your team owns. For example, in `my_team.yml`: ```yml name: My Team owned_globs: - app/services/stuff_belonging_to_my_team/**/** - app/controllers/other_stuff_belonging_to_my_team/**/** ``` ### File-Annotation Based Ownership File annotations are a last resort if there is no clear home for your code. File annotations go at the top of your file, and look like this: ```ruby # @team MyTeam ``` ### Javascript Package Ownership Javascript package based ownership allows you to specify an owenrship key in a `package.json`. To use this, configure your `package.json` like this: ```json { // other keys "metadata": { "owner": "My Team" } // other keys } ``` You can also tell `code_ownership` where to find JS packages in the configuration, like this: ```yml js_package_paths: - frontend/javascripts/packages/* - frontend/other_location_for_packages/* ``` This defaults `**/`, which makes it look for `package.json` files across your application. ## Usage: Reading CodeOwnership ### `for_file` `CodeOwnership.for_file`, given a relative path to a file returns a `CodeTeams::Team` if there is a team that owns the file, `nil` otherwise. ```ruby CodeOwnership.for_file('path/to/file/relative/to/application/root.rb') ``` Contributor note: If you are making updates to this method or the methods getting used here, please benchmark the performance of the new implementation against the current for both `for_files` and `for_file` (with 1, 100, 1000 files). See `code_ownership_spec.rb` for examples. ### `for_backtrace` `CodeOwnership.for_backtrace` can be given a backtrace and will either return `nil`, or a `CodeTeams::Team`. ```ruby CodeOwnership.for_backtrace(exception.backtrace) ``` This will go through the backtrace, and return the first found owner of the files associated with frames within the backtrace. See `code_ownership_spec.rb` for an example. ### `for_class` `CodeOwnership.for_class` can be given a class and will either return `nil`, or a `CodeTeams::Team`. ```ruby CodeOwnership.for_class(MyClass.name) ``` Under the hood, this finds the file where the class is defined and returns the owner of that file. See `code_ownership_spec.rb` for an example. ### `for_team` `CodeOwnership.for_team` can be used to generate an ownership report for a team. ```ruby CodeOwnership.for_team('My Team') ``` You can shovel this into a markdown file for easy viewing using the CLI: ``` bin/codeownership for_team 'My Team' > tmp/ownership_report.md ``` ## Usage: Generating a `CODEOWNERS` file A `CODEOWNERS` file defines who owns specific files or paths in a repository. When you run `bin/codeownership validate`, a `.github/CODEOWNERS` file will automatically be generated and updated. ## Proper Configuration & Validation CodeOwnership comes with a validation function to ensure the following things are true: 1) Only one mechanism is defining file ownership. That is -- you can't have a file annotation on a file owned via package-based or glob-based ownership. This helps make ownership behavior more clear by avoiding concerns about precedence. 2) All teams referenced as an owner for any file or package is a valid team (i.e. it's in the list of `CodeTeams.all`). 3) All files have ownership. You can specify in `unowned_globs` to represent a TODO list of files to add ownership to. 3) The `.github/CODEOWNERS` file is up to date. This is automatically corrected and staged unless specified otherwise with `bin/codeownership validate --skip-autocorrect --skip-stage`. You can turn this validation off by setting `skip_codeowners_validation: true` in `code_ownership.yml`. CodeOwnership also allows you to specify which globs and file extensions should be considered ownable. Here is an example `config/code_ownership.yml`. ```yml owned_globs: - '{app,components,config,frontend,lib,packs,spec}/**/*.{rb,rake,js,jsx,ts,tsx}' unowned_globs: - db/**/* - app/services/some_file1.rb - app/services/some_file2.rb - frontend/javascripts/**/__generated__/**/* ``` You can call the validation function with the Ruby API ```ruby CodeOwnership.validate! ``` or the CLI ``` bin/codeownership validate ``` ## Development Please add to `CHANGELOG.md` and this `README.md` when you make make changes.