class SlackSmartBot def get_help(rules_file, dest, from, only_rules, expanded, descriptions: true, only_normal_user: false) order = { general: [:bot_help, :hi_bot, :bye_bot, :add_admin, :remove_admin, :see_admins, :poster, :add_announcement, :delete_announcement, :see_announcements, :see_command_ids, :share_messages, :see_shares, :delete_share, :see_favorite_commands, :see_statuses, :allow_access, :see_access, :deny_access, :add_team, :add_memo_team, :delete_memo_team, :set_memo_status, :see_teams, :update_team, :ping_team, :delete_team, :add_vacation, :remove_vacation, :see_vacations, :see_vacations_team], on_bot_general: [:whats_new, :suggest_command, :bot_status, :use_rules, :stop_using_rules, :bot_stats, :leaderboard], on_bot: [:ruby_code, :repl, :get_repl, :run_repl, :delete_repl, :see_repls, :kill_repl, :add_shortcut, :delete_shortcut, :see_shortcuts], on_bot_admin: [:extend_rules, :stop_using_rules_on, :start_bot, :pause_bot, :add_routine, :see_routines, :start_routine, :pause_routine, :remove_routine, :see_result_routine, :run_routine] } if config.masters.include?(from) user_type = :master # master admin elsif is_admin?(from) user_type = :admin else user_type = :normal #normal user end # channel_type: :bot, :master_bot, :direct, :extended, :external if dest[0] == "D" channel_type = :direct elsif config.on_master_bot channel_type = :master_bot elsif @channel_id != dest channel_type = :extended else channel_type = :bot end if Thread.current[:typem] == :on_pg or Thread.current[:typem] == :on_pub channel_type = :external end if only_normal_user user_type = :normal channel_type = :bot end @help_messages_expanded ||= build_help("#{__dir__}/../commands", true) @help_messages_not_expanded ||= build_help("#{__dir__}/../commands", false) if only_rules help = {} elsif expanded help = @help_messages_expanded.deep_copy[user_type] else help = @help_messages_not_expanded.deep_copy[user_type] end if rules_file != "" help[:rules_file] = build_help(config.path+rules_file, expanded)[user_type].values.join("\n") + "\n" # to get all the help from other rules files added to the main rules file by using require or load. For example general_rules.rb res = IO.readlines(config.path+rules_file).join.scan(/$\s*(load|require)\s("|')(.+)("|')/) rules_help = [] txt = '' if res.size>0 res.each do |r| begin eval("txt = \"#{r[2]}\"") rules_help << txt if File.exist?(txt) rescue end end end rules_help.each do |rh| rhelp = build_help(rh, expanded) help[:rules_file] += rhelp[user_type].values.join("\n") + "\n" end end help[:general_commands_file] = build_help("#{__dir__}/../commands/general_bot_commands.rb", expanded)[user_type].values.join("\n") + "\n" unless only_rules if File.exist?(config.path + '/rules/general_commands.rb') and !only_rules help[:general_commands_file] += build_help(config.path+'/rules/general_commands.rb', expanded)[user_type].values.join("\n") + "\n" end if help.key?(:on_bot) commands_on_extended_from_on_bot = [:repl, :see_repls, :get_repl, :run_repl, :delete_repl, :kill_repl, :ruby_code] commands_on_extended_from_on_bot.each do |cm| help[:on_extended][cm] = help[:on_bot][cm] if help[:on_bot].key?(cm) end end help = remove_hash_keys(help, :admin_master) unless user_type == :master help = remove_hash_keys(help, :admin) unless user_type == :admin or user_type == :master help = remove_hash_keys(help, :on_master) unless channel_type == :master_bot help = remove_hash_keys(help, :on_extended) unless channel_type == :extended help = remove_hash_keys(help, :on_dm) unless channel_type == :direct txt = "" if (channel_type == :bot or channel_type == :master_bot) and expanded and descriptions txt += "=================================== For the Smart Bot start listening to you say *hi bot* To run a command on demand even when the Smart Bot is not listening to you: *!THE_COMMAND* *@NAME_OF_BOT THE_COMMAND* *NAME_OF_BOT THE_COMMAND* To run a command on demand and add the respond on a thread: *^THE_COMMAND* *!!THE_COMMAND*\n" end if channel_type == :direct and expanded and descriptions txt += "=================================== When on a private conversation with the Smart Bot, I'm always listening to you.\n" end unless channel_type == :master_bot or channel_type == :extended or !expanded or !descriptions txt += "=================================== *Commands from Channels without a bot:* ---------------------------------------------- `@BOT_NAME on #CHANNEL_NAME COMMAND` `@BOT_NAME #CHANNEL_NAME COMMAND` It will run the supplied command using the rules on the channel supplied. You need to join the specified channel to be able to use those rules. Also you can use this command to call another bot from a channel with a running bot. \n" end if help.key?(:general_commands_file) txt += "=================================== *General commands on any channel where the Smart Bot is a member:*\n" if descriptions txt += help.general_commands_file end if help.key?(:on_bot) and help.on_bot.key?(:general) and channel_type != :external and channel_type != :extended if descriptions if channel_type == :direct txt += "=================================== *General commands:*\n" else txt += "=================================== *General commands on Bot channel even when the Smart Bot is not listening to you:*\n" end end order.on_bot_general.each do |o| txt += help.on_bot.general[o] end if channel_type == :master_bot txt += help.on_master.create_bot txt += help.on_master.where_smartbot end end if help.key?(:on_bot) and channel_type != :external and channel_type != :extended if descriptions if channel_type == :direct txt += "=================================== *General commands on bot, DM or on external call on demand:*\n" else txt += "=================================== *General commands on Bot channel only when the Smart Bot is listening to you or on demand:*\n" end end order.on_bot.each do |o| txt += help.on_bot[o] end end if help.key?(:on_extended) and channel_type == :extended and help[:on_extended].keys.size > 0 if descriptions txt += "=================================== *General commands on Extended channel only on demand:*\n" end commands_on_extended_from_on_bot.each do |o| txt += help.on_extended[o] end end if help.key?(:on_bot) and help.on_bot.key?(:admin) and channel_type != :external and channel_type != :extended txt += "=================================== *Admin commands:*\n\n" if descriptions order.on_bot_admin.each do |o| txt += help.on_bot.admin[o] end if help.key?(:on_master) and help.on_master.key?(:admin) help.on_master.admin.each do |k, v| txt += v if v.is_a?(String) end end end if help.key?(:on_bot) and help.on_bot.key?(:admin_master) and help.on_bot.admin_master.size > 0 and channel_type != :external and channel_type != :extended txt += "=================================== *Master Admin commands:*\n" if descriptions help.on_bot.admin_master.each do |k, v| txt += v if v.is_a?(String) end end if help.key?(:on_master) and help.on_master.key?(:admin_master) and help.on_master.admin_master.size > 0 and channel_type != :external and channel_type != :extended txt += "=================================== *Master Admin commands:*\n" unless txt.include?('*Master Admin commands*') or !descriptions help.on_master.admin_master.each do |k, v| txt += v if v.is_a?(String) end end if help.key?(:rules_file) and channel_type != :external channel_type if config.testing if channel_type == :extended or channel_type == :direct help.rules_file if config.testing help.rules_file = help.rules_file.gsub(/^\s*\*These are specific commands.+NAME_OF_BOT THE_COMMAND`\s*$/im, "") end if !help.rules_file.to_s.include?('These are specific commands') and help.rules_file!='' txt += "=================================== *Specific commands on this Channel, call them !THE_COMMAND or !!THE_COMMAND:*\n" if descriptions end txt += help.rules_file end return txt end end