% if sql_query.data.count > 0 %>
Total: <%= pluralize sql_query.data.count, 'record' %> Time: <%= sql_query.data.time %> seconds Explain <%= link_to raw("#{fa_icon('file-text-o')} Export to CSV"), sql_csv_path(sql: sql, format: 'csv'), method: :post %> <% if defined? Axlsx %> <%= link_to raw("#{fa_icon('file-excel-o')} Export to Excel"), sql_xls_path(sql: sql, format: 'xls'), method: :post %> <% end %>
<%= titleize_column(column) %> | <% end %>
<%= item %> | <% end %>
<%= titleize_column(column) %> | <% end %>
SQL command successfully executed Time: <%= sql_query.data.time %> seconds Explain
<%= render 'explain', sql_query: sql_query, sql: sql %> <% end %>