thanks for the #ff mate. have a great weekend! :) :) #zodiacfacts capricorns are better than every other sign. lol... #troublemaker if you follow ---> then tell me ill give you a shoutouttt! :d i never participate in #ff but follow because he is the best :-) #shoutout back thank u ^_^ olee2 ya today's plan so far... water sports at tj.benoa, shopping... uhuuuyy.. mudah2an lancar smua.. :) #jonasbrothers are my entire life :) you should def. spam mine(: :d pleassse? i am dying to know your thoughts on the movie :) lol my groceries just came to 101.01. quick, programmers what's the hidden message?? :) i got you =) ha what's good i'm home, tired, hungry but feeling very blessed to have such great people in my life :) check this video out -- dancing cheek to cheek fred astaire and ginger rogers i ♥ it, forever! :) so sweet! like to keep my fave tweeps amused... :) retweet: if you want a shoutout [must be following us though] :d aww! :) thanks! i actually really like him....amd his son! :) :) just in bed! you? heyo!!!!!! watching some dodgers baseball :) 2 days til opening day how are you!? :d hah! i got into a bike accident so i haven't ridden a bike for 4 years && bus takes tooo long! you guys should pick me up :) followed :) april 11th will be filming for steve cruz. i will be the top 4 this bottom! :) follow me :) oh coolies ^_^ #ff she's gorgeous w/ tht capital g! :) loyalty :) :) love you bella! lol can some people please follow now? (: they're beliebers! gooooooo :) okay ; followed . :) . twitter decided to work lol we'll have to have dave invite you :-) ill give you a shoutout if you know my name and tweet me it :) thanks for the ff# :) woot 19,200 but whos counting :) << whoa! i wanna get like u hun lol well that makes me feel better. :) haha, plus i always talk like a tard to people. made a small change that will allow countless funny #json #oneliners in #mojolicious, enjoy. :) #perl :( have f-u-n .......... :) welcome home. :) *chuuu~* looks lovely! :d look at us in our shiny new "my photos rock on canvas!" t-shirts from :-) put ur boobs way .. : ) on our way to pick up ♥ aww i won :) thankyou naww we qota beach in my state ; i live in sc ..... an awwwh i'll be yur distant lover :) are you going out or just staying home? :) i really miss & love the way you say "crap". just saying. can u pls say it a lot on purpose next time we talk? "bull crep." : ) yeah, i was afraid of that. :-) yeah but not really im getting kissed by by mistake , yeah be jealous :) happy birthday aaron :) i love you! you're the best person evar. ahahaha, well ur stunning too sista!, iloveyou&thanks :) thx :) #ff (cont) u can't deny that it is a good idea , huh? :d yes, i did run for you today. :). it was supposed to be a rest day. you did 6 miles. :) hii!:d i'm on my way to pick up my friend, it's so pretty tonight :) how are you? rt: yesss, what are we watching? =) <umm yu want sumthing funny or romantic?? logic 9 open right now.... let's see what kind of trouble i can get into today! :) lol....where do you find this stuff?? that did get a chuckle..thanks babe :) good, good friday! :) just missed the tennesse state sign..nothing a little turnaround can't fix :) #newfollowers :) #shoutouts ayyyyyyy :d enough said « there ain't nothing like uptown nuttys whattuuuup everyonnne ? :) tweeet me going outside and listening to my ipod :) texting too oh. where have i been? since there's i should have known --> :d aaaaye arabbuddy :) lol nothing jus laying down. my head hurts . hbuu? up up up! #jonasbrothers !!! =) you know, that seems fitting for you, an earth day birthday :-) yes! very proud :) photos from teaparty express iii omaha: #ocra #ucot #teaparty // i was there :) hey your so close to 10,000 followers :) lmao me too! and you can add stephen batchelor in the mix :) lmao!!! exactly!!!! :d ohkaay so the last song was absolutley amazing,i have never cried that much for a movie! miley is amazing :) im making a multi-fandom couple vid....couple suggestions? :) =) what you doin heading to my bed now. tomorrow is going to be exciting :-) have a good night's rest and i'll see you in the morning! toodle pip home dawgs. shower time =) then make up n to the club. cuz tonight i'm rollin on my birth suit syke! jk i love your taste in music :) | thanks for tunin in woo yeah 3000subs!!!thanks guys :d and also thanks to for the shout out ^^ <333 you are very welcome :) ##ff plasticauburn :) high winds knocked out the power candlelight, scrabble, satellite internet powered by the generator life is good :) #follow ====> ladies u want him to follow? tell him i sent u and ask for a follow :) so far it's just and myself :) anyone is welcomed to join! someone needs to make the app.. they have a "find the nearest toilet" app so someone needs to jump on it :) so is also gone to bed with a sore throat cos we were talking so much & catching up on 6 weeks apart :) thank you so much :) thank you! :) thank you :) grrrrrr. cheesecake is my hidden weakness, and i love your mom :d funny... :) everyone go follow -----> if you love jb i know you will :) will do :) rockets and celtics in ot? lovin' it! :d i kinda had to add that text.. its like, the bestest quote ever. :d :) i kno i kno. :) how far would bufalo be tho in comparison to boston? we're in a "blazing sunset drought" in past couple of weeks in colorado. nothing too wild or colorful, but they're coming! :) i'll listen to it when i'm at my comp :) ur welcome =) twilight? boooo! watch let the right one in :) #jonasbrothers are so amazingly amzing that i cant even descibe how amazingly amazing they are. :d thanks! :) nah leicester and keele are way to far and expensive to visit!!! :d #ff the real deals :) ducky world is great :) kicking back sounds great to me! hoping everyone is enjoying the easter weekend. i got an audition today :d enjoy it! i want a copy of my first film appearance someday fyi :-) is dmv