require 'matrix' if RUBY_VERSION<="1.9.0" class ::Vector alias_method :old_coerce, :coerce def coerce(other) case other when Numeric return, self else raise TypeError, "#{self.class} can't be coerced into #{other.class}" end end end end class ::Matrix def to_gsl out=[] self.row_size.times{|i| out[i]=self.row(i).to_a } GSL::Matrix[*out] end # Calculate marginal of rows def rows_sum (0...row_size).collect {|i| row(i).to_a.inject(0) {|a,v| a+v} } end # Calculate marginal of columns def cols_sum (0...column_size).collect {|i| column(i).to_a.inject(0) {|a,v| a+v} } end # Calculate sum of cells def total_sum rows_sum.inject(0){|a,v| a+v} end end module GSL class Matrix def to_matrix rows=self.size1 cols=self.size2 out=(0...rows).collect{|i| (0...cols).collect {|j| self[i,j]} } ::Matrix.rows(out) end end end module Statsample attr :labels attr :name module CorrelationMatrix def summary rp.add(self) rp.to_text end def labels=(v) @labels=v end def name=(v) @name=v end def to_reportbuilder(generator) @name||="Correlation Matrix" @labels||=row_size.times.collect {|i| i.to_s}>@name, :header=>[""]+@labels) row_size.times {|i| t.add_row([@labels[i]]+@rows[i].collect {|i| sprintf("%0.3f",i).gsub("0.",".")}) } generator.parse_element(t) end end end