WAIT_TIMEOUT = (ENV['WAIT_TIMEOUT'] || 30).to_f STEP_PAUSE = (ENV['STEP_PAUSE'] || 0.5).to_f Given /^(my|the) app is running$/ do |_| # no-op exists for backwards compatibility end ### Touch ### Then /^I (?:press|touch) on screen (\d+) from the left and (\d+) from the top$/ do |x, y| touch(nil, { offset: { x: x.to_i, y: y.to_i } }) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I (?:press|touch) "([^\"]*)"$/ do |name| touch("view marked: '#{name}'") sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I (?:press|touch) (\d+)% right and (\d+)% down from "([^\"]*)"$/ do |x, y, name| raise 'This step is not yet implemented on iOS' end Then /^I (?:press|touch) button number (\d+)$/ do |index| index = index.to_i screenshot_and_raise("Index should be positive (was: #{index})") if index <= 0 touch("button index: #{index - 1}") sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I (?:press|touch) the "([^\"]*)" button$/ do |name| touch("button marked: '#{name}'") sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I (?:press|touch) (?:input|text) field number (\d+)$/ do |index| index = index.to_i screenshot_and_raise("Index should be positive (was: #{index})") if index <= 0 touch("textField index: #{index - 1}") sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I (?:press|touch) the "([^\"]*)" (?:input|text) field$/ do |name| placeholder_query = "textField placeholder: '#{name}'" marked_query = "textField marked: '#{name}'" if !query(placeholder_query).empty? touch(placeholder_query) elsif !query(marked_query).empty? touch(marked_query) else screenshot_and_raise "Could not find text field with placeholder '#{name}' or marked as '#{name}'" end sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end # Note in tables views: this means visible cell index! Then /^I (?:press|touch) list item number (\d+)$/ do |index| index = index.to_i screenshot_and_raise("Index should be positive (was: #{index})") if index <= 0 touch("tableViewCell index: #{index - 1}") sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I (?:press|touch) list item "([^\"]*)"$/ do |cell_name| if query("tableViewCell marked: '#{cell_name}'").empty? touch("tableViewCell text: '#{cell_name}'") else touch("tableViewCell marked: '#{cell_name}'") end sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I toggle the switch$/ do touch('switch') sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I toggle the "([^\"]*)" switch$/ do |name| touch("switch marked: '#{name}'") sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I touch (?:the)? user location$/ do touch("view: 'MKUserLocationView'") sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I (?:touch|press) (?:done|search)$/ do tap_keyboard_action_key sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end ### Entering text ### Then /^I enter "([^\"]*)" into the "([^\"]*)" field$/ do |text_to_type, field_name| touch("textField marked: '#{field_name}'") wait_for_keyboard keyboard_enter_text text_to_type sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I enter "([^\"]*)" into the "([^\"]*)" (?:text|input) field$/ do |text_to_type, field_name| touch("textField marked: '#{field_name}'") wait_for_keyboard keyboard_enter_text text_to_type sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end # Alias Then /^I fill in "([^\"]*)" with "([^\"]*)"$/ do |text_field, text_to_type| macro %(I enter "#{text_to_type}" into the "#{text_field}" text field) end Then /^I use the native keyboard to enter "([^\"]*)" into the "([^\"]*)" (?:text|input) field$/ do |text_to_type, field_name| macro %(I touch the "#{field_name}" text field) wait_for_keyboard keyboard_enter_text(text_to_type) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I fill in text fields as follows:$/ do |table| table.hashes.each do |row| macro %(I enter "#{row['text']}" into the "#{row['field']}" text field) end end Then /^I enter "([^\"]*)" into (?:input|text) field number (\d+)$/ do |text, index| index = index.to_i screenshot_and_raise("Index should be positive (was: #{index})") if index <= 0 touch("textField index: #{index - 1}") wait_for_keyboard keyboard_enter_text text sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I use the native keyboard to enter "([^\"]*)" into (?:input|text) field number (\d+)$/ do |text_to_type, index| macro %(I touch text field number #{index}) wait_for_keyboard keyboard_enter_text(text_to_type) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I clear (?:input|text) field number (\d+)$/ do |index| index = index.to_i screenshot_and_raise("Index should be positive (was: #{index})") if