require 'oats/report' require 'oats/test_data' require 'oats/application_logs' require 'oats/oats_data' require 'oats/roptions' require 'oats/build_id' module Oats module Driver def Driver.agent ENV['KILL_AGENT' ] = 'KILL_AGENT' if $oats_execution['options']["_:kill_agent"] ENV['OATS_USER' ] = $oats_execution['options']["_:oats_user"] if $oats_execution['options']["_:oats_user"] ENV['OATS_REPOSITORY_VERSION' ] = $oats_execution['options']["_:repository_version"] if $oats_execution['options']["_:repository_version"] nick = $oats_execution['options']["execution:occ:agent_nickname"] ENV['OATS_AGENT_NICKNAME' ] = nick if nick port = $oats_execution['options']["execution:occ:agent_port"].to_s ENV['OATS_AGENT_PORT'] = port if port dir = ENV['HOME'] + "/results_archive/#{nick}/agent_logs" FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) unless File.exists?(dir) ENV['CONFIG_FILE'] = "#{dir}/config-agent.txt" dat = `date +'%m%d%H%M%S'`.chomp log_file = "#{dir}/agent_#{dat}.log" ENV['LOGFILE'] = log_file agent_log_file = "#{dir}/agent.log" cmd = ENV['OATS_HOME'] + '/bin/agent' pid = `#{cmd}`.chomp puts "Running PID: " + pid + ', Log: ' + log_file # echo "$NICKNAME $PORT $PID $DISPLAY_NUM" >| $config_agent_file 10.times do if File.exist? log_file FileUtils.rm_f agent_log_file FileUtils.ln log_file, agent_log_file break end sleep 1 end end # Main method that starts oats execution in either agent or standalone mode. # Parameters are command-line arguments # Returns oats_info object containing execution results def unless ENV['HOSTNAME'] if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(mswin|mingw)/ ENV['HOSTNAME'] = ENV['COMPUTERNAME'] else ENV['HOSTNAME'] = `hostname`.chomp end end Log4r::Logger.root.level = Log4r::DEBUG'console', :level=>1, :formatter=>>50, :pattern => "%-5l %d %M", :date_pattern=>"%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) $log ='R') $log.add('console') options = CommandlineOptions.options(args) $oats_info = {} $oats_global = {} @@quiet = options['_:quiet'] # save quiet option from initial commandline options $log.remove('console') if @@quiet ENV['HOME'] = Util.expand_path(ENV['HOME']) if ENV['HOME'] # Normalize for cygwin if $oats_execution['agent'] require 'oats/ragent' # $oats_execution['agent'] (used by framework) ==['agent'] (by YAMLs) === options $oats = OatsData.load(options['_:ini_file']) $oats['_']['options'] = options Roptions.override(options) # $oats would be reset and and regenerated by agents across jobs. options['execution:occ:agent_host'] = $oats['execution']['occ']['agent_host'] options['execution:occ:agent_port'] = $oats['execution']['occ']['agent_port'] options['execution:occ:agent_nickname'] = ($oats['execution']['occ']['agent_nickname'] || options['execution:occ:agent_host'].sub(/\..*/,'')) $oats['execution']['occ']['agent_nickname'] = options['execution:occ:agent_nickname'] if options['_:command'] require 'oats/rclient' options['_:id'] = request = { :command => options['_:command'], :args => options['_:args'] } request[:id] = options['_:id'] if options['_:id'] EventMachine::run { EventMachine::connect options['execution:occ:agent_host'], options['execution:occ:agent_port'].to_i, Rclient, options['execution:occ:agent_host'], request } else Ragent.start $oats['execution']['occ'] end else Driver.start(nil,options) end $oats_info end # Executes OATS # Returns oats_info object containing execution results def Driver.start(jid,options) begin $oats_info = {} # Holds Oats.context, to be transmitted to OCC $oats_global = {} # Holds for inter-test data, within an execution sequence Oats.context['start_time'] = if jid['agent'] = $oats_execution['agent'] Oats.context['jobid'] = jid else Oats.context['jobid'] = Oats.context['start_time'].to_s[2..-1] end ! options['execution:tail_logs_ip'] and ! OatsLock.set and return false $log.remove('console') if options['_:quiet'] $oats_execution['testlist_init'] and $oats_execution['testlist_init'].each_pair do |klas, args| klas.init end TestList.current = nil # Initialize $oats = nil # Holds, the resolved oats.yml contents oats_data = OatsData.load(options['_:ini_file']) $oats = oats_data $oats['_']['options'] = options Roptions.override(options) Oats.result_archive_dir # Adjust results_ dir variables if running on agent mode oats_data = $oats Oselenium.reset if defined?