Module | Prelude::List |
In: |
$Id: list.rb 17 2006-09-17 18:03:15Z prelude $
This eventually needs to be implemented with lazy lists, see for details
I used the signatures of Haskell’s List.hs file in order not to forget to implement the functions defined there and to remind of what was intended.
all — : | (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 180 180: def all(f, list) 181: and_(~map(f, list)) 182: end
and — : | [Bool] -> Bool |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 165 165: def and_(list) 166: foldr(lambda {|x,y| x && y}, true, list) 167: end
any — : | (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 175 175: def any(f, list) 176: or_(~map(f, list)) 177: end
break — : | (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 333 333: def break_(list) 334: warn "Method 'break' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 335: return lambda { [] } 336: end
concat — : | [[a]] -> [a] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 153 153: def concat(list) 154: foldr(-:+, [], list) 155: end
concatMap — : | (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 158 158: def concat_map(list) 159: warn "Method 'concatMap' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 160: return lambda { [] } 161: end
cycle — : | [a] -> [a] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 275 275: def cycle(list) 276: warn "Method 'cycle' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 277: return lambda { [] } 278: end
delete — : | (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [a] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 555 555: def delete(o, list) 556: warn "Method 'delete' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 557: return lambda { [] } 558: end
drop — : | Int -> [a] -> [a] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 298 298: def drop(n, list) 299: lambda { list[n..-1] } 300: end
dropWhile — : | (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 318 318: def drop_while(p, list) 319: case list 320: when [] : lambda { [] } 321: else p[~head(list)] ? lambda { ~drop_while(p, ~tail(list)) } : lambda { list } 322: end 323: end
elem — : | a -> [a] -> Bool |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 379 379: def elem(list) 380: warn "Method 'elem' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 381: return lambda { [] } 382: end
elemIndex — : | (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> Maybe Int |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 425 425: def elem_index(list) 426: warn "Method 'elem_index' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 427: return lambda { [] } 428: end
elemIndices — : | (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [Int] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 433 433: def elem_indices(list) 434: warn "Method 'elem_indices' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 435: return lambda { [] } 436: end
filter — : | (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 407 407: def filter(list) 408: warn "Method 'filter' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 409: return lambda { [] } 410: end
find — : | (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 401 401: def find(p, list) 402: warn "Method 'find' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 403: return lambda { [] } 404: end
findIndex — : | (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe Int |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 441 441: def find_index(list) 442: warn "Method 'find_index' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 443: return lambda { [] } 444: end
findIndices — : | (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [Int] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 449 449: def find_indices(list) 450: warn "Method 'find_indices' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 451: return lambda { [] } 452: end
foldl — : | (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 113 113: def foldl(f, a, list) 114: case list 115: when [] : lambda { a } 116: else lambda { f[~foldl(f, a, ~tail(list)), ~head(list)] } 117: end 118: end
foldl1 — : | (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> a |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 127 127: def foldl1(f, list) 128: foldl(f, ~head(list), ~tail(list)) 129: end
foldl1’ — : | (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> a |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 132 132: def foldl1_(list) 133: warn "Method 'foldl1_' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 134: return lambda { [] } 135: end
foldl’ — : | (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 121 121: def foldl_(list) 122: warn "Method 'foldl_' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 123: return lambda { [] } 124: end
foldr — : | (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 138 138: def foldr(f, s, list) 139: case list 140: when [] : lambda { s } 141: else lambda { f[~head(list), ~foldr(f, s, ~tail(list))] } 142: end 143: end
foldr1 — : | (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> a |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 146 146: def foldr1(f, list) 147: foldr(f, ~head(list), ~tail(list)) 148: end
group — : | Eq a => [a] -> [[a]] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 339 339: def group(list) 340: warn "Method 'group' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 341: return lambda { [] } 342: end
head — : | [a] -> a |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 36 36: def head(list) 37: case list 38: when [] : empty_list_error 39: else lambda { list[0] } 40: end 41: end
