module Merb module Generators class MerbStackGenerator < AppGenerator # # ==== Paths # def self.source_root File.join(super, 'application', 'merb_stack') end def self.common_templates_dir File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'templates', 'application', 'common')) end def destination_root File.join(@destination_root, base_name) end def common_templates_dir self.class.common_templates_dir end def testing_framework :rspec end def orm :datamapper end # # ==== Generator options # option :template_engine, :default => :erb, :desc => 'Template engine to prefer for this application (one of: erb, haml).' desc <<-DESC Generates a new "jump start" Merb application with support for DataMapper, helpers, assets, mailer, caching, slices and merb-auth. DESC first_argument :name, :required => true, :desc => "Application name" # # ==== Common directories & files # empty_directory :gems, 'gems' template :rakefile do |template| template.source = File.join(common_templates_dir, "Rakefile") template.destination = "Rakefile" end file :gitignore do |file| file.source = File.join(common_templates_dir, 'dotgitignore') file.destination = ".gitignore" end file :htaccess do |file| file.source = File.join(common_templates_dir, 'dothtaccess') file.destination = 'public/.htaccess' end file :doctask do |file| file.source = File.join(common_templates_dir, 'doc.thor') file.destination = 'tasks/doc.thor' end file :jquery do |file| file.source = File.join(common_templates_dir, 'jquery.js') file.destination = 'public/javascripts/jquery.js' end directory :thor_file do |directory| directory.source = File.join(common_templates_dir, "merb_thor") directory.destination = File.join("tasks", "merb.thor") end directory :test_dir do |directory| dir = testing_framework == :rspec ? "spec" : "test" directory.source = File.join(source_root, dir) directory.destination = dir end # # ==== Layout specific things # def merb_gems_version Merb::VERSION end def dm_gems_version Merb::DM_VERSION end def do_gems_version Merb::DO_VERSION end # empty array means all files are considered to be just # files, not templates glob! "app" glob! "autotest" glob! "config" glob! "doc", [] glob! "public" glob! "lib" glob! "merb" invoke :layout do |generator|, options, 'application') end end add :app, MerbStackGenerator end end