(Oats::Oselenium) # Initialize class variables and kill running browsers, in case running in server host mode # oats_data['execution']['test_files'] = test_files if test_files and ! test_files.empty? dir_res = oats_data['execution']['dir_results'] stop_file = dir_res + '/stop_oats' oats_data['execution']['stop_file'] = stop_file if stop_file and File.exist?(stop_file) $oats_info['stop_oats'] =, dir_res + '/stop_file_' + Oats.context['jobid'] ) end Report.archive_results if not oats_data['execution']['tail_logs_ip'] FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir_res) oats_data['execution']['log'] = oats_data['execution']['dir_results'] + '/oats.log' oats_log = oats_data['execution']['log'] unless oats_data['execution']['tail_logs_ip'] if oats_log dir_oats_log = File.dirname(oats_log) raise(OatsBadInput,"Can not locate directory of execution:log #{dir_oats_log}") unless oats_log = Util.expand_path(oats_log) # Ensure log_level valid level = Log4r::Log4rConfig::LogLevels.index($oats['execution']['log_level']) raise(OatsBadInput, "Unrecognized execution:log_level [#{$oats['execution']['log_level']}]") unless level'logfile', :filename=>oats_log, :trunc=>false, :level=>level, :formatter=>>50, :pattern => "%-5l %d %M", :date_pattern=>"%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) $ "Redirecting output to logfile: " + oats_log $log.add('logfile') end $ "Started OATS execution [#{Oats.context['jobid']}] at #{}" end begin "Tests Root Directory: " + ENV['OATS_TESTS'] oats_data['_']['environments'] = [] # Keep track of variations stack Driver.process_test_yaml(oats_data) Report.results($oats_info['test_files']) $oats_info['end_time'] = Report.oats_info_store $log.warn "*** Stopping per stop_oats request [#{$oats_info['stop_oats']}]" if $oats_info['stop_oats'] $ "Finished OATS execution [#{Oats.context['jobid']}] at #{$oats_info['end_time'])} [#{$oats_info['end_time']}]" + (oats_log ? ": " + oats_log : '') Report.archive_results(true) ensure Oselenium.reset if defined?(Oats::Oselenium) unless oats_data['execution']['tail_logs_ip'] or oats_log.nil? Log4r::Outputter['logfile'].close $log.remove('logfile') end OatsLock.reset $log.add('console') if options['_:quiet'] and ! @@quiet end rescue Exception => e $log.debug "Top level Exception caught by test driver." $log.error $! end end # Expand additional test_files given as test_yaml.yml plus variations def Driver.process_test_yaml(oats_data, id = nil, test_yaml = nil) return if $oats_info['stop_oats'] $oats = oats_data # TestData.locate needs test_dirs location. if test_yaml oats_data['execution']['test_files'] = nil # Ensure test files exist and taken from the input oats_file case test_yaml when /\.yml$/ yaml_file = TestData.locate(test_yaml) unless yaml_file Oats.error "Can not locate file: #{test_yaml}" return end oats_data = OatsData.load( yaml_file, oats_data) # oats_data['_']['load_history'].last.omit = true when /\.xls$/ suite = id book = test_yaml tests = $oats_global['xl'] unless tests and tests[id] xl_id = File.dirname(id) list_id = File.basename(id) path = test_yaml.sub(/#{list_id}\.xls$/, File.basename(xl_id)+'.xls') Driver.parse_xl(path, xl_id) tests = $oats_global['xl'] end header = nil book.worksheet('Business Flow').each do |row| unless header header = row.dup next end test_name = row.shift next unless tests[id].include?(test_name) test_id = suite + '/' + test_name tests[test_id] = { 'keywords' => row.collect{|i|i}} # Need to convert to Array end header = nil book.worksheet('Test Data').each do |row| unless header header = row.dup header.shift next end test_name = row.shift next unless tests[id].include?