require 'rest-client' ## # This file defines a very simple GraphQL API client to support a single type # of GraphQL API call for a Shopify store - sending a Shopify Flow trigger. # # We use this simple approach rather than using an existing GraphQL client # library such as (either standalone # or as bundled with the Shopify API gem) for a couple of reasons: # # - These libraries tend to presume that a single client instance is # instantiated once and then reused across the application, which isn't the # case when we're making API calls once per trigger for each background # job. # - These libraries make an API call to fetch the Shopify GraphQL schema on # initialisation. The schema is very large, so the API call takes a number # of seconds to complete and when parsed consumes a large amount of memory. # - These libraries do not natively work well with the idea of a dynamic API # endpoint (ie, changing the request URL frequently), which is required # when making many requests to different Shopify stores. # module DiscoApp class GraphqlClient def initialize(shop) @shop = shop end ## # Fire a Shopify Flow Trigger. # Returns a tuple {Boolean, Array} representing {success, errors}. def create_flow_trigger(title, resource_name, resource_url, properties) body = { trigger_title: title, resources: [ { name: resource_name, url: resource_url } ], properties: properties } # The double .to_json.to_json below looks odd but is required to properly escape the JSON hash # when inserting it into the GraphQL mutation call. response = execute(%( mutation { flowTriggerReceive(body: #{body.to_json.to_json}) { userErrors { field, message } } } )) errors = response.dig(:data, :flowTriggerReceive, :userErrors) [errors.empty?, errors] end private def execute(query) response = RestClient::Request.execute( method: :post, headers: headers, url: url, payload: { query: query }.to_json ) JSON.parse(response.body).with_indifferent_access end def headers { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'X-Shopify-Access-Token' => @shop.shopify_token } end def url "https://#{@shop.shopify_domain}/admin/api/graphql.json" end end end