<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Test page for Div</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="watir_unit_tests.css"> </head> <body> CVS Revision: "$Revision: 1352 $" <br> <br> <div id = div1 title = "Test1" >This text is in a div with an id of div1 and title of test1</div> <br> <div id = div2 class="blueText">This text is in a div with an id of div2</div> <br> <div id = div3 onClick = "javascript:document.all.text1.value=parseInt(document.all.text1.value)+1">This div has an onClick that increments text1</div> <div id = div4 onClick = "javascript:document.all.text1.value=parseInt(document.all.text1.value)-1">This div has an onClick that decrements text1</div> This input field gets its value from div3. Its name is text1<input type = text name = text1 value = 0> <br> <br> The following DIVS are used to test buttons and other objects in a div <div id=buttons1> <input type=button name=b1 value="Button 1" onClick="javascript:document.all.div_text1.value='button1';"> </div> <div id=buttons2> <input type=button name=b2 value="Button 2" onClick="javascript:document.all.div_text1.value='button2';"> <input type=button name=b3 value="Button 3" onClick="javascript:document.all.div_text1.value='button3';"> </div> <div id=text_fields1> Text1: <input type=textarea name=div_text1 > Text2: <input type=text name=div_text2 > Text3: <input type=text name=div_text3> </div> <div id=hasImages> <img src = images/triangle.jpg id=img1> <img src = images/square.jpg id=img2> <img src = images/circle.jpg id=circle> </div> <br> <hr> Span Tests <br> <br> <span id = span1 title = "Test2" >This text is in a span with an id of span1 and title of test2</span> <br> <span id = span2 class="blueText">This text is in a span with an id of span2</span> <br> <span id = span3 onClick = "javascript:document.all.text2.value=parseInt(document.all.text2.value)+1">This span has an onClick that increments text2</span> <br> <span id = span4 onClick = "javascript:document.all.text2.value=parseInt(document.all.text2.value)-1">This span has an onClick that decrements text2</span> <br> This input field gets its value from span3. Its name is text1<input type = text name = text2 value = 0> <br> <br> The following spans are used to test buttons and other objects in a span <br> <span id=buttons1> <input type=button name=b1 value="Button 1" onClick="javascript:document.all.span_text1.value='button1';"> </span> <br> <span id=buttons2> <input type=button name=b2 value="Button 2" onClick="javascript:document.all.span_text1.value='button2';"> <input type=button name=b3 value="Button 3" onClick="javascript:document.all.span_text1.value='button3';"> </span> <br> <span id=text_fields1> Text1: <input type=text name=span_text1 > Text2: <input type=text name=span_text2 > Text3: <input type=text name=span_text3> </span> <br> <br> <p id = number1 title = "P_tag_1" class=redText >This text is in a p with an id of number1 and title of P_tag_1</p> <br> <p id = number2 title = "P_tag_2" class=italicText >This text is in a p with an id of number2</p> <br> <p id = number3 title = "test_3" class=blueText >This text is in a p with an id of number3</p> </body> </html>