event :save_recently_edited_settings, before: :extend, on: :save, when: proc{|c| c.is_rule? } do if (recent = Card[:recent_settings]) recent.insert_item 0, cardname.right recent.save end end format :html do view :closed_rule, tags: :unknown_ok do |args| return 'not a rule' if !card.is_rule? #these are helpful for handling non-rule rstar cards until we have real rule sets rule_card = find_current_rule_card rule_content = !rule_card ? '' : begin subformat(rule_card)._render_closed_content set_context: card.cardname.trunk_name end cells = [ ["rule-setting", link_to( card.cardname.tag.sub(/^\*/,''), path(view: :open_rule), class: 'edit-rule-link slotter', remote: true, rel: 'nofollow' ) ], ["rule-content", %{
} ], ["rule-set", (rule_card ? rule_card.trunk.label : '') ], ] extra_css_class = rule_card && !rule_card.new_card? ? 'known-rule' : 'missing-rule' %{} + cells.map do |css_class, content| %{#{content}} end.join("\n") + '' end view :open_rule, tags: :unknown_ok do |args| return 'not a rule' if !card.is_rule? current_rule = args[:current_rule] setting_name = args[:setting_name] edit_mode = !params[:success] && card.ok?( ( card.new_card? ? :create : :update ) ) #~~~~~~ handle reloading due to type change if params[:type_reload] && card_args=params[:card] if card_args[:name] && card_args[:name].to_name.key != current_rule.key current_rule = Card.new card_args else current_rule = current_rule.refresh current_rule.assign_attributes card_args current_rule.include_set_modules end edit_mode = true end opts = { rule_context: card, # determines the set options and the success view set_context: card.rule_set_name, } rule_view = edit_mode ? :edit_rule : :show_rule %{
#{ view_link setting_name.sub(/^\*/,''), :closed_rule, class: 'close-rule-link slotter' } #{ card_link setting_name, text: "all #{setting_name} rules", class: 'setting-link', target: 'wagn_setting' }
#{ process_content "{{#{setting_name}+*right+*help|content}}" }
#{ subformat( current_rule )._render rule_view, opts }
} end def default_open_rule_args args current_rule_card = find_current_rule_card || begin Card.new name: "#{Card[:all].name}+#{card.rule_user_setting_name}" end args.reverse_merge! current_rule: current_rule_card, setting_name: card.rule_setting_name end view :show_rule, tags: :unknown_ok do |args| return 'not a rule' if !card.is_rule? if !card.new_card? set = card.rule_set args[:item] ||= :link %{
#{ card_link set.cardname, text: set.label }:
#{ _render_core args } } else 'No Current Rule' end end view :edit_rule, tags: :unknown_ok do |args| return 'not a rule' if !card.is_rule? form_args = { url: path(action: :update, no_id: true), html: {class: "card-form card-rule-form" } } if args[:remote] form_args[:remote] = true form_args[:html][:class] += ' slotter' end form_for card, form_args do |form| @form = form %{ #{ hidden_success_formgroup args[:success]} #{ editor args } #{ edit_buttons args } } end end view :related_edit_rule, view: :edit_rule def default_edit_rule_args args args[:remote] ||= true args[:rule_context] ||= card args[:set_context] ||= card.rule_set_name args[:set_selected] = params[:type_reload] ? card.rule_set_name : false args[:set_options], args[:fallback_set] = args[:rule_context].set_options args[:success] ||= {} args[:success].reverse_merge!( { card: args[:rule_context], id: args[:rule_context].cardname.url_key, view: 'open_rule', item: 'view_rule' }) args[:delete_button] ||= delete_button args args[:cancel_button] ||= begin cancel_view = card.new_card? ? :closed_rule : :open_rule cancel_button class: 'rule-cancel-button', href: path(view: cancel_view, success: false) end end def default_related_edit_rule_args args args[:remote] ||= false args[:success] ||= { card: args[:parent] || card, id: (args[:parent] && args[:parent].cardname.url_key) || card.cardname.url_key, view: :open, item: nil } default_edit_rule_args args args[:delete_button] = delete_button args, '.card-slot.related-view' args[:cancel_button] = card_link( args[:success][:id], text: 'Cancel', class: 'rule-cancel-button btn btn-default', path_opts: {view: args[:success][:view]} ) end def delete_button args, slot_selector=nil if !card.new_card? b_args = { remote: true, class: 'rule-delete-button slotter', type: 'button' } b_args['data-slot-selector'] = slot_selector if slot_selector b_args[:href] = path action: :delete, success: args[:success] if (fset = args[:fallback_set]) && (fcard = Card.fetch(fset)) b_args['data-confirm']="Deleting will revert to #{card.rule_setting_name} rule for #{fcard.label }" end %{#{ button_tag 'Delete', b_args }} end end # used keys for args: # :success, :set_selected, :set_options, :rule_context def editor args wrap_with( :div, class: 'card-editor' ) do [ (type_formgroup( args ) if card.right.rule_type_editable), formgroup( 'rule', content_field( form, args.merge(skip_rev_id: true) ), editor: 