init — : | [a] -> [a] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 61 61: def init(list) 62: case list 63: when [] : empty_list_error 64: when [list[0]] : lambda { [] } 65: else lambda { [~head(list)]+~init(~tail(list)) } 66: end 67: end
inits — : | [a] -> [[a]] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 345 345: def inits(list) 346: warn "Method 'inits' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 347: return lambda { [] } 348: end
insert — : | (Ord a) => a -> [a] -> [a] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 581 581: def insert(o, list) 582: warn "Method 'insert' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 583: return lambda { [] } 584: end
intersect — : | (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 567 567: def intersect(list) 568: warn "Method 'intersect' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 569: return lambda { [] } 570: end
intersperse — : | a -> [a] -> [a] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 99 99: def intersperse(list) 100: warn "Method 'intersperse' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 101: return lambda { [] } 102: end
isPrefixOf — : | (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 359 359: def is_prefix_of(list) 360: warn "Method 'is_prefix_of' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 361: return lambda { [] } 362: end
isSuffixOf — : | (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 367 367: def is_suffix_of(list) 368: warn "Method 'is_suffix_of' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 369: return lambda { [] } 370: end
iterate — : | (a -> a) -> a -> [a] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 257 257: def iterate(list) 258: warn "Method 'iterate' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 259: return lambda { [] } 260: end
last — : | [a] -> a |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 52 52: def last(list) 53: case list 54: when [] : empty_list_error 55: when [list[0]] : lambda { list[0] } 56: else last(~tail(list)) 57: end 58: end
length — : | [a] -> Int |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 75 75: def length(list) 76: lambda { list.length } 77: end
lines — : | String -> [String] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 523 523: def lines(list) 524: warn "Method 'lines' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 525: return lambda { [] } 526: end
lookup — : | (Eq a) => a -> [(a,b)] -> Maybe b |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 393 393: def lookup(list) 394: warn "Method 'lookup' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 395: return lambda { [] } 396: end
map — : | (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 80 80: def map(f, list) 81: case list 82: when [] : lambda{ [] } 83: else lambda{ [ f[~head(list)] ] + ~map(f, ~tail(list)) } 84: end 85: end
mapAccumL — : | (a -> b -> (a,c)) -> a -> [b] -> (a,[c]) |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 239 239: def map_accum_l(list) 240: warn "Method 'map_accum_l' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 241: return lambda { [] } 242: end
mapAccumR — : | (a -> b -> (a,c)) -> a -> [b] -> (a,[c]) |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 247 247: def map_accum_r(list) 248: warn "Method 'map_accum_r' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 249: return lambda { [] } 250: end
maximum — : | (Ord a) => [a] -> a |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 197 197: def maximum(list) 198: warn "Method 'maximum' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 199: return lambda { [] } 200: end
minimum — : | (Ord a) => [a] -> a |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 203 203: def minimum(list) 204: warn "Method 'minimum' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 205: return lambda { [] } 206: end
notElem — : | a -> [a] -> Bool |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 385 385: def not_elem(list) 386: warn "Method 'not_elem' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 387: return lambda { [] } 388: end
nub — : | (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 549 549: def nub(list) 550: warn "Method 'nub' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 551: return lambda { [] } 552: end
null — : | [a] -> Bool |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 70 70: def null(list) 71: lambda { list.size == 0 } 72: end
or — : | [Bool] -> Bool |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 170 170: def or_(list) 171: foldr(lambda {|x,y| (x || y)}, false, list) 172: end
partition — : | (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 413 413: def partition(p, list) 414: warn "Method 'partition' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 415: return lambda { [] } 416: end
product — : | (Num a) => [a] -> a |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 191 191: def product(list) 192: warn "Method 'product' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 193: return lambda { [] } 194: end
repeat — : | a -> [a] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 263 263: def repeat(list) 264: warn "Method 'repeat' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 265: return lambda { [] } 266: end
replicate — : | Int -> a -> [a] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 269 269: def replicate(list) 270: warn "Method 'replicate' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 271: return lambda { [] } 272: end
, reverse — : | [a] -> [a] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 88 88: def reverse(list) 89: r = proc { |l, a| 90: case l 91: when [] : lambda { a } 92: else lambda { ~r[~tail(l), [~head(l)]+a] } 93: end 94: } 95: r[list, []] 96: end
