SpreeForem ========== This extension for spree commerce aims to provide easy integration with the popular rails forum engine, Forem. Initially, this means simply adding the fields to the Admin Spree::User form that are added to the User model during the Forem installation process "forem_state" and "forem_admin". Setup: ====== You MUST have a running spree store AND Forem installed in your spree project for this gem to work or be useful. NOTE: when setting up Forem using rails g forem:install, you will be asked the name of your User class, make sure you enter: Spree::User You can accept the rest of the default settings. Once Spree and Forem are installed, add the following to your Gemfile: gem 'spree_forem', :git => 'git://github.com/johndavid400/spree_forem.git' then run bundle install: bundle install That should be it! Now you can go check the form for Users in the admin panel and you should see 2 additional form fields. rails s Navigate to: localhost:3000/admin/users/ Try creating or editing a user and you should see two Forem fields. Copyright (c) 2012 johndavid400, released under the New BSD License