(test_name) test_id = suite + '/' + test_name Oats.assert tests[test_id], "No corresponding TC_ID was defined in Business Flow worksheet for Test Data worksheet TC_ID: " + File.basename(test_id) tests[test_id]['data'] = {} row.each_with_index do |cell,idx| next unless header[idx] and cell tests[test_id]['data'][header[idx]] = cell end end list = tests[id].collect{|t| suite + '/' + t + '.xltest'} $ "Processing worksheet [#{suite}] tests: #{tests[id].inspect}" oats_data['execution']['test_files'] = list end end pre = $oats['execution']['handler_pre_test_list'] if test_yaml and pre pre_tst = pre_tst.type = 4 TestList.current.pre_test = pre_tst TestList.current.variations.last.tests.pop $log.error pre_tst.errors.first[1] unless pre_tst.errors.empty? end variations = oats_data['execution']['environments'] Oats.assert variations, "Missing entry for execution.environments" # Don't let environment variations propogate down OatsData.history.inspect variations.inspect variations = nil if OatsData.history.find{|var| var =~ /\/environments\/#{variations.first}/ } # Should also eliminate propogations of other variations if want to support other variations. cur_list = TestList.current cur_list.variations.last.end_time = if cur_list and cur_list.variations.last.end_time.nil? new_list =,test_yaml) if variations.nil? or variations.empty? Driver.process_oats_data(oats_data) new_list.variations.last.end_time = else # Don't let variations files modify test file test_files = oats_data['execution']['test_files'] # # Don't let current variations propagate down variations.each do |variation| begin new_list.add_variation(variation) break if $oats_info['stop_oats'] variation = variation.sub(/\.yml$/,'') # Get rid of extension, if provided. # Look for variation in environments environment_variation = Util.expand_path( variation+'.yml', File.join(oats_data['execution']['dir_tests'], 'environments') ) raise(OatsError, "Can not locate variation [#{variation}]: #{environment_variation}" ) \ unless File.exist?(environment_variation) new_oats_data = OatsData.load( environment_variation, oats_data) new_oats_data['env']['name'] = variation new_oats_data['_']['load_history'].last.in_result_dir = false if variations.length == 1 new_oats_data['_']['environments'] << variation # If the same variation is found in user's directories, merge it user_var_dir = oats_data['execution']['dir_environments'] if user_var_dir and users_variation = Util.expand_path(variation+'.yml',user_var_dir) if File.exist?(users_variation) and # in case input was absolute not File.identical?(users_variation, environment_variation) new_oats_data = OatsData.load( users_variation, new_oats_data) new_oats_data['_']['load_history'].last.in_result_dir = false if variations.length == 1 new_oats_data['_']['environments'] << users_variation # Keep only one name, the one in the user's variation in history # new_oats_data['_']['load_history'][-2].omit = true end end new_oats_data['execution']['test_files'] = test_files Roptions.overlay($oats['_']['options']) if $oats['_']['options'] Driver.process_oats_data(new_oats_data) rescue OatsError $log.error $!.to_s $log.error "Test variation is being skipped: #{variation} " next rescue $log.error TestCase.backtrace($!) $log.error "Test variation is being skipped: #{variation} " next ensure new_list.variations.last.end_time = end end end new_list.end_time = new_list.variations.last.end_time = new_list.end_time unless new_list.variations.last.end_time TestList.current = cur_list if cur_list end # Process each test_file in oats_data once def Driver.process_oats_data(oats_data) stop_file = oats_data['execution']['stop_file'] $oats = oats_data # Oats Data becomes global only this point down to allow recursion. begin ApplicationLogs.tail_errors # If the user just wants to tail, this never returns rescue OatsBadInput $log.fatal $!.to_s exit end # The environment file for tailing is included only in the user's very first variation. test_files = oats_data['execution']['test_files'] if ! test_files or test_files.empty? $log.fatal( "Must provide at least one test.") $log.fatal 'Effective config file sequence ' + OatsData.history[1..-1].inspect return end BuildId.generate # Specific to the AUT, supplied in the test_dir/lib # Dump oats_data and start each test with a fresh copy each time to avoid contamination oats_data_dump = Marshal.dump(oats_data) while test_file = test_files.shift do skip_test = false if stop_file and File.exist?(stop_file) $oats_info['stop_oats'] =, stop_file + '_' + $oats_info['start_time'].to_s[2..-1] ) end break if $oats_info['stop_oats'] $oats = Marshal.load(oats_data_dump) begin if test_file.instance_of? Array path = test_file[0] id = path.sub( '^' + $oats['execution']['dir_tests'] + '/', Regexp::IGNORECASE ) , '') id = id.sub(/\.rb/,'.'