module SimpleAutocomplete VERSION = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..','VERSION') ).strip end #Example: # # # Controller # class BlogController < ApplicationController # autocomplete_for :post, :title # end # # # View # <%= text_field :post, title, :class => 'autocomplete', 'autocomplete_url'=>autocomplete_for_post_title_posts_path %> # # #routes.rb # map.resources :users, :collection => { :autocomplete_for_user_name => :get} # # # Options # By default, autocomplete_for limits the results to 10 entries, # and sorts by the given field. # # autocomplete_for takes a third parameter, an options hash to # the find method used to search for the records: # # autocomplete_for :post, :title, :limit => 15, :order => 'created_at DESC' # # # Block # with a block you can generate any output you need(passed into render :inline): # autocomplete_for :post, :title do |items| #{|item| "#{item.title} -- #{}"}.join("\n") # end class ActionController::Base def self.autocomplete_for(object, method, options = {}, &block) define_method("autocomplete_for_#{object}_#{method}") do model = object.to_s.camelize.constantize find_options = { :conditions => [ "LOWER(#{method}) LIKE ?", '%'+params[:q].to_s.downcase + '%' ], :order => "#{method} ASC", :limit => 10 }.merge!(options) @items = model.scoped(find_options) out = if block_given? instance_exec @items, &block else %Q[<%= {|item| h(item.#{method})}.uniq.join("\n")%>] end render :inline => out end end end # Store the value of the autocomplete field as association # autocomplete_for('user','name') # -> the auto_user_name field will be resolved to a User, using User.find_by_autocomplete_name(value) # -> Post has autocomplete_for('user','name') # -> User has find_by_autocomplete('name') class ActiveRecord::Base def self.autocomplete_for(model, attribute, options={}) name = options[:name] || model.to_s.underscore name = name.to_s model = model.to_s.camelize.constantize # is the correct finder defined <-> warn users finder = "find_by_autocomplete_#{attribute}" unless model.respond_to? finder raise "#{model} does not respond to #{finder}, maybe you forgot to add auto_complete_for(:#{attribute}) to #{model}?" end #auto_user_name= "Hans" define_method "auto_#{name}_#{attribute}=" do |value| send "#{name}=", model.send(finder, value) end #auto_user_name define_method "auto_#{name}_#{attribute}" do send(name).try(:send, attribute).to_s end end def self.find_by_autocomplete(attr) metaclass = (class << self; self; end) metaclass.send(:define_method, "find_by_autocomplete_#{attr}") do |value| return if value.blank? self.first(:conditions => [ "LOWER(#{attr}) = ?", value.to_s.downcase ]) end end end