module Formotion module RowType class StringRow < Base include BW::KVO # The new UITextField in a UITableViewCell # will be assigned this tag, if applicable. TEXT_FIELD_TAG=1000 def keyboardType UIKeyboardTypeDefault end # Configures the cell to have a new UITextField # which is used to enter data. Consists of # 1) setting up that field with the appropriate properties # specified by `row` 2) configures the callbacks on the field # to call any callbacks `row` listens for. # Also does the layoutSubviews swizzle trick # to size the UITextField so it won't bump into the titleLabel. def build_cell(cell) field = UITextField.alloc.initWithFrame(CGRectZero) field.tag = TEXT_FIELD_TAG observe(self.row, "value") do |old_value, new_value| break_with_semaphore do update_text_field(new_value) end end field.clearButtonMode = UITextFieldViewModeWhileEditing field.contentVerticalAlignment = UIControlContentVerticalAlignmentCenter field.textAlignment = row.text_alignment || UITextAlignmentRight field.keyboardType = keyboardType field.secureTextEntry = true if field.returnKeyType = row.return_key || UIReturnKeyNext field.autocapitalizationType = row.auto_capitalization if row.auto_capitalization field.autocorrectionType = row.auto_correction if row.auto_correction field.clearButtonMode = row.clear_button || UITextFieldViewModeWhileEditing field.enabled = row.editable? add_callbacks(field) cell.swizzle(:layoutSubviews) do def layoutSubviews old_layoutSubviews # viewWithTag is terrible, but I think it's ok to use here... formotion_field = self.viewWithTag(TEXT_FIELD_TAG) formotion_field.sizeToFit field_frame = formotion_field.frame field_frame.origin.x = self.textLabel.frame.origin.x + self.textLabel.frame.size.width + Formotion::RowType::Base.field_buffer field_frame.origin.y = ((self.frame.size.height - field_frame.size.height) / 2.0).round field_frame.size.width = self.frame.size.width - field_frame.origin.x - Formotion::RowType::Base.field_buffer formotion_field.frame = field_frame end end if UIDevice.currentDevice.systemVersion >= "6.0" field.swizzle(:setText) do def setText(text) r = old_setText(text) self.sendActionsForControlEvents(UIControlEventEditingChanged) r end end end field.placeholder = row.placeholder field.text = row_value cell.addSubview(field) field end # overriden in subclasses def row_value row.value.to_s end def add_callbacks(field) if row.on_enter_callback field.should_return? do |text_field| if row.on_enter_callback.arity == 0 elsif row.on_enter_callback.arity == 1 end false end elsif field.returnKeyType == UIReturnKeyDone field.should_return? do |text_field| text_field.resignFirstResponder false end else field.should_return? do |text_field| if row.next_row && row.next_row.text_field row.next_row.text_field.becomeFirstResponder else text_field.resignFirstResponder end true end end field.on_begin do |text_field| row.on_begin_callback && end field.should_begin? do |text_field| row.section.form.active_row = row true end field.on_change do |text_field| on_change(text_field) end end def on_change(text_field) break_with_semaphore do row.value = text_field.text end end def on_select(tableView, tableViewDelegate) if !row.editable? return end row.text_field.becomeFirstResponder end # Used when row.value changes def update_text_field(new_value) self.row.text_field.text = new_value end end end end