module RocketJobMissionControl module ApplicationHelper STATE_ICON_MAP = { aborted: 'fa-stop', completed: 'fa-check', disabled: 'fa-stop', enabled: 'fa-check', failed: 'fa-exclamation-triangle', paused: 'fa-pause', pending: 'fa-inbox', queued: 'fa-inbox', running: 'fa-play', scheduled: 'fa-clock-o', starting: 'fa-cogs', stopping: 'fa-stop', zombie: 'fa-hourglass-o' } def state_icon(state) STATE_ICON_MAP[state.to_sym] + ' ' + state.to_s end def site_title 'Rocket Job Mission Control' end def title @page_title ||= params[:controller].to_s.titleize h(@full_title || [@page_title, site_title].compact.join(' | ')) end def active_page(path) 'active' if current_page?(path) end def pretty_print_array_or_hash(arguments) return arguments unless arguments.kind_of?(Array) || arguments.kind_of?(Hash) json_string_options = {space: ' ', indent: ' ', array_nl: '
', object_nl: '
'} JSON.generate(arguments, json_string_options).html_safe end # Returns [Array] list of inclusion values for this attribute. # Returns nil when there are no inclusion values for this attribute. def extract_inclusion_values(klass, attribute) values = nil klass.validators_on(attribute).each do |validator| case validator when ActiveModel::Validations::InclusionValidator values = validator.options[:in] end end values end # Returns the editable field as html for use in editing dynamic fields from a Job class. def editable_field_html(klass, field_name, value, f, include_nil_selectors = false) field = klass.fields[field_name.to_s] return unless field && field.type placeholder = field.default_val placeholder = nil if placeholder.is_a?(Proc) case when 'Symbol', 'String', 'Integer' options = extract_inclusion_values(klass, field_name) str = "[#{}]\n".html_safe if options str +, options, {include_blank: options.include?(nil) || include_nil_selectors, selected: value}, {class: 'form-control'}) else if == 'Integer' str + f.number_field(field_name, value: value, class: 'form-control', placeholder: placeholder) else str + f.text_field(field_name, value: value, class: 'form-control', placeholder: placeholder) end end when 'Hash' "[JSON Hash]\n".html_safe + f.text_field(field_name, value: value ? value.to_json : '', class: 'form-control', placeholder: '{"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2", "key3":"value3"}') when 'Array' options = Array(value) "[Array]\n".html_safe +, options_for_select(options, options), {include_hidden: false}, {class: 'selectize', multiple: true}) when 'Mongoid::Boolean' name = "#{field_name}_true".to_sym str = '
'.html_safe str << f.label(name, 'true') str << f.radio_button(field_name, 'true', checked: value == 'true') str << f.label(name, 'false') str << f.radio_button(field_name, 'false', checked: value == 'false') str << f.label(name, 'none') str << f.radio_button(field_name, '', checked: value.blank?) str << '
'.html_safe else "[#{}]".html_safe + f.text_field(field_name, value: value, class: 'form-control', placeholder: placeholder) end end end end