module Kuppayam module ActionView # This module creates Bootstrap wrappers around basic View Tags module ThemeHelper # theme_fa_icon('plus') # # theme_fa_icon('plus', 'lg') # # TBR: To Be Removed def theme_fa_icon(icon_text, size="") size_class = %w{lg 2x 3x 4x 5x}.include?(size.strip) ? " fa-#{size.strip}" : "" "" end # theme_button_text('New Project') # New Project # TBR: To Be Removed def theme_button_text(text) "" end # theme_button is used to create buttons which has built in classes and icons # e.g: # theme_button('New Project', 'plus', new_admin_project_path) # The above is equivalent to # link_to raw(" New Project"), new_admin_project_path, :class=>"btn btn-primary pull-right ml-5", :remote=>true # And produces the following html # New Project # TBR: To Be Removed def theme_button(text, icon, url, options={}) options.reverse_merge!( method: :get, remote: true, btn_type: :primary, btn_size: :md, classes: "pull-right ml-5 mb-5", data: {} ) display_content = raw(theme_fa_icon(icon)+theme_button_text(text)) link_to(display_content, url, :class=>"btn btn-#{options[:btn_type]} btn-#{options[:btn_size]} #{options[:classes]}", :remote=>options[:remote], method: options[:method], data: options[:data]) end # Example # theme_edit_button(edit_admin_project_path(@project)) # is equivalent to: # --------------------------- # link_to raw(" Edit"), edit_admin_project_path(@project), :class=>"btn btn-default btn-xs pull-right ml-10", :remote=>true %> def theme_edit_button(url, options={}) options.reverse_merge!( text: "Edit", icon: "edit", method: :get, remote: true, btn_type: :default, btn_size: :xs, classes: "pull-right ml-10" ) theme_button(options[:text], options[:icon], url, options) end # Example # theme_delete_button(admin_project_path(@project)) # is equivalent to: # --------------------------- # link_to raw(" Delete"), admin_project_path(@project), method: :delete, data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' }, :class=>"btn btn-danger btn-xs pull-right", :remote=>true def theme_delete_button(url, options={}) options.reverse_merge!( text: "Delete", icon: "trash", method: :delete, remote: true, btn_type: :danger, btn_size: :xs, classes: "pull-right ml-10", data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' } ) theme_button(options[:text], options[:icon], url, options) end # theme_heading(heading) # theme_heading(heading, icon='cog') #
Manage Projects
def theme_heading(heading, **options) options.reverse_merge!( icon: '', row_class: "", col_class: "" ) content_tag :div, class: "row mb-10 #{options[:row_class]}" do content_tag :div, class: "fs-22 col-sm-12 #{options[:col_class]}" do raw((options[:icon].blank? ? '' : theme_fa_icon(options[:icon], 'lg')) + " #{heading}") end end end def theme_drop_down(collection, method_name, **options) options.reverse_merge!( text: "Click to View Items", scope: :admin ) content_tag(:div, class: "btn-group mt-10 mb-10", style: "width:100%;") do button_tag(type: 'button', :class => "btn btn-default btn-block dropdown-toggle", "data-toggle" => "dropdown") do raw(options[:text] + content_tag(:span, "", class: "caret")) end + content_tag(:ul, class: "dropdown-menu", role: "menu") do li_array = [] collection.each do |item| li_array << content_tag(:li) do url = main_app.url_for([options[:scope], item]) link_to item.send(method_name), url, :remote => true end end raw(li_array.join(" ")) + content_tag(:li, link_to_next_page(collection, 'Next Page', :remote => true)) + content_tag(:li, link_to_previous_page(collection, 'Previous Page', :remote => true)) end end end def clear_tag(height=nil) height_class = height ? " cl-#{height}" : "" content_tag(:div, "", class: "clearfix#{height_class}") end # Example # theme_panel_message("No Results found") # # is equivalent to: # --------------------------- #
# "No Results found" #
def theme_panel_message(message) content_tag(:div, class: "panel panel-default panel-message text-color-grey p-80 text-align-center", style: "height:200px;width:100%;") do raw(message) end end # Example # theme_panel_title("Team Members") # # is equivalent to: # --------------------------- #

Team Members

def theme_panel_title(title, classes="") content_tag(:h3, title, class: "panel-title #{classes}") end # Example # theme_item_title(, admin_project_path(project)) # # is equivalent to: # --------------------------- # <%= link_to, admin_project_path(project), :remote=>true, :class=>"text-color-blue fs-16" %> def theme_item_title(title, url, classes = "text-color-blue fs-16", remote=true) link_to(title, url, :remote=>remote, :class=>classes) end # Example # theme_item_sub_title( # # is equivalent to: # --------------------------- #
<%= if project.customer %>
def theme_item_sub_title(text, classes = "text-color-red fs-14") content_tag(:div, text, class: classes) end # Example # theme_item_description(, 120) # # is equivalent to: # --------------------------- #
<%= project.customer.description %>
def theme_item_description(text, limit=120, classes = "text-color-grey fs-12") description = truncate(text, limit: limit) content_tag(:div, description, class: classes) end # Example # theme_panel_heading( # is equivalent to: # --------------------------- #
<%= %>
def theme_panel_heading(text, classes="fs-24 text-color-green") content_tag(:div, text, class: classes) end # Example # theme_panel_sub_heading(, admin_customer_path(@project.customer)) # is equivalent to: # --------------------------- # link_to(, admin_customer_path(@project.customer), class: "fs-16 text-color-red") def theme_panel_sub_heading(text, url, classes="fs-16 text-color-red") link_to(text, url, class: classes) end # Example # theme_panel_description(@project.pretty_url, "fs-14") # theme_panel_description(@project.description, "fs-14 mt-10") # is equivalent to: # --------------------------- #
<%= @project.pretty_url %>
<%= @project.description %>
def theme_panel_description(text, classes="fs-14") content_tag(:div, text, class: classes) end def drop_down_filter(text, items, **options) options.reverse_merge!( color: "white", remote: false ) content_tag(:div, class: "btn-group") do content_tag(:button, text, class: "btn btn-#{options[:color]}", type: :button) + content_tag(:button, class: "btn btn-#{options[:color]} dropdown-toggle", type: :button, "data-toggle": "dropdown", "aria-haspopup": "true", "aria-expanded": "false") do content_tag(:span, "", class: "caret") + content_tag(:span, "Toggle Dropdown", class: "sr-only") end + content_tag(:ul, class: "dropdown-menu") do items.collect {|item, link| concat(content_tag(:li, link_to(item, link, remote: options[:remote])))} end end end end end end