'content' ), set_selection( args ) ] end end def type_formgroup args formgroup 'type', type_field( href: path(name: args[:success][:card].name, view: args[:success][:view], type_reload: true), class: 'type-field rule-type-field live-type-field', 'data-remote' => true ), editor: 'type' end def hidden_success_formgroup args %{ #{ hidden_field_tag 'success[id]', args[:id] || args[:card].name } #{ hidden_field_tag 'success[view]', args[:view] } #{ hidden_field_tag 'success[item]', args[:item] } } end def set_selection args wrap_with( :div, class: 'row') do [ set_formgroup( args ), related_set_formgroup( args) ] end end def set_formgroup args current_set_key = card.new_card? ? Card[:all].cardname.key : card.rule_set_key # (should have a constant for this?) tag = args[:rule_context].rule_user_setting_name narrower_rules = [] option_list = wrap_each_with :li, class: 'radio' do args[:set_options].map do |set_name, state| checked = ( args[:set_selected] == set_name or current_set_key && args[:set_options].length==1 ) is_current = (state == :current) warning = if narrower_rules.present? plural = narrower_rules.size > 1 ? 's' : '' "This rule will not have any effect on this card unless you delete the narrower rule#{plural} "+ "for #{narrower_rules.to_sentence}." end if is_current || state == :overwritten narrower_rules << Card.fetch(set_name).label narrower_rules.last[0] = narrower_rules.last[0].downcase end rule_name = "#{set_name}+#{tag}" radio_button( :name, rule_name, checked: checked, warning: warning ) + %{ }.html_safe end end formgroup 'set', "", editor: 'set', class: 'col-xs-6' end def related_set_formgroup args related_sets = args[:set_context] && Card.fetch(args[:set_context]).prototype.related_sets return '' unless related_sets && related_sets.size > 0 tag = args[:rule_context].rule_user_setting_name option_list = wrap_each_with :li, class: 'radio' do related_sets.map do |set_name, label| rule_name = "#{set_name}+#{tag}" rule_card = Card.fetch rule_name, skip_modules: true radio_button( :name, rule_name) + %{ }.html_safe end end formgroup 'related set', "", editor: 'set', class: 'col-xs-6' end def edit_buttons args wrap_with( :div, class: 'button-area' ) do [ args[:delete_button], button_tag( 'Submit', class: 'rule-submit-button', situation: 'primary' ), args[:cancel_button] ] end end =begin view :edit_rule2 do |args| card_form :update do [ _optional_render( :type_formgroup, args ), _optional_render( :content_formgroup, args ), _optional_render( :set_formgroup, args ), _optional_render( :button_formgroup, args ) ] end end =end private def find_current_rule_card # self.card is a POTENTIAL rule; it quacks like a rule but may or may not exist. # This generates a prototypical member of the POTENTIAL rule's set # and returns that member's ACTUAL rule for the POTENTIAL rule's setting if card.new_card? if setting = card.right card.set_prototype.rule_card setting.codename, user: card.rule_user end else card end end end def rule_set_key rule_set_name.key end def rule_set_name if is_user_rule? cardname.trunk_name.trunk_name else cardname.trunk_name end end def rule_set if is_user_rule? self[0..-3] else trunk end end def rule_setting_name cardname.tag end def rule_user_setting_name if is_user_rule? "#{rule_user_name}+#{rule_setting_name}" else rule_setting_name end end def rule_user_name is_user_rule? ? cardname.trunk_name.tag : nil end def rule_user is_user_rule? ? self[-2] : nil end #~~~~~~~~~~ determine the set options to which the user can apply the rule. def set_options first = new_card? ? 0 : set_prototype.set_names.index{|s| s.to_name.key == rule_set_key} rule_cnt = 0 res = [] fallback_set = nil set_prototype.set_names[first..-1].each do |set_name| if Card.exists?("#{set_name}+#{rule_user_setting_name}") rule_cnt += 1 res << if rule_cnt == 1 [set_name,:current] else fallback_set ||= set_name [set_name,:overwritten] end else res << (rule_cnt < 1 ? [set_name,:enabled] : [set_name,:disabled]) end end # fallback_set = if first > 0 # res[0..(first-1)].find do |set_name| # Card.exists?("#{set_name}+#{rule_user_setting_name}") # end # end # last = res.index{|s| s.to_name.key == cardname.trunk_name.key} || -1 # # note, the -1 can happen with virtual cards because the self set doesn't show up in the set_names. FIXME!! # [res[first..last], fallback_set] # # The broadest set should always be the currently applied rule # (for anything more general, they must explicitly choose to "DELETE" the current one) # the narrowest rule should be the one attached to the set being viewed. So, eg, if you're looking at the "*all plus" set, you shouldn't # have the option to create rules based on arbitrary narrower sets, though narrower sets will always apply to whatever prototype we create return res, fallback_set end def set_prototype if is_user_rule? self[0..-3].prototype else trunk.prototype end end