aggregate-children-count: "Renders the total count of children of the aggregated pages. Accepts the
same options as @
aggregate-children-each: "Renders the contained block for each child of the aggregated pages. Accepts the
same options as the plain @
aggregate-children-first: "Renders the first child of the aggregated pages. Accepts the
same options as @
aggregate-children-last: "Renders the last child of the aggregated pages. Accepts the
same options as @
aggregate-each: "Sets the scope to the individual aggregated page allowing you to
iterate through each of the listed paths.
aggregate: "Aggregates the children of multiple paths using the @paths@ attribute.
Useful for combining many different sections/categories into a single
feed or listing.
author: "Renders the name of the author of the current page."
breadcrumb: "Renders the @breadcrumb@ attribute of the current page."
children-count: "Renders the total number of children."
children-each-child: "Page attribute tags inside of this tag refer to the current child. This is occasionally
useful if you are inside of another tag (like <r:find>) and need to refer back to the
current child.
children-each-header: "Renders the tag contents only if the contents do not match the previous header. This
is extremely useful for rendering date headers for a list of child pages.
If you would like to use several header blocks you may use the @name@ attribute to
name the header. When a header is named it will not restart until another header of
the same name is different.
Using the @restart@ attribute you can cause other named headers to restart when the
present header changes. Simply specify the names of the other headers in a semicolon
separated list.
children-each-if_first: "Renders the tag contents only if the current page is the first child in the context of
a children:each tag
children-each-if_last: "Renders the tag contents only if the current page is the last child in the context of
a children:each tag
children-each-unless_first: "Renders the tag contents unless the current page is the first child in the context of
a children:each tag
children-each-unless_last: "Renders the tag contents unless the current page is the last child in the context of
a children:each tag
children-each: "Cycles through each of the children. Inside this tag all page attribute tags
are mapped to the current child page.
Supply @paginated=\"true\"@ to paginate the displayed list. will_paginate view helper
options can also be specified, including @per_page@, @previous_label@, @next_label@,
@class@, @separator@, @inner_window@ and @outer_window@.
children-first: "Returns the first child. Inside this tag all page attribute tags are mapped to
the first child. Takes the same ordering options as @...
children-last: "Returns the last child. Inside this tag all page attribute tags are mapped to
the last child. Takes the same ordering options as @...
children: "Gives access to a page's children.
comment: "This is deprecated and will be removed. Plase use @...
content: "Renders the main content of a page. Use the @part@ attribute to select a specific
page part. By default the @part@ attribute is set to body. Use the @inherit@
attribute to specify that if a page does not have a content part by that name that
the tag should render the parent's content part. By default @inherit@ is set to
@false@. Use the @contextual@ attribute to force a part inherited from a parent
part to be evaluated in the context of the child page. By default 'contextual'
is set to true.
date: "Renders the date based on the current page (by default when it was published or created).
The format attribute uses the same formating codes used by the Ruby @strftime@ function. By
default it's set to @%A, %B %d, %Y@. The @for@ attribute selects which date to render. Valid
options are @published_at@, @created_at@, @updated_at@, and @now@. @now@ will render the
current date/time, regardless of the page.
escape_html: "Escapes angle brackets, etc. for rendering in an HTML document.
find: "Inside this tag all page related tags refer to the page found at the @path@ attribute.
@path@s may be relative or absolute paths.
hide: "Nothing inside a set of hide tags is rendered.
if_children: "Renders the contained elements only if the current contextual page has one or
more child pages. The @status@ attribute limits the status of found child pages
to the given status, the default is @\"published\"@. @status=\"all\"@ includes all
non-virtual pages regardless of status.
if_content: "Renders the containing elements if all of the listed parts exist on a page.
By default the @part@ attribute is set to @body@, but you may list more than one
part by separating them with a comma. Setting the optional @inherit@ to true will
search ancestors independently for each part. By default @inherit@ is set to @false@.
When listing more than one part, you may optionally set the @find@ attribute to @any@
so that it will render the containing elements if any of the listed parts are found.
By default the @find@ attribute is set to @all@.
if_parent: "Renders the contained elements only if the current contextual page has a parent, i.e.
is not the root page.
if_path: "Renders the containing elements only if the page's path matches the regular expression
given in the @matches@ attribute. If the @ignore_case@ attribute is set to false, the
match is case sensitive. By default, @ignore_case@ is set to true.
if_self: "Renders the contained elements if the current contextual page is also the actual page.