index <= 0 clear_text("textField index: #{index - 1}") end ### See ### Then /^I wait to see "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark| wait_for(WAIT_TIMEOUT) { view_with_mark_exists(expected_mark) } end Then /^I wait until I don't see "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark| sleep 1 # wait for previous screen to disappear wait_for(WAIT_TIMEOUT) { !element_exists("view marked: '#{expected_mark}'") } end Then /^I wait to not see "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark| macro %(I wait until I don't see "#{expected_mark}") end Then /^I wait for "([^\"]*)" to appear$/ do |name| macro %(I wait to see "#{name}") end Then /^I wait for the "([^\"]*)" button to appear$/ do |name| wait_for(WAIT_TIMEOUT) { element_exists("button marked: '#{name}'") } end Then /^I wait to see a navigation bar titled "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark| msg = "Waited for '#{WAIT_TIMEOUT}' seconds but did not see the navbar with title '#{expected_mark}'" wait_for(timeout: WAIT_TIMEOUT, timeout_message: msg ) do all_items = query("navigationItemView marked: '#{expected_mark}'") button_items = query('navigationItemButtonView') non_button_items = all_items.delete_if { |item| button_items.include?(item) } !non_button_items.empty? end end Then /^I wait for the "([^\"]*)" (?:input|text) field$/ do |placeholder_or_view_mark| wait_for(WAIT_TIMEOUT) do element_exists("textField placeholder: '#{placeholder_or_view_mark}'") || element_exists("textField marked: '#{placeholder_or_view_mark}'") end end Then /^I wait for (\d+) (?:input|text) field(?:s)?$/ do |count| wait_for(WAIT_TIMEOUT) { query(:textField).count >= count.to_i } end Then /^I wait$/ do sleep 2 end Then /^I wait and wait$/ do sleep 4 end Then /^I wait and wait and wait...$/ do sleep 10 end When /^I wait for ([\d\.]+) second(?:s)?$/ do |num_seconds| sleep num_seconds.to_f end Then /^I go back$/ do touch('navigationItemButtonView first') sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^(?:I\s)?take (?:picture|screenshot)$/ do sleep(STEP_PAUSE) screenshot_embed end Then /^I swipe (left|right|up|down)$/ do |dir| swipe(dir) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I swipe (left|right|up|down) on number (\d+)$/ do |dir, index| index = index.to_i screenshot_and_raise("Index should be positive (was: #{index})") if index <= 0 swipe(dir, { query: "scrollView index: #{index - 1}" }) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I swipe (left|right|up|down) on number (\d+) at x (\d+) and y (\d+)$/ do |dir, index, x, y| index = index.to_i screenshot_and_raise("Index should be positive (was: #{index})") if index <= 0 swipe(dir, { offset: { x: x.to_i, y: y.to_i }, query: "scrollView index: #{index - 1}" }) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I swipe (left|right|up|down) on "([^\"]*)"$/ do |dir, mark| swipe(dir, { query: "view marked: '#{mark}'" }) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I swipe on cell number (\d+)$/ do |index| index = index.to_i screenshot_and_raise("Index should be positive (was: #{index})") if index <= 0 cell_swipe({ query: "tableViewCell index: #{index - 1}" }) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end ### Pinch ### Then /^I pinch to zoom (in|out)$/ do |in_out| pinch(in_out) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I pinch to zoom (in|out) on "([^\"]*)"$/ do |in_out, name| pinch(in_out, { query: "view marked: '#{name}'" }) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end # Note "up/left/right" seems to be missing on the web base Then /^I scroll (left|right|up|down)$/ do |dir| scroll('scrollView index: 0', dir) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I scroll (left|right|up|down) on "([^\"]*)"$/ do |dir, name| scroll("view marked: '#{name}'", dir) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end ### Playback ### Then /^I playback recording "([^\"]*)"$/ do |filename| playback(filename) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I playback recording "([^\"]*)" on "([^\"]*)"$/ do |filename, name| playback(filename, { query: "view marked: '#{name}'" }) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I playback recording "([^\"]*)" on "([^\"]*)" with offset (\d+),(\d+)$/ do |filename, name, x, y| playback(filename, { query: "view marked:'#{name}'", offset: { x: x.to_i, y: y.to_i } }) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I reverse playback recording "([^\"]*)"$/ do |filename| playback(filename, { reverse: true }) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I reverse playback recording "([^\"]*)" on "([^\"]*)"$/ do |filename, name| playback(filename, { query: "view marked: '#{name}'", reverse: true }) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I reverse playback recording "([^\"]*)" on "([^\"]*)" with offset (\d+),(\d+)$/ do |filename, name, x, y| playback(filename, { query: "view marked: '#{name}'", offset: { x: x.to_i, y: y.to_i }, reverse: true }) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end ### Device orientation ### Then /^I rotate device (left|right)$/ do |dir| rotate(dir.to_sym) sleep 5 # Servo wait end Then /^I send app to background for (\d+) seconds$/ do |secs| secs = secs.to_f send_app_to_background(secs) sleep(secs + 10) end ### Assertions ### Then /^I should see "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark| until element_exists("view marked:'#{expected_mark}'") || element_exists("view text:'#{expected_mark}'") screenshot_and_raise "No element found with mark or text: #{expected_mark}" end end Then /^I should not see "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark| res = query("view marked: '#{expected_mark}'") res.concat query("view text: '#{expected_mark}'") unless res.empty? screenshot_and_raise "Expected no element with text nor accessibilityLabel: #{expected_mark}, found #{res.join(', ')}" end end Then /^I should see a "([^\"]*)" button$/ do |expected_mark| check_element_exists("button marked: '#{expected_mark}'") end Then /^I should not see a "([^\"]*)" button$/ do |expected_mark| check_element_does_not_exist("button marked: '#{expected_mark}'") end Then /^I don't see the text "([^\"]*)"$/ do |text| macro %(I should not see "#{text}") end Then /^I don't see the "([^\"]*)"$/ do |text| macro %(I should not see "#{text}") end Then /^I see the text "([^\"]*)"$/ do |text| macro %(I should see "#{text}") end Then /^I see the "([^\"]*)"$/ do |text| macro %(I should see "#{text}") end Then /^I (?:should)? see text starting with "([^\"]*)"$/ do |text| if query("view {text BEGINSWITH '#{text}'}").empty? screenshot_and_raise "No text found starting with: #{text}" end end Then /^I (?:should)? see text containing "([^\"]*)"$/ do |text| if query("view {text LIKE '*#{text}*'}").empty? screenshot_and_raise "No text found containing: #{text}" end end Then /^I (?:should)? see text ending with "([^\"]*)"$/ do |text| if query("view {text ENDSWITH '#{text}'}").empty? screenshot_and_raise "No text found ending with: #{text}" end end Then /^I see (\d+) (?:input|text) field(?:s)?$/ do |count| cnt = query(:textField).count if cnt < count.to_i screenshot_and_raise "Expected at least #{count} text/input fields, found #{cnt}" end end Then /^I should see a "([^\"]*)" (?:input|text) field$/ do |expected_mark| unless element_exists("textField placeholder: '#{expected_mark}'") || element_exists("textField marked: '#{expected_mark}'") screenshot_and_raise "Expected textfield with placeholder or accessibilityLabel: #{expected_mark}" end end Then /^I should not see a "([^\"]*)" (?:input|text) field$/ do |expected_mark| res = query("textField placeholder: '#{expected_mark}'") res.concat query("textField marked: '#{expected_mark}'") unless res.empty? screenshot_and_raise "Expected no textfield with placeholder nor accessibilityLabel: #{expected_mark}, found #{res}" end end Then /^I should see a map$/ do check_element_exists("view: 'MKMapView'") end Then /^I should see (?:the)? user location$/ do check_element_exists("view: 'MKUserLocationView'") end ### Date Picker ### # time_str can be in any format that Time can parse Then(/^I change the date picker time to "([^"]*)"$/) do |time_str| target_time = Time.parse(time_str) current_date = date_time_from_picker current_date = DateTime.new(current_date.year, current_date.mon, current_date.day, target_time.hour, target_time.min, 0, target_time.gmt_offset) picker_set_date_time current_date sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end # date_str can be in any format that Date can parse Then(/^I change the date picker date to "([^"]*)"$/) do |date_str| target_date = Date.parse(date_str) current_time = date_time_from_picker date_time = DateTime.new(target_date.year, target_date.mon, target_date.day, current_time.hour, current_time.min, 0, Time.now.sec, current_time.offset) picker_set_date_time date_time sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end # date_str can be in any format that Date can parse Then(/^I change the date picker date to "([^"]*)" at "([^"]*)"$/) do |date_str, time_str| macro %(I change the date picker time to "#{time_str}") macro %(I change the date picker date to "#{date_str}") end