require_relative "read.rb" # manage get require_relative "create.rb" # manage create require_relative "change.rb" # manage update require_relative "operations.rb" # manage count, functions and execute require_relative "delete.rb" # manage delete require_relative "../support/logging" require 'cgi' require 'rest-client' module ActiveOrient =begin OrientDB points to an OrientDB-Database. The communication is based on the OrientDB-REST-API. Its usually initialised through ActiveOrient::Init.connect =end class OrientDB include OrientSupport::Support include OrientSupport::Logging include OrientDbPrivate include DatabaseUtils include ClassUtils include RestRead include RestCreate include RestChange include RestOperations include RestDelete #### INITIALIZATION #### =begin OrientDB is conventionally initialized. The first call initialises database-name and -classes, server-adress and user-credentials. Subsequent initialisations are made to initialise namespaced database classes, ie. ORD = ActiveOrient.init.connect database: 'temp' server: 'localhost', port: 2480, user: root, password: root module HC; end ActiveOrient::Init.define_namespace { HC } preallocate: true =end def initialize database: nil, preallocate: true, model_dir: nil, **defaults ActiveOrient.database ||= database || 'temp' ActiveOrient.database_classes ||= ActiveOrient.default_server ||= { :server => defaults[:server] || 'localhost' , :port => defaults[:port] ||= 2480, :user => defaults[:user].to_s , :password => defaults[:password].to_s } @res = get_resource connect() database_classes # initialize @classes-array and ActiveOrient.database_classes ActiveOrient::Base.logger = logger ActiveOrient::Model.orientdb = self ActiveOrient::Model.db = self ActiveOrient::Model.keep_models_without_file ||= nil preallocate_classes( model_dir ) if preallocate end def get_resource login = [ActiveOrient.default_server[:user] , ActiveOrient.default_server[:password]] server_adress = "http://#{ActiveOrient.default_server[:server]}:#{ActiveOrient.default_server[:port]}", *login) end # Used to connect to the database def connect first_tentative = true begin database = ActiveOrient.database logger.progname = 'OrientDB#Connect' r = @res["/connect/#{database}"].get if r.code == 204{"Connected to database #{database}"} true else logger.error{"Connection to database #{database} could NOT be established"} nil end rescue RestClient::Unauthorized => e if first_tentative{"Database #{database} NOT present --> creating"} first_tentative = false create_database database: database retry else Kernel.exit end end end end end