This is typically used inside another tag (like <r:children:each>) to add conditional mark-up if the child element is the current page.
javascript: "Renders the content from or a reference to the javascript specified in the @slug@
attribute. Additionally, the @as@ attribute can be used to make the tag render
as one of the following:
* with no @as@ value the javascript's content is rendered by default.
* @inline@ - wraps the javascript's content in an (X)HTML @
markdown: "Filters its contents with the Markdown filter.
** bold text **
bold text
meta-description: "Emits the page description field in a meta tag, unless attribute
'tag' is set to 'false'.
meta-keywords: "Emits the page keywords field in a meta tag, unless attribute
'tag' is set to 'false'.
meta: "The namespace for 'meta' attributes. If used as a singleton tag, both the description
and keywords fields will be output as <meta /> tags unless the attribute 'tag' is set to 'false'.
navigation-if_first: "Renders the containing elements if the element is the first
in the navigation list
navigation-if_last: "Renders the containing elements if the element is the last
in the navigation list
navigation-unless_first: "Renders the containing elements unless the element is the first
in the navigation list
navigation-unless_last: "Renders the containing elements unless the element is the last
in the navigation list
navigation: "Renders a list of links specified in the @paths@ attribute according to three
* @normal@ specifies the normal state for the link
* @here@ specifies the state of the link when the path matches the current
page's PATH
* @selected@ specifies the state of the link when the current page matches
is a child of the specified path
# @if_last@ renders its contents within a @normal@, @here@ or
@selected@ tag if the item is the last in the navigation elements
# @if_first@ renders its contents within a @normal@, @here@ or
@selected@ tag if the item is the first in the navigation elements
The @between@ tag specifies what should be inserted in between each of the links.
page: "Causes the tags referring to a page's attributes to refer to the current page.
pagination: "The pagination tag is not usually called directly. Supply paginated=\"true\" when you display a list and it will
be automatically display only the current page of results, with pagination controls at the bottom.
parent: "Page attribute tags inside this tag refer to the parent of the current page.
path: "Renders the @path@ attribute of the current page."
random: "Randomly renders one of the options specified by the @option@ tags.
rfc1123_date: "Outputs the published date using the format mandated by RFC 1123. (Ideal for RSS feeds.)
slug: "Renders the @slug@ attribute of the current page."
smarty_pants: "Filters its contents with the SmartyPants filter.
\"A revolutionary quotation.\"
“A revolutionary quotation.”
snippet: "Renders the snippet specified in the @name@ attribute within the context of a page.
When used as a double tag, the part in between both tags may be used within the
snippet itself, being substituted in place of @Lorem ipsum dolor...
stylesheet: "Renders the content from or a reference to the stylesheet specified in the @slug@
attribute. Additionally, the @as@ attribute can be used to make the tag render
as one of the following:
* with no @as@ value the stylesheet's content is rendered by default.
* @inline@ - wraps the stylesheet's content in an (X)HTML @
textile: "Filters its contents with the Textile filter.
* First
* Second
- First
- Second
title: "Renders the @title@ attribute of the current page."
unless_ancestor_or_self: "Renders the contained elements unless the current contextual page is either the actual page or one of its parents.
This is typically used inside another tag (like <r:children:each>) to add conditional mark-up unless the child element is or descends from the current page.
unless_children: "Renders the contained elements only if the current contextual page has no children.
The @status@ attribute limits the status of found child pages to the given status,
the default is @\"published\"@. @status=\"all\"@ includes all non-virtual pages
regardless of status.
unless_content: "The opposite of the @if_content@ tag. It renders the contained elements if all of the
specified parts do not exist. Setting the optional @inherit@ to true will search
ancestors independently for each part. By default @inherit@ is set to @false@.
When listing more than one part, you may optionally set the @find@ attribute to @any@
so that it will not render the containing elements if any of the listed parts are found.
By default the @find@ attribute is set to @all@.
unless_parent: "Renders the contained elements only if the current contextual page has no parent, i.e.
is the root page.
unless_path: "The opposite of the @if_path@ tag.
unless_self: "Renders the contained elements unless the current contextual page is also the actual page.
This is typically used inside another tag (like <r:children:each>) to add conditional mark-up unless the child element is the current page.
yield: "Used within a snippet as a placeholder for substitution of child content, when
the snippet is called as a double tag.
*Usage (within a snippet):*
If the above snippet was named \"yielding\", you could call it from any Page,
Layout or Snippet as follows:
Content within
Which would output the following:
Content within
When called in the context of a Page or a Layout, @