#require 'pry-byebug' require 'spec_helper' def make_env(path = '/auth/shibboleth', props = {}) { 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'PATH_INFO' => path, 'rack.session' => {}, 'rack.input' => StringIO.new('test=true') }.merge(props) end def without_session_failure_path if OmniAuth::VERSION >= "1.0" && OmniAuth::VERSION < "1.1" "/auth/failure?message=no_shibboleth_session" elsif OmniAuth::VERSION >= "1.1" "/auth/failure?message=no_shibboleth_session&strategy=shibboleth" end end def empty_uid_failure_path if OmniAuth::VERSION >= "1.0" && OmniAuth::VERSION < "1.1" "/auth/failure?message=empty_uid" elsif OmniAuth::VERSION >= "1.1" "/auth/failure?message=empty_uid&strategy=shibboleth" end end describe OmniAuth::Strategies::Shibboleth do let(:app){ Rack::Builder.new do |b| b.use Rack::Session::Cookie, {:secret => "abc123"} b.use OmniAuth::Strategies::Shibboleth b.run lambda{|env| [200, {}, ['Not Found']]} end.to_app } context 'request phase' do before do get '/auth/shibboleth' end it 'is expected to redirect to callback_url' do expect(last_response.status).to eq(302) expect(last_response.location).to eq('/auth/shibboleth/callback') end end context 'callback phase' do context 'without Shibboleth session' do before do get '/auth/shibboleth/callback' end it 'is expected to fail to get Shib-Session-ID environment variable' do expect(last_response.status).to eq(302) expect(last_response.location).to eq(without_session_failure_path) end end context 'with Shibboleth session' do let(:strategy){ OmniAuth::Strategies::Shibboleth.new(app, {}) } it 'is expected to set default omniauth.auth fields' do @dummy_id = 'abcdefg' @eppn = 'test@example.com' @display_name = 'Test User' env = make_env('/auth/shibboleth/callback', 'Shib-Session-ID' => @dummy_id, 'eppn' => @eppn, 'displayName' => @display_name) response = strategy.call!(env) expect(strategy.env['omniauth.auth']['uid']).to eq(@eppn) expect(strategy.env['omniauth.auth']['info']['name']).to eq(@display_name) end end context 'with Shibboleth session and attribute options' do let(:options){ { :shib_session_id_field => 'Shib-Session-ID', :shib_application_id_field => 'Shib-Application-ID', :uid_field => :uid, :name_field => :sn, :info_fields => {}, :extra_fields => [:o, :affiliation] } } let(:app){ lambda{|env| [404, {}, ['Not Found']]}} let(:strategy){ OmniAuth::Strategies::Shibboleth.new(app, options) } it 'is expected to set specified omniauth.auth fields' do @dummy_id = 'abcdefg' @uid = 'test' @sn = 'User' @organization = 'Test Corporation' @affiliation = 'faculty' env = make_env('/auth/shibboleth/callback', 'Shib-Session-ID' => @dummy_id, 'uid' => @uid, 'sn' => @sn, 'o' => @organization, 'affiliation' => @affiliation) response = strategy.call!(env) expect(strategy.env['omniauth.auth']['uid']).to eq(@uid) expect(strategy.env['omniauth.auth']['extra']['raw_info']['o']).to eq(@organization) expect(strategy.env['omniauth.auth']['extra']['raw_info']['affiliation']).to eq(@affiliation) end end context 'with debug options' do let(:options){ { :debug => true} } let(:app){ lambda{|env| [404, {}, ['Not Found']]}} let(:strategy){ OmniAuth::Strategies::Shibboleth.new(app, options) } it 'is expected to raise environment variables' do @dummy_id = 'abcdefg' @eppn = 'test@example.com' @display_name = 'Test User' env = make_env('/auth/shibboleth/callback', 'Shib-Session-ID' => @dummy_id, 'eppn' => @eppn, 'displayName' => @display_name) response = strategy.call!