# frozen_string_literal: true # typed: strict require 'set' require 'code_teams' require 'sorbet-runtime' require 'json' require 'packs' require 'code_ownership/mapper' require 'code_ownership/validator' require 'code_ownership/private' require 'code_ownership/cli' require 'code_ownership/configuration' if defined?(Packwerk) require 'code_ownership/private/permit_pack_owner_top_level_key' end module CodeOwnership extend self extend T::Sig extend T::Helpers requires_ancestor { Kernel } GlobsToOwningTeamMap = T.type_alias { T::Hash[String, CodeTeams::Team] } sig { params(file: String).returns(T.nilable(CodeTeams::Team)) } def for_file(file) @for_file ||= T.let(@for_file, T.nilable(T::Hash[String, T.nilable(CodeTeams::Team)])) @for_file ||= {} return nil if file.start_with?('./') return @for_file[file] if @for_file.key?(file) Private.load_configuration! owner = T.let(nil, T.nilable(CodeTeams::Team)) Mapper.all.each do |mapper| owner = mapper.map_file_to_owner(file) break if owner end @for_file[file] = owner end sig { params(team: T.any(CodeTeams::Team, String)).returns(String) } def for_team(team) team = T.must(CodeTeams.find(team)) if team.is_a?(String) ownership_information = T.let([], T::Array[String]) ownership_information << "# Code Ownership Report for `#{team.name}` Team" Private.glob_cache.raw_cache_contents.each do |mapper_description, glob_to_owning_team_map| ownership_information << "## #{mapper_description}" ownership_for_mapper = [] glob_to_owning_team_map.each do |glob, owning_team| next if owning_team != team ownership_for_mapper << "- #{glob}" end if ownership_for_mapper.empty? ownership_information << 'This team owns nothing in this category.' else ownership_information += ownership_for_mapper.sort end ownership_information << "" end ownership_information.join("\n") end class InvalidCodeOwnershipConfigurationError < StandardError end sig { params(filename: String).void } def self.remove_file_annotation!(filename) Private::OwnershipMappers::FileAnnotations.new.remove_file_annotation!(filename) end sig do params( autocorrect: T::Boolean, stage_changes: T::Boolean, files: T.nilable(T::Array[String]), ).void end def validate!( autocorrect: true, stage_changes: true, files: nil ) Private.load_configuration! tracked_file_subset = if files files.select{|f| Private.file_tracked?(f)} else Private.tracked_files end Private.validate!(files: tracked_file_subset, autocorrect: autocorrect, stage_changes: stage_changes) end # Given a backtrace from either `Exception#backtrace` or `caller`, find the # first line that corresponds to a file with assigned ownership sig { params(backtrace: T.nilable(T::Array[String]), excluded_teams: T::Array[::CodeTeams::Team]).returns(T.nilable(::CodeTeams::Team)) } def for_backtrace(backtrace, excluded_teams: []) first_owned_file_for_backtrace(backtrace, excluded_teams: excluded_teams)&.first end # Given a backtrace from either `Exception#backtrace` or `caller`, find the # first owned file in it, useful for figuring out which file is being blamed. sig { params(backtrace: T.nilable(T::Array[String]), excluded_teams: T::Array[::CodeTeams::Team]).returns(T.nilable([::CodeTeams::Team, String])) } def first_owned_file_for_backtrace(backtrace, excluded_teams: []) backtrace_with_ownership(backtrace).each do |(team, file)| if team && !excluded_teams.include?(team) return [team, file] end end nil end sig { params(backtrace: T.nilable(T::Array[String])).returns(T::Enumerable[[T.nilable(::CodeTeams::Team), String]]) } def backtrace_with_ownership(backtrace) return [] unless backtrace # The pattern for a backtrace hasn't changed in forever and is considered # stable: https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/vm_backtrace.c#L303-L317 # # This pattern matches a line like the following: # # ./app/controllers/some_controller.rb:43:in `block (3 levels) in create' # backtrace_line = %r{\A(#{Pathname.pwd}/|\./)? (?<file>.+) # Matches 'app/controllers/some_controller.rb' : (?<line>\d+) # Matches '43' :in\s `(?<function>.*)' # Matches "`block (3 levels) in create'" \z}x backtrace.lazy.filter_map do |line| match = line.match(backtrace_line) next unless match file = T.must(match[:file]) [ CodeOwnership.for_file(file), file, ] end end private_class_method(:backtrace_with_ownership) sig { params(klass: T.nilable(T.any(T::Class[T.anything], Module))).returns(T.nilable(::CodeTeams::Team)) } def for_class(klass) @memoized_values ||= T.let(@memoized_values, T.nilable(T::Hash[String, T.nilable(::CodeTeams::Team)])) @memoized_values ||= {} # We use key because the memoized value could be `nil` if !@memoized_values.key?(klass.to_s) path = Private.path_from_klass(klass) return nil if path.nil? value_to_memoize = for_file(path) @memoized_values[klass.to_s] = value_to_memoize value_to_memoize else @memoized_values[klass.to_s] end end sig { params(package: Packs::Pack).returns(T.nilable(::CodeTeams::Team)) } def for_package(package) Private::OwnershipMappers::PackageOwnership.new.owner_for_package(package) end # Generally, you should not ever need to do this, because once your ruby process loads, cached content should not change. # Namely, the set of files, packages, and directories which are tracked for ownership should not change. # The primary reason this is helpful is for clients of CodeOwnership who want to test their code, and each test context # has different ownership and tracked files. sig { void } def self.bust_caches! @for_file = nil @memoized_values = nil Private.bust_caches! Mapper.all.each(&:bust_caches!) end sig { returns(Configuration) } def self.configuration Private.configuration end end