there?! good luck! if you like lots of snark, is great for #ff. :) also great #ff ppl. what's that mean? mannnnnnnnnnn tonight is looking like one of those nights!! :) my friend, nancy deville, wrote an amazing book called karma. i couldn't put it down! please rt! :) i'm heading up to vancouver next week for #f5. anyone in the area want to grab a coffee while i'm there? looking to meet some new folks. :) watchin the crawl video :) good thanks you? :) awww hugs are totally legal :) you can use a cattle prod for some carnage lol older than that :) going to wash my face and change into pj's. hopefully my prom dress vid will be uploaded by the time i return :d plz follow us were bieber & jonas fans who want the fighting to stop! :) #jonasbieberpeace im so so....just want to meet now :d thanks :d follow her everyone! lol ours is only 2 blocks away so it's not a big deal :) lol thanks...i was in the mood for a little 'superheroism'. :) does that mean i get to sleep late tomorrow? :) we're a marriage of nerds :d they're so bad that suspended account =) rant against now ;-) so excited for our walk & picnic tomorrow (if sir harry cooperates)! i love little family outings :) britten the young person’s guide to the orchestra – london symphony orchestra/benjamin britten #classicftc <=hooked :-) yeah we have, woah you saying that make me feel soo loved :l hahaha yeaah im real good thanks :d that's why we got it, too :) yeah! let's sold out this ! , go 2 ! there are 5* & 4 * still avaliable 4 concerts! x :) i'm really interested in how they resolve everything :) #fringe mayyyybee.. it comes naturally :d #chicity here i come...are your your ready for the havoc me & my girls are gonna do this weekend? #ihopeso :) aaah!! you spoiler it for me. lol! :) i dvr'd it and haven't watched yet. ----- it's ok though. hey :) have we met? i dont recall your name it's still cool to me, kristy :) ^_^ welp.. #truthis came to my mind.. so i did it! lol r : follow me :) popcorn is nutritious, corn is a veggie. do not tarnish my righteous , unfrosted glow :d nice! sounds like a great birthday of beauty and art. enjoy and happy birthday :) i already watched #foodrevolution it was awesome :) i have teenagers... i was soo proud of those kids! i am 4 away from 100. subscribe to for weekly shows and interviews :) ikr~! :d i had fun..xd so, any plans for the weekend? :d yeah, i wasn't feeling good change :) lmao for the vid. thanks! :) new bg and icon :d ayee song is playing on the radio, it made me happy =) peanut head :) what's good? i miss chatting with you. can't wait :) follow me :) you make sure she has a good day :) wish i was there too :) how is it?! thumbs up! :) :) it would be pretty boring if we all liked all the same stuff, huh? whoo hoo!! glad to see you get your mayorship back =) they're the best, i love writing them back with 3x the vitriol it's therapy. : ) awww wats wrong girlie? don't b a loner...u have us! lol *lmao i know :) hehehe! :) #ff that hot guy or girl you saw today. just starting following them around. /via // ha!! yea i was like soo obsessed wid youtube before i had twitter but now i love twitter :) more!<3 plz follow us were bieber & jonas fans who want the fighting to stop! :) #jonasbieberpeace it's shock that you didn't see the original clash of the titans. it was a total classic, right up there with flash gordon :) in math- teacher: what makes objects fall? me: chuck norris! teacher: no, gravity. me: well, it was worth a shot. :) haha. no problem! :) follow back please. sent me btw :) i want to do a huge feature of your charity work on my humanitarain blog! follow so i can dm you! :) i just found out i got some uk in me where my essex people at <<<< lol right here :) excuse me... but diane lane is hot!!! i can be her cananna boy =) hey there!! :d i'll do 10 for 10!! :) this message and follow for a chance to win an apple ipad. and you don't have to be irish :) is cookin dinner for me...i love her.she's kind of an amazing person and i'm a lucky lady to have a friend like her :) heeey guys! go folllow for #followfriday ! he's cuute & has awesome musical taste. kgo. :) had a 'secret ambition' style for a victory tonight! :) they have hunts for different age groups,she's have a blast. : ) they making seafood :) lol whereeee ? gonna be in lockport for show at outpost in lockport for awhile then probably gonna be hanging out with squirtgun later! :) k my ipod touch has like 20% battery left guess i can't talk ... lol:)<3 tweet when i get home ! :) thnk u :) major treat for and i, indulging in a few episodes of what not to wear :-) ;o dont do that, lol okaaay talk tomorrow :) nightt xx lol okay :) so we both win me.. i think i'm going to sit back and watch how this all plays out. as always, interesting to watch the marketing strategy. =) thank you :-) vote for us? please.... :) gosh. haha. i love all my haters...but i lovvveee my lovers :) follow me :) new episode is now up! please?! :) do you eat a special diet of any type? do you practice any health habits in your daily life? :) big night? at least you didn't lose your jewellery, try and get it fixed... i hope :-) where'd you go last night? retweet: if you want a shoutout [must be following us though] :d hey mama....i am going to send you an email :) okay doki, i'm going to sleep now, so i'll gather you artists at someother time (well, try datsik dubstep) anyway, goodnight :) thanks so much for the #ff love! :d how are ya? another good color and cut at shear expression in la :) (traditional after cut pic) #twilight mentioned in ghost whisperer =) #nowplaying here you come again. <3 :) q:i know right! and ur not a fatty! :) a:yes i am! totally understand. :-) i roasted almost a pound of asparagus tonight and that was my comfort dinner. and, um, some chocolate chips. :) and what was that april fools? complete epic failure, but in a good way. dm me your skype : ) hallooooo :) hey u :)