(env) expect(response[0]).to eq(200) end end context 'with request_type = :header' do let(:options){ { :request_type => :header, :shib_session_id_field => 'Shib-Session-ID', :shib_application_id_field => 'Shib-Application-ID', :uid_field => :uid, :name_field => :displayName, :info_fields => {}, :extra_fields => [:o, :affiliation] } } let(:app){ lambda{|env| [200, {}, ['OK']]}} let(:strategy){ OmniAuth::Strategies::Shibboleth.new(app, options) } it 'is expected to handle header variables' do @dummy_id = 'abcdefg' @display_name = 'Test User' @uid = 'test' @organization = 'Test Corporation' @affiliation = 'faculty' env = make_env('/auth/shibboleth/callback', 'HTTP_SHIB_SESSION_ID' => @dummy_id, 'HTTP_DISPLAYNAME' => @display_name, 'HTTP_UID' => @uid, 'HTTP_O' => @organization, 'HTTP_AFFILIATION' => @affiliation) response = strategy.call!(env) expect(strategy.env['omniauth.auth']['uid']).to eq(@uid) expect(strategy.env['omniauth.auth']['info']['name']).to eq(@display_name) expect(strategy.env['omniauth.auth']['extra']['raw_info']['o']).to eq(@organization) expect(strategy.env['omniauth.auth']['extra']['raw_info']['affiliation']).to eq(@affiliation) end end context "with request_type = 'header'" do let(:options){ { :request_type => 'header', :shib_session_id_field => 'Shib-Session-ID', :shib_application_id_field => 'Shib-Application-ID', :uid_field => :uid, :name_field => :displayName, :info_fields => {}, :extra_fields => [:o, :affiliation] } } let(:app){ lambda{|env| [200, {}, ['OK']]}} let(:strategy){ OmniAuth::Strategies::Shibboleth.new(app, options) } it 'is expected to handle header variables' do @dummy_id = 'abcdefg' @display_name = 'Test User' @uid = 'test' @organization = 'Test Corporation' @affiliation = 'faculty' env = make_env('/auth/shibboleth/callback', 'HTTP_SHIB_SESSION_ID' => @dummy_id, 'HTTP_DISPLAYNAME' => @display_name, 'HTTP_UID' => @uid, 'HTTP_O' => @organization, 'HTTP_AFFILIATION' => @affiliation) response = strategy.call!(env) expect(strategy.env['omniauth.auth']['uid']).to eq(@uid) expect(strategy.env['omniauth.auth']['info']['name']).to eq(@display_name) expect(strategy.env['omniauth.auth']['extra']['raw_info']['o']).to eq(@organization) expect(strategy.env['omniauth.auth']['extra']['raw_info']['affiliation']).to eq(@affiliation) end end context 'with request_type = :params' do let(:options){ { :request_type => :params, :shib_session_id_field => 'Shib-Session-ID', :shib_application_id_field => 'Shib-Application-ID', :uid_field => :uid, :name_field => :displayName, :info_fields => {}, :extra_fields => [:o, :affiliation] } } let(:app){ lambda{|env| [200, {}, ['OK']]}} let(:strategy){ OmniAuth::Strategies::Shibboleth.new(app, options) } it 'is expected to handle params variables' do @dummy_id = 'abcdefg' @display_name = 'Test User' @uid = 'test' @organization = 'Test Corporation' @affiliation = 'faculty' env = make_env('/auth/shibboleth/callback', 'QUERY_STRING' => "Shib-Session-ID=#{@dummy_id}&uid=#{@uid}&displayName=#{@display_name}&o=#{@organization}&affiliation=#{@affiliation}") response = strategy.call!(env) expect(strategy.env['omniauth.auth']['uid']).to eq(@uid) expect(strategy.env['omniauth.auth']['info']['name']).to eq(@display_name) expect(strategy.env['omniauth.auth']['extra']['raw_info']['o']).to eq(@organization) expect(strategy.env['omniauth.auth']['extra']['raw_info']['affiliation']).to eq(@affiliation) end end context 'with Proc option' do let(:options){ { :request_type => :env, :shib_session_id_field => 'Shib-Session-ID', :shib_application_id_field => 'Shib-Application-ID', :uid_field => lambda {|request_param| request_param.call('eppn') || request_param.call('mail')}, :name_field => lambda {|request_param| "#{request_param.call('cn')} #{request_param.call('sn')}"}, :info_fields => {:affiliation => lambda {|request_param| "#{request_param.call('affiliation')}@my.localdomain" }}, :extra_fields => [:o, :affiliation] } } let(:app){ lambda{|env| [200, {}, ['OK']]}} let(:strategy){ OmniAuth::Strategies::Shibboleth.new(app, options) } it 'is expected to have eppn as uid and cn + sn as name field.' do @dummy_id = 'abcdefg' @display_name = 'Test User' @uid = 'test' @eppn = 'test@my.localdomain' @cn = 'Test' @sn = 'User' @organization = 'Test Corporation' @affiliation = 'faculty' env = make_env('/auth/shibboleth/callback', 'Shib-Session-ID' => @dummy_id, 'uid' => @uid, 'eppn' => @eppn, 'cn' => @cn, 'sn' => @sn, 'o' => @organization, 'affiliation' => @affiliation) response = strategy.call!(env) expect(strategy.env['omniauth.auth']['uid']).to eq(@eppn) expect(strategy.env['omniauth.auth']['info']['name']).to eq("#{@cn} #{@sn}") expect(strategy.env['omniauth.auth']['info']['affiliation']).to eq("#{@affiliation}@my.localdomain") expect(strategy.env['omniauth.auth']['extra']['raw_info']['o']).to eq(@organization) expect(strategy.env['omniauth.auth']['extra']['raw_info']['affiliation']).to eq(@affiliation) end let(:strategy){ OmniAuth::Strategies::Shibboleth.new(app, options) } it 'is expected to have mail as uid and cn + sn as name field.' do @dummy_id = 'abcdefg' @display_name = 'Test User' @uid = 'test' @mail = 'test@my.localdomain' @cn = 'Test' @sn = 'User' @organization = 'Test Corporation' @affiliation = 'faculty' env = make_env('/auth/shibboleth/callback', 'Shib-Session-ID' => @dummy_id, 'uid' => @uid, 'mail' => @mail, 'cn' => @cn, 'sn' => @sn, 'o' => @organization, 'affiliation' => @affiliation) response = strategy.call!(env) expect(strategy.env['omniauth.auth']['uid']).to eq(@mail) expect(strategy.env['omniauth.auth']['info']['name']).to eq("#{@cn} #{@sn}") expect(strategy.env['omniauth.auth']['info']['affiliation']).to eq("#{@affiliation}@my.localdomain") expect(strategy.env['omniauth.auth']['extra']['raw_info']['o']).to eq(@organization) expect(strategy.env['omniauth.auth']['extra']['raw_info']['affiliation']).to eq(@affiliation) end end context 'empty uid with :fail_with_empty_uid = false' do let(:options){ { :request_type => :env, :fail_with_empty_uid => false, :uid_field => :uid, :name_field => :displayName, :info_fields => {} } } let(:app){ lambda{|env| [200, {}, ['OK']]}} let(:strategy){ OmniAuth::Strategies::Shibboleth.new(app, options) } it 'is expected to output null (empty) uid as it is' do @dummy_id = 'abcdefg' @display_name = 'Test User' @uid = '' env = make_env('/auth/shibboleth/callback', 'Shib-Session-ID' => @dummy_id, 'uid' => @uid, 'displayName' => @display_name) response = strategy.call!(env) expect(strategy.env['omniauth.auth']['uid']).to eq(@uid) end end context 'empty uid with :fail_with_empty_uid = true' do let(:options){ { :request_type => :env, :fail_with_empty_uid => true, :shib_session_id_field => 'Shib-Session-ID', :shib_application_id_field => 'Shib-Application-ID', :uid_field => :uid, :name_field => :displayName, :info_fields => {} } } let(:app){ lambda{|env| [200, {}, ['OK']]}} let(:strategy){ OmniAuth::Strategies::Shibboleth.new(app, options) } it 'is expected to fail because of the empty uid' do @dummy_id = 'abcdefg' @display_name = 'Test User' @uid = '' env = make_env('/auth/shibboleth/callback', 'Shib-Session-ID' => @dummy_id, 'uid' => @uid, 'displayName' => @display_name) response = strategy.call!(env) expect(response[0]).to eq(302) expect(response[1]["Location"]).to eq(empty_uid_failure_path) end end end end