+test_file[1]) tst =,test_file) else id, extension, path, handler = TestCase.parse_test_files(test_file) restrict_tests = $oats['execution']['restrict_tests'] if restrict_tests and restrict_tests.include?(test_file) $oats['execution']['no_run'] = 'restrict_tests' # skip_test = true # next end if (extension == 'yml' and handler.nil?) or extension == 'xlw' unless path $log.error "Could not locate test list '#{id}'" TestList.current.variations.last.tests.pop return end begin Driver.process_test_yaml( $oats, id, path) ensure $oats = Marshal.load(oats_data_dump) post = $oats['execution']['handler_post_test_list'] if post post_tst = post_tst.type = 0 TestList.current.post_test = post_tst TestList.current.variations.last.tests.pop $log.error post_tst.errors.first[1] unless post_tst.errors.empty? end end else case extension when 'xls' # Use it to include for suite.worksheet entries into test_files. # Later process these similar to list.yml files unless path $log.error "Could not locate XL file '#{id}'" TestList.current.variations.last.tests.pop return end test_files.concat Driver.parse_xl(path, id) when 'txt' list = TestList.txt_tests(path) $ "Including test list [#{path}]: #{list.inspect}" test_files = list + test_files skip_test = true else tst =, id, extension, path, handler) end end end # rescue OatsError # OatsTestError # Explicit Test Failure Assertion # $log.debug "OatsError exception caught by test driver" # tst =,path) unless path # TestData.Locate has failed # $log.error $!.to_s.chomp # TestData.error($!) rescue Exception => e $log.debug "General Exception caught by test driver." case e when OatsVerifyError # Selenium::CommandError, Timeout::Error then $log.error backtrace($!) $log.error e.to_s.chomp when OatsError $log.error TestCase.backtrace(e) else $log.error e end tst = unless tst # just in case something happened above before test creation TestData.error(e) ensure if $oats_global['test_files'].instance_of?(Array) test_files += $oats_global['test_files'] $oats_global.delete 'test_files' end next if skip_test or tst.nil? or tst.instance_of?(TestList) # coming from next above tst.end_time = case tst.status when 0 then $ "PASSED: #{}" when 1 then $log.warn "FAILED: #{} [#{tst.errors.last[1].chomp}]" when 2 then $log.warn "SKIPPED: #{}" else if tst.status.nil? and $oats_execution['agent'] $log.error "Removing results of last test due to empty test.status, possibly due to agent shutdown." TestData.tests.pop else $log.error "Unrecognized test.status: [#{tst.status}] for [#{}] . Please inform OATS administrator." end end test_outputter = Log4r::Outputter['test_log'] if test_outputter and ! test_outputter.closed? test_outputter.close $log.remove('test_log') end Report.oats_info_store end end end # Return all the included worksheet lists in XL and place all # their test arrays in $oats_global['xl'] def Driver.parse_xl(path,id) require 'spreadsheet' unless defined?(Spreadsheet) book = path sheet = book.worksheet 'Main' Oats.assert sheet, "Could not locate worksheet 'Main' in: " + path list = Driver.xl_sheet_tests(sheet, id, 'Main', 'Test_Scenarios') Oats.assert !list.empty?, "No executable worksheets are listed in Main worksheet in: " + path $ "Processing 'Main' worksheet in XL file: " + path $ "Worksheets to be included: #{list.inspect}" tests = $oats_global['xl'] = {} test_files = [] list.each do |ws| sheet = book.worksheet ws Oats.assert sheet, "XL file does not contain worksheet: " + ws suite_ws = id + '/' + ws execute_index = test_index = nil tests[suite_ws] = Driver.xl_sheet_tests(sheet, id, ws, 'Test_Cases') Oats.assert !tests[suite_ws].empty?, "No executable tests are listed in worksheet: " + suite_ws test_files.push suite_ws + '.xlw' end test_files end def Driver.xl_sheet_tests(sheet,xl, ws, test_header) execute_index = test_index = nil msg = " in worksheet '#{ws}' of: #{xl}" sheet.collect do |row| if test_index # Oats.assert row[test_index], "Missing value in column '#{test_header}'" + msg row[test_index] if row[execute_index] and (row[execute_index] == true or row[execute_index].downcase == 'true') else row.each_with_index do |col,idx| case col when test_header then test_index = idx when 'Execute' then execute_index = idx end end Oats.assert test_index, "Missing column '#{test_header}' "+ msg Oats.assert test_index, "Missing column 'Execute' "+ msg end end.compact end end end