require "spec_helper" describe React::Element do it "should be toll-free bridged to React.Element" do element = React.create_element('div') expect(`React.isValidElement(#{element})`).to eq(true) end describe "#new" do it "should raise error if invokded" do expect { }.to raise_error end end describe "#element_type" do it "should bridge to `type` of native" do element = React.create_element('div') expect(element.element_type).to eq("div") %x{ var m = React.createClass({ render:function(){ return React.createElement('div'); } }); var ele = React.createElement(m); } expect(`ele`.element_type).to eq(`ele.type`) end end describe "#key" do it "should bridge to `key` of native" do element = React.create_element('div', key: "1") expect(element.key).to eq(`#{element}.key`) end it "should return nil if key is null" do element = React.create_element('div') expect(element.key).to be_nil end end describe "#ref" do it "should bridge to `ref` of native" do element = React.create_element('div', ref: "foo") expect(element.ref).to eq(`#{element}.ref`) end it "should return nil if ref is null" do element = React.create_element('div') expect(element.ref).to be_nil end end describe "Event subscription" do it "should be subscribable through `on(:event_name)` method" do expect { |b| element = React.create_element("div").on(:click, &b) instance = renderElementToDocument(element) simulateEvent(:click, instance) }.to yield_with_args(React::Event) expect { |b| element = React.create_element("div").on(:key_down, &b) instance = renderElementToDocument(element) simulateEvent(:keyDown, instance, {key: "Enter"}) }.to yield_control expect { |b| element = React.create_element("form").on(:submit, &b) instance = renderElementToDocument(element) simulateEvent(:submit, instance, {}) }.to yield_control end it "should return self for `on` method" do element = React.create_element("div") expect(element.on(:click){}).to eq(element) end end describe "Props.Children" do it "should return a Enumerable" do ele = React.create_element('div') { [React.create_element('a'), React.create_element('li')] } nodes = {|ele| ele.element_type } expect(nodes).to eq(["a", "li"]) end it "should return a Enumerator when not providing a block" do ele = React.create_element('div') { [React.create_element('a'), React.create_element('li')] } nodes = ele.children.each expect(nodes).to be_a(Enumerator) expect(nodes.size).to eq(2) end describe "empty" do it "should work as Enumerable" do ele = React.create_element('div') expect(ele.children.count).to eq(0) expect(ele.children.none?).to eq(true) end end describe "single child" do it "should works as Enumerable" do ele = React.create_element('div') { [React.create_element('a')] } expect(ele.children.count).to eq(1) expect( {|node| node.element_type}).to eq(['a']) end end describe "single child as string" do it "should works as Enumerable" do ele = React.create_element('div') { "foo" } expect(ele.children.count).to eq(1) expect( {|node| node}).to eq(['foo']) end end describe "single child as number" do it "should works as Enumerable" do ele = React.create_element('div') { 123 } expect(ele.children.count).to eq(1) expect( {|node| node}).to eq([123]) end end end end