var sys = require('util'), http = require('http'), https = require('https'), url = require('url'), qs = require('querystring'), multipart = require('./multipartform'), zlib = require('zlib'); function mixin(target, source) { Object.keys(source).forEach(function(key) { target[key] = source[key]; }); return target; } function Request(uri, options) { this.url = url.parse(uri); this.options = options; this.headers = { 'Accept': '*/*', 'User-Agent': 'Restler for node.js', 'Host': }; mixin(this.headers, options.headers || {}); // set port and method defaults if (!this.url.port) this.url.port = (this.url.protocol == 'https:') ? '443' : '80'; if (!this.options.method) this.options.method = ( ? 'POST' : 'GET'; if (typeof this.options.followRedirects == 'undefined') this.options.followRedirects = true; // stringify query given in options of not given in URL if (this.options.query && !this.url.query) { if (typeof this.options.query == 'object') this.url.query = qs.stringify(this.options.query); else this.url.query = this.options.query; } this._applyBasicAuth(); if (this.options.multipart) { this.headers['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' + multipart.defaultBoundary; } else { if (typeof == 'object') { = qs.stringify(; this.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; this.headers['Content-Length'] =; } if(typeof == 'string') { var buffer = new Buffer(, this.options.encoding || 'utf8'); = buffer; this.headers['Content-Length'] = buffer.length; } } var proto = (this.url.protocol == 'https:') ? https : http; this.request = proto.request({ host: this.url.hostname, port: this.url.port, path: this._fullPath(), method: this.options.method, headers: this.headers }); this._makeRequest(); } Request.prototype = new process.EventEmitter(); mixin(Request.prototype, { _isRedirect: function(response) { return ([301, 302, 303].indexOf(response.statusCode) >= 0); }, _fullPath: function() { var path = this.url.pathname || '/'; if (this.url.hash) path += this.url.hash; if (this.url.query) path += '?' + this.url.query; return path; }, _applyBasicAuth: function() { var authParts; if (this.url.auth) { authParts = this.url.auth.split(':'); this.options.username = authParts[0]; this.options.password = authParts[1]; } if (this.options.username && this.options.password) { var b = new Buffer([this.options.username, this.options.password].join(':')); this.headers['Authorization'] = "Basic " + b.toString('base64'); } }, _responseHandler: function(response) { var self = this; if (this._isRedirect(response) && this.options.followRedirects == true) { try { var location = url.resolve(this.url, response.headers['location']); this.options.originalRequest = this; request(location, this.options); } catch(e) { self._respond('error', '', 'Failed to follow redirect'); } } else { var body = ''; response.setEncoding('binary'); response.on('data', function(chunk) { body += chunk; }); response.on('end', function() { self._decode(new Buffer(body, 'binary'), response, function(err, body) { if (err) { self._respond('error', '', 'Failed to decode response body'); return; } self._encode(body, response, function(body) { self._fireEvents(body, response); }); }); }); } }, _decode: function(body, response, callback) { var encoder = response.headers['content-encoding']; if (encoder in decoders) { decoders[encoder].call(response, body, callback); } else { callback(null, body); } }, _encode: function(body, response, callback) { var self = this; if (self.options.decoding == 'buffer') { callback(body); } else { body = body.toString(self.options.decoding); if (self.options.parser) {, body, callback); } else { callback(body); } } }, _respond: function(type, data, response) { if (this.options.originalRequest) { this.options.originalRequest.emit(type, data, response); } else { this.emit(type, data, response); } }, _fireEvents: function(body, response) { if (parseInt(response.statusCode) >= 400) this._respond('error', body, response); else this._respond('success', body, response); this._respond(response.statusCode.toString().replace(/\d{2}$/, 'XX'), body, response); this._respond(response.statusCode.toString(), body, response); this._respond('complete', body, response); }, _makeRequest: function() { var self = this; this.request.on('response', function(response) { self._responseHandler(response); }).on('error', function(err) { self._respond('error', null, err); }); }, run: function() { var self = this; if (this.options.multipart) { multipart.write(this.request,, function() { self.request.end(); }); } else { if ( { this.request.write(, this.options.encoding || 'utf8'); } this.request.end(); } return this; } }); function shortcutOptions(options, method) { options = options || {}; options.method = method; options.parser = (typeof options.parser !== "undefined") ? options.parser :; return options; } function request(url, options) { var request = new Request(url, options); request.on('error', function() {}); return; } function get(url, options) { return request(url, shortcutOptions(options, 'GET')); } function post(url, options) { return request(url, shortcutOptions(options, 'POST')); } function put(url, options) { return request(url, shortcutOptions(options, 'PUT')); } function del(url, options) { return request(url, shortcutOptions(options, 'DELETE')); } var parsers = { auto: function(data, callback) { var contentType = this.headers['content-type']; if (contentType) { for (var matcher in { if (contentType.indexOf(matcher) == 0) { return[matcher].call(this, data, callback); } } } callback(data); }, json: function(data, callback) { callback(data && JSON.parse(data)); } }; = { 'application/json': parsers.json }; try { var yaml = require('yaml'); parsers.yaml = function(data, callback) { return callback(data && yaml.eval(data)); };['application/yaml'] = parsers.yaml; } catch(e) {} try { var xml2js = require('xml2js'); parsers.xml = function(data, callback) { if (data) { var parser = new xml2js.Parser(); parser.on('end', function(result) { callback(result); }); try { parser.parseString(data); } catch (e) { callback({error:'Oops, something went wrong.'}); } } else { callback(); } };['application/xml'] = parsers.xml; } catch(e) { } var decoders = { gzip: function(buf, callback) { zlib.gunzip(buf, callback); }, deflate: function(buf, callback) { zlib.inflate(buf, callback); } }; function Service(defaults) { if (defaults.baseURL) { this.baseURL = defaults.baseURL; delete defaults.baseURL; } this.defaults = defaults; } mixin(Service.prototype, { request: function(path, options) { return request(this._url(path), this._withDefaults(options)); }, get: function(path, options) { return get(this._url(path), this._withDefaults(options)); }, put: function(path, options) { return put(this._url(path), this._withDefaults(options)); }, post: function(path, options) { return post(this._url(path), this._withDefaults(options)); }, del: function(path, options) { return del(this._url(path), this._withDefaults(options)); }, _url: function(path) { if (this.baseURL) return url.resolve(this.baseURL, path); else return path; }, _withDefaults: function(options) { var o = mixin({}, this.defaults); return mixin(o, options); } }); function service(constructor, defaults, methods) { constructor.prototype = new Service(defaults || {}); mixin(constructor.prototype, methods); return constructor; } mixin(exports, { Request: Request, Service: Service, request: request, service: service, get: get, post: post, put: put, del: del, parsers: parsers, file: multipart.file, data: });