#pragma once #include "LDAModel.hpp" #include "PA.h" /* Implementation of Pachinko Allocation using Gibbs sampling by bab2min Li, W., & McCallum, A. (2006, June). Pachinko allocation: DAG-structured mixture models of topic correlations. In Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on Machine learning (pp. 577-584). ACM. */ namespace tomoto { template struct ModelStatePA : public ModelStateLDA<_tw> { using WeightType = typename ModelStateLDA<_tw>::WeightType; Eigen::Matrix numByTopic1_2; Eigen::Matrix numByTopic2; Vector subTmp; DEFINE_SERIALIZER_AFTER_BASE(ModelStateLDA<_tw>, numByTopic1_2, numByTopic2); }; template, typename _ModelState = ModelStatePA<_tw>> class PAModel : public LDAModel<_tw, _RandGen, 0, _Interface, typename std::conditional::value, PAModel<_tw, _RandGen>, _Derived>::type, _DocType, _ModelState> { protected: using DerivedClass = typename std::conditional::value, PAModel<_tw, _RandGen>, _Derived>::type; using BaseClass = LDAModel<_tw, _RandGen, 0, _Interface, DerivedClass, _DocType, _ModelState>; friend BaseClass; friend typename BaseClass::BaseClass; using WeightType = typename BaseClass::WeightType; Tid K2; Float epsilon = 1e-5; size_t iteration = 5; Vector subAlphaSum; // len = K Matrix subAlphas; // len = K * K2 void optimizeParameters(ThreadPool& pool, _ModelState* localData, _RandGen* rgs) { const auto K = this->K; std::vector> res; for (size_t k = 0; k < K; ++k) { res.emplace_back(pool.enqueue([&, k](size_t) { for (size_t i = 0; i < iteration; ++i) { Float denom = this->template calcDigammaSum<>(nullptr, [&](size_t i) { return this->docs[i].numByTopic[k]; }, this->docs.size(), subAlphaSum[k]); for (size_t k2 = 0; k2 < K2; ++k2) { Float nom = this->template calcDigammaSum<>(nullptr, [&](size_t i) { return this->docs[i].numByTopic1_2(k, k2); }, this->docs.size(), subAlphas(k, k2)); subAlphas(k, k2) = std::max(nom / denom * subAlphas(k, k2), epsilon); } subAlphaSum[k] = subAlphas.row(k).sum(); } })); } for (auto& r : res) r.get(); } // topic 1 & 2 assignment likelihoods for new word. ret K*K2 FLOATs template Float* getZLikelihoods(_ModelState& ld, const _DocType& doc, size_t docId, size_t vid) const { const size_t V = this->realV; const auto eta = this->eta; assert(vid < V); auto etaHelper = this->template getEtaHelper<_asymEta>(); auto& zLikelihood = ld.zLikelihood; ld.subTmp = (ld.numByTopicWord.col(vid).array().template cast() + etaHelper.getEta(vid)) / (ld.numByTopic2.array().template cast() + etaHelper.getEtaSum()); for (size_t k = 0; k < this->K; ++k) { zLikelihood.segment(K2 * k, K2) = (doc.numByTopic[k] + this->alpha) * (doc.numByTopic1_2.row(k).transpose().array().template cast() + subAlphas.row(k).transpose().array()) / (doc.numByTopic[k] + subAlphaSum[k]) * ld.subTmp.array(); } sample::prefixSum(zLikelihood.data(), zLikelihood.size()); return &zLikelihood[0]; } template inline void addWordTo(_ModelState& ld, _DocType& doc, uint32_t pid, Vid vid, Tid z1, Tid z2) const { assert(vid < this->realV); constexpr bool _dec = _inc < 0 && _tw != TermWeight::one; typename std::conditional<_tw != TermWeight::one, float, int32_t>::type weight = _tw != TermWeight::one ? doc.wordWeights[pid] : 1; updateCnt<_dec>(doc.numByTopic[z1], _inc * weight); updateCnt<_dec>(doc.numByTopic1_2(z1, z2), _inc * weight); updateCnt<_dec>(ld.numByTopic[z1], _inc * weight); updateCnt<_dec>(ld.numByTopic2[z2], _inc * weight); updateCnt<_dec>(ld.numByTopic1_2(z1, z2), _inc * weight); updateCnt<_dec>(ld.numByTopicWord(z2, vid), _inc * weight); } template void sampleDocument(_DocType& doc, const _ExtraDocData& edd, size_t docId, _ModelState& ld, _RandGen& rgs, size_t