module AfipWsfe # Authorization class. Handles interactions wiht the WSAA, to provide # valid key and signature that will last for a day. # class Wsaa def initialize(url=nil) AfipWsfe.environment ||= :test @client = Savon.client( wsdl: AfipWsfe::URLS[AfipWsfe.environment][:wsaa], namespaces: { "xmlns:soapenv" => "", "xmlns:ar" => "" }, log: AfipWsfe.log?, log_level: AfipWsfe.log_level || :debug, ssl_verify_mode: :none, read_timeout: 90, open_timeout: 90, headers: { "Accept-Encoding" => "gzip, deflate", "Connection" => "Keep-Alive" }, convert_request_keys_to: :none ) @cms = nil @performed = false @response = nil end def login raise "Archivo de llave privada no encontrado en #{ AfipWsfe.pkey }" unless File.exists?(AfipWsfe.pkey) raise "Archivo certificado no encontrado en #{ AfipWsfe.cert }" unless File.exists?(AfipWsfe.cert) build_tra call_web_service parse_response status end def status return false unless @performed @response.success? end protected def build_tra now = from = now.beginning_of_day.strftime('%FT%T%:z') to = now.end_of_day.strftime('%FT%T%:z') id = now.strftime('%s') tra = { "header" => { "uniqueId" => id, "generationTime" => from, "expirationTime" => to }, "service" => "wsfe" }.to_xml(root: "loginTicketRequest") @cms = `echo '#{ tra }' | #{ AfipWsfe.openssl_bin } cms -sign -in /dev/stdin -signer #{ AfipWsfe.cert } -inkey #{ AfipWsfe.pkey } -nodetach -outform der | #{ AfipWsfe.openssl_bin } base64 -e` end def call_web_service body = { "ns1:in0" => @cms } @response = :login_cms, message: body @performed = true end def parse_response if status response_hash = Hash.from_xml @response.body[:login_cms_response][:login_cms_return] token = response_hash["loginTicketResponse"]["credentials"]["token"] sign = response_hash["loginTicketResponse"]["credentials"]["sign"] write_yaml(token, sign) end end def write_yaml(token, sign) filename = "/tmp/bravo_#{ AfipWsfe.cuit }_#{'%Y_%m_%d') }.yml" content = { token: token, sign: sign }, 'w') { |f| f.write content.to_yaml } end end end