scanl — : | (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> [a] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 213 213: def scanl(f, s, list) 214: warn "Method 'scanl' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 215: return lambda { [] } 216: end
scanl1 — : | (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> [a] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 219 219: def scanl1(f, list) 220: warn "Method 'scanl1' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 221: return lambda { [] } 222: end
scanr — : | (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 225 225: def scanr(f, s, list) 226: warn "Method 'scanr' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 227: return lambda { [] } 228: end
scanr1 — : | (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> [a] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 231 231: def scanr1(f, list) 232: warn "Method 'scanr1' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 233: return lambda { [] } 234: end
sort — : | (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 575 575: def sort(list) 576: warn "Method 'sort' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 577: return lambda { [] } 578: end
span — : | (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 328 328: def span(p, list) 329: lambda { [~takeWhile(p, list), ~dropWhile(p,list)] } 330: end
splitAt — : | Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 303 303: def split_at(n, list) 304: lambda { [~take(n, list), ~drop(n, list)] } 305: end
sum — : | (Num a) => [a] -> a |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 185 185: def sum(list) 186: warn "Method 'sum' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 187: return lambda { [] } 188: end
tail — : | [a] -> [a] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 44 44: def tail(list) 45: case list 46: when [] : empty_list_error 47: else lambda { list[1..-1] } 48: end 49: end
tails — : | [a] -> [[a]] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 351 351: def tails(list) 352: warn "Method 'tails' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 353: return lambda { [] } 354: end
take — : | Int -> [a] -> [a] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 293 293: def take(n, list) 294: lambda { list[0..(n-1)] } 295: end
takeWhile — : | (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 308 308: def take_while(p, list) 309: case list 310: when [] : lambda { [] } 311: else p[~head(list)] ? lambda { [~head(list)]+ ~take_while(p, ~tail(list)) } : lambda { [] } 312: end 313: end
transpose — : | [[a]] -> [[a]] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 105 105: def transpose(list) 106: # FIXIT 107: lambda { list.transpose } 108: end
unfoldr — : | (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> [a] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 283 283: def unfoldr(list) 284: warn "Method 'unfoldr' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 285: return lambda { [] } 286: end
union — : | (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 561 561: def union(list) 562: warn "Method 'union' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 563: return lambda { [] } 564: end
unlines — : | [String] -> String |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 535 535: def unlines(list) 536: warn "Method 'unlines' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 537: return lambda { [] } 538: end
unwords — : | [String] -> String |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 541 541: def unwords(list) 542: warn "Method 'unwords' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 543: return lambda { [] } 544: end
unzip — : | [(a,b)] -> ([a],[b]) |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 501 501: def unzip(list) 502: warn "Method 'unzip' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 503: return lambda { [] } 504: end
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 507 507: def unzip3(list) 508: warn "Method 'unzip3' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 509: return lambda { [] } 510: end
unzip4, unzip5, unzip6, unzip7
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 513 513: def unzip4(list) 514: warn "Method 'unzip4' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 515: return lambda { [] } 516: end
words — : | String -> [String] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 529 529: def words(list) 530: warn "Method 'words' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 531: return lambda { [] } 532: end
zip — : | [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 459 459: def zip(list1, list2) 460: warn "Method 'zip' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 461: return lambda { [] } 462: end
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 465 465: def zip3(list) 466: warn "Method 'zip3' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 467: return lambda { [] } 468: end
zip4, zip5, zip6, zip7
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 471 471: def zip4(list) 472: warn "Method 'zip4' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 473: return lambda { [] } 474: end
zipWith — : | (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c] |
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 477 477: def zip_with(list) 478: warn "Method 'zip_with' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 479: return lambda { [] } 480: end
# File lib/prelude/list.rb, line 485 485: def zip_with3(list) 486: warn "Method 'zip_with3' is not implemented yet." if $VERBOSE 487: return lambda { [] } 488: end