# encoding: utf-8 require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' module ICU describe Result do context "a typical result" do it "should have a round, player number and score plus optional opponent number, colour and rateable flag" do lambda { Result.new(3, 5, 'W', :opponent => 11, :colour => 'W') }.should_not raise_error end end context "round number" do it "should be a positive integer" do lambda { Result.new(-2, 2, 0) }.should raise_error(/invalid positive integer/) lambda { Result.new(0, 2, 0) }.should raise_error(/invalid positive integer/) Result.new(1, 2, 0).round.should == 1 Result.new(' 3 ', 2, 0).round.should == 3 end end context "player number" do it "should be an integer" do lambda { Result.new(1, ' ', 0) }.should raise_error(/invalid integer/) Result.new(1, 2, 0).player.should == 2 Result.new(1, ' 0 ', 0).player.should == 0 Result.new(1, -5, 0).player.should == -5 Result.new(1, " 9 ", 0).player.should == 9 end end context "score" do [1, 1.0, 'W', 'w', '+'].each do |score| it "should be 'W' for #{score}, #{score.class}" do Result.new(1, 2, score).score.should == 'W' end end [0, 0.0, 'L', 'l', '-'].each do |score| it "should be 'L' for #{score}, #{score.class}" do Result.new(1, 2, score).score.should == 'L' end end ['½', 0.5, 'D', 'd', '='].each do |score| it "should be 'L' for #{score}, #{score.class}" do Result.new(1, 2, score).score.should == 'D' end end ['', ' ', 'x', 2, -1.0, nil].each do |score| it "should raise error for invalid score (#{score})" do lambda { Result.new(1, 2, score) }.should raise_error(/invalid score/) end end it "should be expressable as a number" do Result.new(1, 2, 'W').points.should == 1.0 Result.new(1, 2, 'L').points.should == 0.0 Result.new(1, 2, 'D').points.should == 0.5 end end context "colour" do it "should be 'W' or 'B' or nil (unknown)" do Result.new(4, 1, 0).colour.should be_nil Result.new(4, 1, 0, :colour => 'W').colour.should == 'W' Result.new(4, 1, 0, :colour => 'white').colour.should == 'W' Result.new(4, 1, 0, :colour => ' b ').colour.should == 'B' Result.new(4, 1, 0, :colour => ' BLACK ').colour.should == 'B' lambda { Result.new(4, 1, 0, :colour => 'red') }.should raise_error(/invalid colour/) end end context "opponent number" do it "should be nil (the default) or an integer" do Result.new(4, 1, 0).opponent.should be_nil Result.new(4, 1, 0, :opponent => nil).opponent.should be_nil Result.new(4, 1, 0, :opponent => ' ').opponent.should be_nil Result.new(4, 1, 0, :opponent => 0).opponent.should == 0 Result.new(4, 1, 0, :opponent => 2).opponent.should == 2 Result.new(4, 1, 0, :opponent => -6).opponent.should == -6 Result.new(4, 1, 0, :opponent => ' 10 ').opponent.should == 10 lambda { Result.new(4, 1, 0, :opponent => 'X') }.should raise_error(/invalid opponent number/) end it "should be different to player number" do lambda { Result.new(4, 1, 0, :opponent => 1) }.should raise_error(/opponent .* player .* different/) end end context "rateable flag" do it "should default to false if there is no opponent" do Result.new(4, 1, 0).rateable.should be_false end it "should default to true if there is an opponent" do Result.new(4, 1, 0, :opponent => 10).rateable.should be_true end it "should change if an opponent is added" do r = Result.new(4, 1, 0) r.opponent = 5; r.rateable.should be_true end it "should be settable to false from the constructor" do Result.new(4, 1, 0, :opponent => 10, :rateable => false).rateable.should be_false end it "should be settable to false using the accessor" do r = Result.new(4, 1, 0, :opponent => 10) r.rateable= false r.rateable.should be_false end it "should not be settable to true if there is no opponent" do r = Result.new(4, 1, 0) r.rateable= true r.rateable.should be_false end end context "reversed result" do it "should be nil if there is no opponent" do Result.new(4, 1, 0).reverse.should be_nil end it "should have player and opponent swapped" do r = Result.new(4, 1, 0, :opponent => 2).reverse r.player.should == 2 r.opponent.should == 1 end it "should have reversed result" do Result.new(4, 1, 0, :opponent => 2).reverse.score.should == 'W' Result.new(4, 1, 1, :opponent => 2).reverse.score.should == 'L' Result.new(4, 1, '=', :opponent => 2).reverse.score.should == 'D' end it "should preserve rateability" do Result.new(4, 1, 0, :opponent => 2).reverse.rateable.should be_true Result.new(4, 1, 0, :opponent => 2, :rateable => false).reverse.rateable.should be_false end end context "renumber the player numbers in a result" do before(:each) do @r1 = Result.new(1, 4, 0) @r2 = Result.new(2, 3, 1, :opponent => 4, :color => 'B') end it "should renumber successfully if the map has the relevant player numbers" do map = { 4 => 1, 3 => 2 } @r1.renumber(map).player.should == 1 @r2.renumber(map).player.should == 2 @r1.opponent.should be_nil @r2.opponent.should == 1 end it "should raise exception if a player number is not in the map" do lambda { @r1.renumber({ 5 => 1, 3 => 2 }) }.should raise_error(/player.*4.*not found/) end end context "loose equality" do before(:each) do @r1 = Result.new(1, 1, 0, :opponent => 2, :colour => 'W') @r2 = Result.new(1, 1, 0, :opponent => 2, :colour => 'W') @r3 = Result.new(2, 1, 0, :opponent => 2, :colour => 'W') @r4 = Result.new(1, 3, 0, :opponent => 2, :colour => 'W') @r5 = Result.new(1, 1, 1, :opponent => 2, :colour => 'W') @r6 = Result.new(1, 1, 0, :opponent => 3, :colour => 'W') @r7 = Result.new(1, 1, 0, :opponent => 2, :colour => 'B') end it "should be equal if the round, player numbers, result and colour all match" do (@r1 == @r1).should be_true (@r1 == @r2).should be_true end it "should not be equal if the round, player numbers, result or colour do not match" do (@r1 == @r3).should be_false (@r1 == @r4).should be_false (@r1 == @r5).should be_false (@r1 == @r6).should be_false (@r1 == @r7).should be_false end end context "strict equality" do before(:each) do @r1 = Result.new(1, 1, 0, :opponent => 2, :colour => 'W') @r2 = Result.new(1, 1, 0, :opponent => 2, :colour => 'W') @r3 = Result.new(1, 1, 0, :opponent => 2, :colour => 'W', :rateable => false) @r4 = Result.new(2, 1, 0, :opponent => 2, :colour => 'W') end it "should only be equal if everything is the same" do @r1.eql?(@r1).should be_true @r1.eql?(@r2).should be_true @r1.eql?(@r3).should be_false @r1.eql?(@r4).should be_false end end end end