iterationCnt, size_t partitionId = 0) const { size_t b = 0, e = doc.words.size(); if (_ps == ParallelScheme::partition) { b = edd.chunkOffsetByDoc(partitionId, docId); e = edd.chunkOffsetByDoc(partitionId + 1, docId); } size_t vOffset = (_ps == ParallelScheme::partition && partitionId) ? edd.vChunkOffset[partitionId - 1] : 0; for (size_t w = b; w < e; ++w) { if (doc.words[w] >= this->realV) continue; addWordTo<-1>(ld, doc, w, doc.words[w] - vOffset, doc.Zs[w], doc.Z2s[w]); Float* dist; if (this->etaByTopicWord.size()) { dist = getZLikelihoods(ld, doc, docId, doc.words[w] - vOffset); } else { dist = getZLikelihoods(ld, doc, docId, doc.words[w] - vOffset); } auto z = sample::sampleFromDiscreteAcc(dist, dist + this->K * K2, rgs); doc.Zs[w] = z / K2; doc.Z2s[w] = z % K2; addWordTo<1>(ld, doc, w, doc.words[w] - vOffset, doc.Zs[w], doc.Z2s[w]); } } template void distributePartition(ThreadPool& pool, const _ModelState& globalState, _ModelState* localData, const _ExtraDocData& edd) const { std::vector> res = pool.enqueueToAll([&](size_t partitionId) { size_t b = partitionId ? edd.vChunkOffset[partitionId - 1] : 0, e = edd.vChunkOffset[partitionId]; localData[partitionId].numByTopicWord.matrix() = globalState.numByTopicWord.block(0, b, globalState.numByTopicWord.rows(), e - b); localData[partitionId].numByTopic = globalState.numByTopic; localData[partitionId].numByTopic1_2 = globalState.numByTopic1_2; localData[partitionId].numByTopic2 = globalState.numByTopic2; if (!localData[partitionId].zLikelihood.size()) localData[partitionId].zLikelihood = globalState.zLikelihood; }); for (auto& r : res) r.get(); } template void mergeState(ThreadPool& pool, _ModelState& globalState, _ModelState& tState, _ModelState* localData, _RandGen*, const _ExtraDocData& edd) const { if (_ps == ParallelScheme::copy_merge) { tState = globalState; globalState = localData[0]; for (size_t i = 1; i < pool.getNumWorkers(); ++i) { globalState.numByTopic += localData[i].numByTopic - tState.numByTopic; globalState.numByTopic1_2 += localData[i].numByTopic1_2 - tState.numByTopic1_2; globalState.numByTopic2 += localData[i].numByTopic2 - tState.numByTopic2; globalState.numByTopicWord += localData[i].numByTopicWord - tState.numByTopicWord; } // make all count being positive if (_tw != TermWeight::one) { globalState.numByTopic = globalState.numByTopic.cwiseMax(0); globalState.numByTopic1_2 = globalState.numByTopic1_2.cwiseMax(0); globalState.numByTopic2 = globalState.numByTopic2.cwiseMax(0); globalState.numByTopicWord.matrix() = globalState.numByTopicWord.cwiseMax(0); } } else if (_ps == ParallelScheme::partition) { std::vector> res; res = pool.enqueueToAll([&](size_t partitionId) { size_t b = partitionId ? edd.vChunkOffset[partitionId - 1] : 0, e = edd.vChunkOffset[partitionId]; globalState.numByTopicWord.block(0, b, globalState.numByTopicWord.rows(), e - b) = localData[partitionId].numByTopicWord; }); for (auto& r : res) r.get(); tState.numByTopic1_2 = globalState.numByTopic1_2; globalState.numByTopic1_2 = localData[0].numByTopic1_2; for (size_t i = 1; i < pool.getNumWorkers(); ++i) { globalState.numByTopic1_2 += localData[i].numByTopic1_2 - tState.numByTopic1_2; } // make all count being positive if (_tw != TermWeight::one) { globalState.numByTopicWord.matrix() = globalState.numByTopicWord.cwiseMax(0); } globalState.numByTopic = globalState.numByTopic1_2.rowwise().sum(); globalState.numByTopic2 = globalState.numByTopicWord.rowwise().sum(); } } template void distributeMergedState(ThreadPool& pool, _ModelState& globalState, _ModelState* localData) const { std::vector> res; if (_ps == ParallelScheme::copy_merge) { for (size_t i = 0; i < pool.getNumWorkers(); ++i) { res.emplace_back(pool.enqueue([&, i](size_t) { localData[i] = globalState; })); } } else if (_ps == ParallelScheme::partition) { res = pool.enqueueToAll([&](size_t threadId) { localData[threadId].numByTopic = globalState.numByTopic; localData[threadId].numByTopic1_2 = globalState.numByTopic1_2; localData[threadId].numByTopic2 = globalState.numByTopic2; }); } for (auto& r : res) r.get(); } template double getLLDocs(_DocIter _first, _DocIter _last) const { const auto K = this->K; const auto alpha = this->alpha; float ll = (math::lgammaT(K*alpha) - math::lgammaT(alpha)*K) * std::distance(_first, _last); for (; _first != _last; ++_first) { auto& doc = *_first; ll -= math::lgammaT(doc.getSumWordWeight() + K * alpha); for (Tid k = 0; k < K; ++k) { ll += math::lgammaT(doc.numByTopic[k] + alpha); } } return ll; } double getLLRest(const _ModelState& ld) const { const size_t V = this->realV; const auto K = this->K; const auto eta = this->eta; double ll = 0; for (Tid k = 0; k < K; ++k) { ll += math::lgammaT(subAlphaSum[k]); ll -= math::lgammaT(ld.numByTopic[k] + subAlphaSum[k]); for (Tid k2 = 0; k2 < K2; ++k2) { ll -= math::lgammaT(subAlphas(k, k2)); ll += math::lgammaT(ld.numByTopic1_2(k, k2) + subAlphas(k, k2)); } } ll += (math::lgammaT(V*eta) - math::lgammaT(eta)*V) * K2; for (Tid k2 = 0; k2 < K2; ++k2) { ll -= math::lgammaT(ld.numByTopic2[k2] + V * eta); for (Vid v = 0; v < V; ++v) { ll += math::lgammaT(ld.numByTopicWord(k2, v) + eta); } } return ll; } void prepareDoc(_DocType& doc, size_t docId, size_t wordSize) const { BaseClass::prepareDoc(doc, docId, wordSize); doc.numByTopic1_2 = Eigen::Matrix::Zero(this->K, K2); doc.Z2s = tvector(wordSize, non_topic_id); } void prepareWordPriors() { if (this->etaByWord.empty()) return; this->etaByTopicWord.resize(K2, this->realV); this->etaSumByTopic.resize(K2); this->etaByTopicWord.array() = this->eta; for (auto& it : this->etaByWord) { auto id = this->dict.toWid(it.first); if (id == (Vid)-1 || id >= this->realV) continue; this->etaByTopicWord.col(id) = Eigen::Map{ it.second.data(), (Eigen::Index)it.second.size() }; } this->etaSumByTopic = this->etaByTopicWord.rowwise().sum(); } void initGlobalState(bool initDocs) { const size_t V = this->realV; this->globalState.zLikelihood = Vector::Zero(this->K * K2); if (initDocs) { this->globalState.numByTopic = Eigen::Matrix::Zero(this->K); this->globalState.numByTopic2 = Eigen::Matrix::Zero(K2); this->globalState.numByTopic1_2 = Eigen::Matrix::Zero(this->K, K2); //this->globalState.numByTopicWord = Eigen::Matrix::Zero(K2, V); this->globalState.numByTopicWord.init(nullptr, K2, V); } } struct Generator { std::uniform_int_distribution theta, theta2; }; Generator makeGeneratorForInit(const _DocType*) const { return Generator{ std::uniform_int_distribution{0, (Tid)(this->K - 1)}, std::uniform_int_distribution{0, (Tid)(K2 - 1)}, }; } template void updateStateWithDoc(Generator& g, _ModelState& ld, _RandGen& rgs, _DocType& doc, size_t i) const { auto w = doc.words[i]; doc.Zs[i] = g.theta(rgs); if (this->etaByTopicWord.size()) { auto col = this->etaByTopicWord.col(w); doc.Z2s[i] = sample::sampleFromDiscrete(col.data(), col.data() + col.size(), rgs); } else { doc.Z2s[i] = g.theta2(rgs); } addWordTo<1>(ld, doc, i, w, doc.Zs[i], doc.Z2s[i]); } std::vector _getTopicsCount() const { std::vector cnt(this->K2); for (auto& doc : this->docs) { for (size_t i = 0; i < doc.Z2s.size(); ++i) { if (doc.words[i] < this->realV) ++cnt[doc.Z2s[i]]; } } return cnt; } public: DEFINE_SERIALIZER_AFTER_BASE_WITH_VERSION(BaseClass, 0, K2, subAlphas, subAlphaSum); DEFINE_TAGGED_SERIALIZER_AFTER_BASE_WITH_VERSION(BaseClass, 