en: admin: labels: not_found: "Not found" none: "Nothing" add: "Add" remove: "Remove" upload_file: "Upload File" upload_files: "Upload Files" upload_image: "Upload Image" upload_images: "Upload Images" buttons: save: "Save" tabs: general: "General" titles: welcome: "Welcome" general: list: "List {{model}}" editForm: "Edit {{model}} {{value}}" newForm: "New {{model}}" cantDelete: "You cannot delete {{record}} record." page: "Page" of: "of" sessions: wrong: "Wrong email or password" logout: "Correctly Logged Out" menus: account: "Account" list: "List" new: "New" help: "Help" texts: order_updated: Order updated! javascripts: buttons: add: "Add" edit: "Edit" remove: "Delete" back: "Back" save: "Save" save_and_back: "Save & Back" close: "Close" select: "Select" help: "Help" send: "Send" help: title: "Support request" description: "Say us what problem do you have and how we can reproduce it" compliments: "Your request was correctly delivered." labels: all: "All " search: "Search" messages: compliments: title: "Congratulations" message: "Your data are correctly saved." wait: title: "Sending Data" message: "Sending data to server..." confirm: title: "Are you sure ?" message: "Are you sure to destroy {0} element/s ?" alert: title: "Attention" message: "There are some connection issues.
Contact tecnical support." notConfigured: "This fatures is not ready yet.
Contact tecnical support." notSelected: "You must select at least one record" tooMany: "You have selected too many records. Maximum is 10!" print: footer: page: "Page" page_of: "of"