require 'rdf/isomorphic' require 'linkeddata' require 'active_support' require 'rails_config' require 'krikri/ldp' require 'krikri/search_index' require 'dpla/map' require 'rdf/marmotta' require 'oai/client' require 'rest-client' require 'edtf' require 'text' require 'csv' require 'resque' module Krikri ## # Krikri provides metadata aggregation and enhancement services. class Engine < ::Rails::Engine isolate_namespace Krikri def configure_blacklight! return unless File.exist?(Blacklight.solr_file) krikri_solr = Krikri::Settings.solr Blacklight.solr_config = Blacklight.solr_config.merge(krikri_solr) unless krikri_solr.nil? end # Autoload various classes and modules in lib config.autoload_paths += Dir["#{config.root}/lib/**/"] config.generators do |g| g.test_framework :rspec, :fixture => false g.fixture_replacement :factory_girl, :dir => 'spec/factories' g.assets false g.helper false end initializer 'settings' do conf_path = root.join('config') setting_files = [conf_path.join('settings.yml'), conf_path.join('settings', "#{Rails.env}.yml"), conf_path.join('environments', "#{Rails.env}.yml"), conf_path.join('settings.local.yml'), conf_path.join('settings', "#{Rails.env}.local.yml"), conf_path.join('environments', "#{Rails.env}.local.yml") ].map(&:to_s) settings_const = Kernel.const_get(RailsConfig.const_name) source_paths = settings_const.add_source!('nil')[0..-2].map(&:path) source_paths = setting_files + source_paths RailsConfig.load_and_set_settings(source_paths) Krikri::Settings = Kernel.const_get(RailsConfig.const_name) end initializer :uri_cache do RDF::URI::CACHE_SIZE = (Krikri::Settings['uri_cache_size'] || 1_000_000).to_i.freeze end initializer :append_migrations do |app| unless app.root.to_s == root.to_s config.paths['db/migrate'].expanded.each do |exp_path| app.config.paths['db/migrate'] << exp_path end end end initializer :register_harvesters do Krikri::Harvester::Registry .register(:oai, Krikri::Harvesters::OAIHarvester) Krikri::Harvester::Registry .register(:couchdb, Krikri::Harvesters::CouchdbHarvester) end initializer :rdf_repository do Krikri::Repository = Krikri::Settings['marmotta']['base'], { read_timeout: Krikri::Settings['marmotta']['read_timeout'] } ) end initializer :blacklight_settings do configure_blacklight! end initializer :aggregation do class NamespaceError < RuntimeError def initialize(uri) super("Tried to get DPLA ID for non-DPLA URI #{uri}") end end DPLA::MAP::Aggregation.class_eval do include Krikri::MapCrosswalk include Krikri::LDP::RdfSource configure :base_uri => Krikri::Settings['marmotta']['item_container'] def mint_id!(seed = nil) set_subject!(mint_id_fragment(seed)) update_source_resource_subject end ## # Forceably update the subject for the dpla:SourceResource to use a # fragment URI. This is necessary because of an issue in # ActiveTriples. # # @see def update_source_resource_subject unless sourceResource.empty? sr = get_values(RDF::EDM::aggregatedCHO).first orig = sourceResource_ids.first # Q: should we have a check like `orig.node?` here? sr.set_subject!(rdf_subject / '#sourceResource') sr.persist! update([self, RDF::EDM::aggregatedCHO, sr]) delete([orig, nil, nil]) end end ## # Get the persisted original record for this Aggregation. # @return [Krikri::OriginalRecord, nil] # # @raise [NameError] when the original record id is not a URI or the # the original record has not been persisted to Marmotta. # # @raise [Faraday::ConnectionError] when there is a connection problem # with Marmotta. def original_record raise NameError, "#{originalRecord.first} is not an OriginalRecord" if originalRecord.empty? || originalRecord.first.node? Krikri::OriginalRecord.load(originalRecord.first.rdf_subject .to_s) end ## # @return [String, nil] returns only the final portion of the URI (the # "local name"), with the `#base_uri` removed. `nil` if this is a node # # @raise NamespaceError def dpla_id return nil if node? raise NamespaceError, rdf_subject unless id.start_with?(base_uri) id.gsub("#{base_uri}/", '') end private def local_name_from_original_record return nil if originalRecord.empty? raise "#{self} has more than one OriginalRecord, cannot source a " \ "definitive identifier." unless originalRecord.length == 1 originalRecord.first.rdf_subject.path.split('/').last.split('.').first end def mint_id_fragment(seed = nil) return seed if seed return SecureRandom.hex if originalRecord.empty? || originalRecord.first.node? local_name_from_original_record end end end ## # Allow the methods in Krikri::ApplicatoinHelper to be accessible by the # host application. initializer 'krikri.helpers' do |app| ActionView::Base.send :include, Krikri::ApplicationHelper end end end