1, 0x00010001, K2, subAlphas, subAlphaSum); PAModel(const PAArgs& args) : BaseClass(args), K2(args.k2) { if (K2 == 0 || K2 >= 0x80000000) THROW_ERROR_WITH_INFO(exc::InvalidArgument, text::format("wrong K2 value (K2 = %zd)", K2)); if (args.subalpha.size() == 1) { subAlphas = Matrix::Constant(args.k, args.k2, args.subalpha[0]); } else if(args.subalpha.size() == args.k2) { subAlphas = Eigen::Map>(args.subalpha.data(), args.subalpha.size()).replicate(args.k, 1); } else { THROW_ERROR_WITH_INFO(exc::InvalidArgument, text::format("wrong subalpha value (len = %zd)", args.subalpha.size())); } subAlphaSum = subAlphas.rowwise().sum(); this->optimInterval = 1; } GETTER(K2, size_t, K2); GETTER(DirichletEstIteration, size_t, iteration); void setDirichletEstIteration(size_t iter) override { if (!iter) throw exc::InvalidArgument("iter must > 0"); iteration = iter; } Float getSubAlpha(Tid k1, Tid k2) const override { return subAlphas(k1, k2); } std::vector getSubAlpha(Tid k1) const override { std::vector ret(K2); Eigen::Map{ret.data(), (Eigen::Index)ret.size()} = subAlphas.row(k1).transpose(); return ret; } std::vector getSubTopicBySuperTopic(Tid k, bool normalize) const override { assert(k < this->K); std::vector ret(K2); Float sum = this->globalState.numByTopic[k] + subAlphaSum[k]; if (!normalize) sum = 1; Eigen::Map> m{ ret.data(), K2 }; m = (this->globalState.numByTopic1_2.row(k).array().template cast() + subAlphas.row(k).array()) / sum; return ret; } std::vector> getSubTopicBySuperTopicSorted(Tid k, size_t topN) const override { return extractTopN(getSubTopicBySuperTopic(k, true), topN); } std::vector getSubTopicsByDoc(const _DocType& doc, bool normalize) const { std::vector ret(K2); Eigen::Map> m{ ret.data(), K2 }; if (normalize) { m = ((doc.numByTopic1_2.array().template cast() + subAlphas.array()).colwise().sum()) / (doc.getSumWordWeight() + subAlphas.sum()); } else { m = (doc.numByTopic1_2.array().template cast() + subAlphas.array()).colwise().sum(); } return ret; } std::vector getSubTopicsByDoc(const DocumentBase* doc, bool normalize) const override { return static_cast(this)->getSubTopicsByDoc(*static_cast(doc), normalize); } std::vector> getSubTopicsByDocSorted(const DocumentBase* doc, size_t topN) const override { return extractTopN(getSubTopicsByDoc(doc, true), topN); } std::vector _getWidsByTopic(Tid k2, bool normalize = true) const { assert(k2 < K2); const size_t V = this->realV; std::vector ret(V); Float sum = this->globalState.numByTopic2[k2] + V * this->eta; if (!normalize) sum = 1; auto r = this->globalState.numByTopicWord.row(k2); for (size_t v = 0; v < V; ++v) { ret[v] = (r[v] + this->eta) / sum; } return ret; } void setWordPrior(const std::string& word, const std::vector& priors) override { if (priors.size() != K2) THROW_ERROR_WITH_INFO(exc::InvalidArgument, "priors.size() must be equal to K2."); for (auto p : priors) { if (p < 0) THROW_ERROR_WITH_INFO(exc::InvalidArgument, "priors must not be less than 0."); } this->dict.add(word); this->etaByWord.emplace(word, priors); } std::vector getCountBySuperTopic() const override { std::vector cnt(this->K); for (auto& doc : this->docs) { for (size_t i = 0; i < doc.Zs.size(); ++i) { if (doc.words[i] < this->realV) ++cnt[doc.Zs[i]]; } } return cnt; } }; template template void DocumentPA<_tw>::update(WeightType * ptr, const _TopicModel & mdl) { DocumentLDA<_tw>::update(ptr, mdl); numByTopic1_2 = Eigen::Matrix::Zero(mdl.getK(), mdl.getK2()); for (size_t i = 0; i < this->Zs.size(); ++i) { if (this->words[i] >= mdl.getV()) continue; numByTopic1_2(this->Zs[i], Z2s[i]) += _tw != TermWeight::one ? this->wordWeights[i] : 1; } } }