#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require "bundler/setup" require "optparse" require_relative "../lib/gitlab_quality/test_tooling" params = {} options = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{$PROGRAM_NAME} [options]" opts.on('-i', '--input-files INPUT_FILES', String, 'RSpec report files (JSON or JUnit XML)') do |input_files| params[:input_files] = input_files end opts.on('--max-diff-ratio MAX_DIFF_RATO', Float, 'Max stacktrace diff ratio for failure issues detection') do |max_diff_ratio| params[:max_diff_ratio] = max_diff_ratio end opts.on('-p', '--project PROJECT', String, 'Can be an integer or a group/project string') do |project| params[:project] = project end opts.on('-t', '--token TOKEN', String, 'A valid access token with `api` scope and Maintainer permission in PROJECT') do |token| params[:token] = token end opts.on('-r', '--related-issues-file RELATED_ISSUES_FILE', String, 'The file path for the related issues') do |related_issues_file| params[:related_issues_file] = related_issues_file end opts.on('--system-log-files SYSTEM_LOG_FILES', String, 'Include errors from system logs in failure issues') do |system_log_files| params[:system_logs] = system_log_files end opts.on('--base-issue-labels BASE_ISSUE_LABELS', String, 'Labels to add to new failure issues') do |base_issue_labels| params[:base_issue_labels] = base_issue_labels.split(',') end opts.on('--exclude-labels-for-search EXCLUDE_LABELS_FOR_SEARCH', String, 'Labels to exclude when searching for existing issues') do |exclude_labels_for_search| params[:exclude_labels_for_search] = exclude_labels_for_search.split(',') end opts.on('--confidential', "Makes created new issues confidential") do params[:confidential] = true end opts.on('--dry-run', "Perform a dry-run (don't create or update issues)") do params[:dry_run] = true end opts.on_tail('-v', '--version', 'Show the version') do require_relative "../lib/gitlab_quality/test_tooling/version" puts "#{$PROGRAM_NAME} : #{GitlabQuality::TestTooling::VERSION}" exit end opts.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show the usage') do puts "Purpose: Relate test failures to failure issues from RSpec report files (JSON or JUnit XML)" puts opts exit end opts.parse(ARGV) end if params.any? GitlabQuality::TestTooling::Report::RelateFailureIssue.new(**params).invoke! else puts options exit 1 end