== 1.1.6 - 31-Aug-2007 * Fixed the File.touch method so that it doesn't whack existing files. Thanks go to Thomas Preymesser for the spot. * Added corresponding tests to the tc_touch.rb file. == 1.1.5 - 19-Jul-2007 * Added the File.image? method. Inspired by ruby-talk: 260487. == 1.1.4 - 21-May-2007 * Removed the install.rb file. Installation is now handled exclusively by the rake install task. * Updated the MANIFEST file, and made it rdoc friendly. * Manual installation corrections in the README file. == 1.1.3 - 29-Apr-2007 * I changed the way that the constants IS_WINDOWS and WIN32EXTS are defined. * The IS_WINDOWS and WIN32EXTS are no long documented publically. They were never meant for public use. * The tc_constants.rb file was modified to only run certain tests on Windows. == 1.1.2 - 28-Apr-2007 * Fixed a require line that could cause problems on MS Windows. * Added a Rakefile which includes tasks for installation and testing. * Some cleanup and improvement in the various test files. == 1.1.1 - 24-Aug-2006 * Added the File.binary? method, based on code from Ryan Davis. == 1.1.0 - 23-Aug-2006 * Added the File.null method which returns the bit bucket on your platform. * The suffixes on MS Windows are now based on the PATHEXT environment variable, and defaults to '.com', '.bat' and '.exe' only if it's not defined. * The File.which and File.whereis methods were tweaked a bit for Windows so that they ignore the case of suffixes. * Modified the platform checking and path separator handling. * Added and tweaked some tests. == 1.0.0 - 2-Jun-2005 * Modified the File.middle method to accept an optional block. * File.whereis is now limited to unique values so that redundant PATH entries do not cause redundant entries in the returned array (or block). * File.nl_convert and File.touch now return self. * File.nl_convert now raises ArgumentError (instead of StandardError) if an unknown platform is provided. * File.wc now raises ArgumentError (instead of RuntimeError) if a bad option is provided. * Made documentation rdoc friendly. * Test suite updates, corrections and additions. * Removed the INSTALL file. See the README instead. * Moved project to RubyForge. == 0.1.3 - 5-Dec-2003 * Modified File#which and File#whereis for Win32 to handle extensions better, i.e. you can send "ruby" or "ruby.exe" and get back the same result. * Minor test changes to tc_which.rb and tc_whereis.rb. == 0.1.2 - 14-May-2003 * Modified nl_convert() to allow the destination filename to be the same as the source file. In that case, a tempfile is used and copied back over the original file. * The target file name for nl_convert() now defaults to the source file name and the default format is now "dos". * Added a tc_constants.rb test suite. * Test suite additions/fixes. * Updates to MANIFEST. == 0.1.1 - 21-Mar-2003 * Modified File.tail to return data in the same order that 'tail' does. * Modified File.which to return nil if the program is not found. * Modified File.whereis now uses '\' instead of '/' on MS Windows. * Added File.middle class method. * Test suite modification & additions. * Thanks go to Shanko for both the spot and patch for tail, which, whereis and middle. == 0.1.0 - 18-Mar-2003 * Initial release